Search results for ""author karl könig""
Brandes + Apsel Verlag Gm Gegenbertragung und die Persnlichkeit des Psychotherapeuten
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kleine Psychoanalytische Charakterkunde
Waldorf Publications Arithmetic with Zoological Considerations
A practical and helpful guide to teaching mathematics from Dr Karl König, founder of the Camphill movement.
Floris Books Social Farming: Healing Humanity and the Earth
'The task is to create a form of social life by which the soil, the plants, the animals are in harmony with each other.' -- Karl KönigKarl König was deeply concerned for the relationship between the earth and humanity, and how landscape, plants and animals contribute to that relationship.This book presents sixteen lectures and essays by König, which explore the connection between biodynamics, domestic animals, elemental beings and many other aspects of farming and agriculture, all the time looking for how harmony and balance can be achieved in relation to the needs of human beings.This includes a revised edition of material previously published in Earth and Man.
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Die Jahreszeiten und ihre Feste
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Bruder Tier
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Der Traum des Mönchs
Floris Books Before Birth and Beyond Death: The Transformation of the Human Being
"We could all benefit positively if we direct our thoughts to all of humankind and consider that birth and death are only portals. We must recognise that the greater part of humankind exists beyond these portals and that we are one with them." -- Karl König Karl König, following Rudolf Steiner's teachings, believed that human beings are eternal and that our time in our earthly bodies is just one part of our journey. Our souls exist before birth and continue on beyond death until they are reborn. In these important lectures and essays, König argues that the greatest part of our community exists beyond this earthly life. He calls on us not to neglect our connection with them and encourages us to solicit their guidance so that we might rediscover the values that our society has lost. In this remarkable book, König suggests that by changing our everyday thinking, we can create a bridge across the threshold of death, allowing essential communication between humans in different states of being and uniting humankind to the benefit of all.
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Die ersten drei Jahre des Kindes Erwerb des aufrechten Ganges Erlernen der Muttersprache Erwachen des Denkens
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Gegen Bertragungsanalyse
Floris Books Stories, Poems and Meditations
Alongside his work with the Camphill movement, Karl König was a prolific writer of stories, poems and meditative verses. This book contains: -- A selection of his creative work -- Verses for specific occasions -- Twenty-four poems -- Four stories for children-- Ten other short stories, including Also a Christmas StoryAn extensive introductory essay explores the cultural environments in which König was writing -- including Vienna in the early twentieth century, and the challenging times leading up to the Second World War -- and discusses the creative development of his literary work.
Floris Books Plays for the Festivals of the Year
Karl König's plays for the festivals of the year are arguably his most original creations. Written to be performed in Camphill communities, they show a deep understanding of the Christian festivals.With one exception, all fourteen plays were written during the early years of the Camphill movement, and König's hope was that their performance would help bring communities together. Not only is their content entertaining and informative, but the act of performing provides great benefits as social therapy. Since then, the plays have been translated into many languages and performed in Camphill and other communities around the world.This is the first time that the original texts of all the plays have been published together. They are presented with an introduction and commentary by series editor Richard Steel, alongside fascinating performance photographs.
Floris Books Nutrition from Earth and Cosmos
Food quality is an important issue for our modern world. There is an increasing awareness that empty calories and mass-produced food don't offer the quality nutrition that people need, and that smaller amounts of better-quality food could help combat the epidemic of obesity sweeping the western world.Karl König recognised the significance of human nutrition nearly one hundred years ago. In the 1920s he started lecturing on the subject as part of a programme of social help in deprived city areas, and in 1936 gave a course for physicians and educators. This book contains two essays and sixteen lectures ranging from the significance of nutrition in early childhood and during illness, and descriptions of the digestive process and the inner organs from a spiritual point of view, to his ideas about the future development of nourishment. König's work is introduced by three contemporary researchers into nutritional practice, and finishes with König's appreciation of the only mealtime grace given by Rudolf Steiner.
Floris Books The Spirit of Camphill: Birth of a Movement
Fleeing from Nazi Europe in the late 1930s, Austrian-born Karl König and his colleagues founded the first Camphill community, for children with special needs, outside Aberdeen in the north of Scotland. The seven essays by König in this book explain the principles behind what would grow to become a worldwide movement.The insights in this book reveal the inner motivations that drove König and his team to persevere with their social project, and help modern-day readers to understand how they succeeded in building a network that now numbers over one hundred communities in twenty countries around the world.Includes extensive diary excerpts, documents and photographs from the Karl König Archive.
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Kaspar Hauser Das Kind Europas
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Jenseits von Tod und Geburt
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Die zwölf Sinne des Menschen
Freies Geistesleben GmbH Die zwlf Sinne des Menschen Der Kreis der zwlf Sinne und die IchEntwicklung
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Abwehrmechanismen
Floris Books Music Therapy
A thought-provoking collection of essays, lectures and notes on music therapy by Karl König exploring studies on hearing, the nature of musical experience and the role of music in Camphill. Karl König Archive, Vol 23.
Floris Books The Seasons and their Festivals: Human, Earthly and Cosmic Rhythms
Through his work as a physician, Karl König explored the relationship between the rhythm of the seasons, the Christian festivals, thinking in particular about their effect on human beings and communities. This fascinating collection of König's essays, lectures and notes looks at the cycle of the year and the different aspects of all the Christian festivals, from Easter to the Twelve Holy Days of Christmas. König discusses the idea that human beings can derive inner strength from festival celebrations through an active social life and participation in community, and also that a strong, healthy community life relies on the celebration of festivals.
Waldorf Publications Reading and Writing while Sparking the Imagination
A practical and helpful guide to teaching writing and reading from Dr Karl König, founder of the Camphill movement.
Floris Books Karl König's Path into Anthroposophy: Reflections from his Diaries
This book follows Karl König's spiritual journey from his early years to the end of his life. Through the words of his diaries, in which his battles with health and his impatient temperament are recorded with merciless honesty, we can follow his inner path that led to profound insights into the nature of children with special needs. His personal wrestlings and innate spirituality laid the foundation for his work in the Camphill Schools and Villages.Includes facsimile reproductions of some of König's original diary pages.About the Karl König Archive: Karl König, the founder of Camphill, was a prolific lecturer and writer on a wide range of subjects from anthroposophy and Christology through social questions and curative education to science and history. The Karl König Archive are working on a programme of publishing these works over the coming years.
Floris Books Karl König: My Task: Autobiography and Biographies
Karl König: My Task is an inspiring introduction to König's remarkable life and work. This book combines König's autobiographical fragment and an essay by Peter Selg with two selected reminiscences written by König's colleagues Anke Weihs and Hans-Heinrich Engel.Born in 1902 into a Jewish family, Karl König grew up in Vienna in the last years of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He studied medicine and during this time came across the work of Rudolf Steiner. Soon after graduating he worked with Ita Wegman in Switzerland, where he also met his wife, Tilla.He was a pioneer in the early days of Pilgramshain, a home for children with special needs in Silesia, Germany. However, in 1936 under political pressure he left Germany for Austria. Here he had a large medical practice as well as being the focus of a group of young people interested in Steiner's work.Following the annexation of Austria by the Nazis, König and many of the young people around him came to Britain as refugees. The ideal of working together as a community was put into practice with the founding of Camphill in 1939. König was the driving force behind the expansion of the Camphill movement across the British Isles, into Europe, South Africa and North America. He died in 1966.
Floris Books The Grail and the Development of Conscience: St Paul and Parsifal
König often gave lectures based around Christian festivals, and the selection in this book were first presented at Easter time. The central theme here is the development of conscience and memory, which raises questions about individual freedom and spirituality, particularly in the context of community building.Running alongside the main theme, König discusses subjects close to his heart including the search for the Grail, Parsifal and St Paul, bringing them together in surprising and challenging ways.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Psychoanalytic Group Therapy
Karl König and Wulf-Volker Lindner have distilled their many years of research, rich clinical experience, and extensive theoretical knowledge of analytic group psychotherapy. Now, for the first time in English, they present their Gottingen model of group therapy, a welcome addition to the literature that greatly extends our understanding of the complex processes of groups and their ability to promote growth and healing. Informed by Freudian, Foulkesian, and object relations approaches to individual and group analytic therapy, Konig and Lindner's extensive theoretical understanding of groups and individuals is saturated with a flexible common sense that moves comfortably between theory and practical application. They are at their best in explaining the transition between the therapist's essential human experience and his role in the group when they discuss such matters as the understanding of neutrality as a dynamic concept, the situations that trigger transference, and the functioning of the therapist as a model of openness. It is the transitional areas and forces that are the most in focus for the authors: those between individual and group, between group and therapist, between inside and outside, and between the learning of the therapist and the growth of group members. It is a testament to the authors' skill that they are able to explore these areas at the same time as they outline practical approaches to a full range of topics that need to be considered in the conduct of group therapy.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers The Practice of Psychoanalytic Therapy
Deals with the basic phenomena of therapy: transference, unconscious fantasy, character, and regression.
Floris Books Brothers and Sisters: The Order of Birth in the Family: An Expanded Edition
'There can be no doubt that special traits of character and mental make-up are found in children and adults who belong to the different ranks in the order of birth.'In this classic work, Karl König attempts to explain the various characteristics of first-, second- and third-born people, without losing sight of the tremendous individuality of the human being.Just as our environment shapes our language, social behaviour and mannerisms, so our place in the family also determines how we encounter life.This book is a fascinating handbook for parents, teachers and carers. Over the years it has become a definitive reference on the subject of child development.This newest edition in the Karl König Archive series includes a new introduction by series editor Richard Steel; an extended introduction by Karl König; two new essays: 'The Two Sisters', and 'Brother and Sister' ; some of Karl König's lecture notes and transcriptions, and an essay by A. Limbrunner about the significance of König's work on family order for today.
Floris Books At the Threshold of the Modern Age: Biographies Around the Year 1861
The late nineteenth-century was an era of contrasts. On the one hand, philosophical materialism was increasing its influence over science. On the other, there was a growing social awareness and quest for spiritual values.Karl König explores the personal stories of twenty-nine pioneers whose work and experiences helped shape that era. They include artists and writers, social reformers, philosophers and political activists, and scientists. He considers how they responded as individuals to the challenges of the changing world around them. His insights and conclusions are relevant for us today, as we face our own time of change and upheaval.The biographies include Helen Keller (18801968), Samuel Hahnemann (17551843), Sigmund Freud (18561939), Lou Salomé (18611937), Gustav Mahler (18601911), Charles Darwin (18091882) and Adolf von Hildebrand (18471921).
Floris Books Ita Wegman and Karl König: Letters and Documents
Ita Wegman, born in 1876 to a Dutch family living in Indonesia, first met Rudolf Steiner in Berlin in 1902 when she was 26 years old. She studied medicine at the University of Zurich and in 1917, following Steiner's indications, developed a treatment for cancer using mistletoe. In 1921 she founded the first anthroposophical medical clinic, in Arlesheim, Switzerland, followed in 1922 by the Sonnenhof home for children with special needs.Karl König first met Wegman in 1927, and she quickly recognized his great potential, as well as his weaknesses. She invited him to work at the Arlesheim clinic as her assistant, and encouraged and advised him in his medical work.This book includes the complete correspondence between König and Wegman.
Floris Books Kaspar Hauser and Karl König
Kaspar Hauser was a young man who appeared on the streets of Nuremberg in Germany in the early nineteenth century. His innocence and mysterious background captured the hearts of many at the time.2012 marks the 200th anniversary of Kaspar Hauser's birth. This timely book draws together Karl König's thoughts on the enigma of Kaspar Hauser, as well as exploring König's deep connection to the young man.The book includes König's essay 'The Story of Kaspar Hauser', as well as essays from Peter Selg on 'König, Wegman and Kaspar Hauser' and Richard Steel on how König spoke of Kaspar Hauser in his diaries, notes and letters.
Floris Books Becoming Human: A Social Task: The Threefold Social Order
Karl Konig, the founder of the Camphill Movement, was very aware of the need for change in the social order he saw around him. In this revealing collection of imaginative thought and ideas, he shows, however, that true social change must begin in individuals.He goes on to say that renewal is something all human beings can practise themselves, in the midst of their everyday life.
Floris Books Seeds for Social Renewal: The Camphill Village Conferences
In these lectures König explores the human being and social life, the individual and community, from an imaginative and often radical perspective. These explorations range majestically from masks and archetypal images, the threefold constitution in man and woman, the karma of vocation, and the fundamental social law, to the place of work, religion and culture within the threefold social organism, and karma and reincarnation.These lectures arose from Karl König's experiences in building up Camphill Communities with extraordinary people with special needs. They are important both for the work in Camphill, as well as more broadly in the field of social therapy and beyond. This is a revised and expanded edition of the Village Conference Lectures of Karl König, previously published as In Need of Special Understanding.
Floris Books The First Three Years of the Child: How Children Learn to Walk, Speak and Think
In this classic work on early childhood development, Karl König explores the first three years of a child's life by examining the three major achievements that occur during this stage: learning to walk, speak and think. These are three core faculties and their acquisition, König argues, is 'an act of grace' in every child. He goes on to provide a detailed analysis of this extraordinarily complex process. This Karl König Archive edition now includes extensive notes and a new introduction by Dr Jan Goeschel, founding President of the Camphill Academy in North America, which puts this well-known text in the context of modern-day research. The First Three Years of the Child provides fascinating insights into early years' development and will be of great value to educators, medical professionals and carers.
Floris Books Animals: An Imaginative Zoology
Karl König, the founder of the Camphill movement, had great compassion and empathy for people on the margins of society. He also felt the same brotherly feelings towards the animal world. This remarkable book offers a closer understanding of some specific mammals, fish and birds and, along the way, great insight into human nature as well.König considers the mythological and historical background, and unique characteristics, of elephants, bears, horses, cats and dogs; penguins, seals, dolphins, salmon and eels; and swans and stork, sparrows and doves. Together, the lively sketches form a visionary zoology.First published in English as three separate volumes.