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Brookes Publishing Co LINKing Authentic Assessment and Early Childhood Intervention: Best Measures for Best Practice
How can early childhood professionals make informed decisions while selecting assessment materials that meet recommended practices? Use the new edition of this essential reference, the only book with professional ratings and reviews of 80 authentic, widely used assessment tools for children aged birth to 8. Completely revamped and even more user-friendly than its popular first edition, this must-have guide provides ratings of the qualities of assessment materials based on: "consumer reports" and ratings from a survey of more than 1,000 professionals; detailed reviews from a panel of assessment experts; and ratings drawn from the authors' own extensive expertise .
Brookes Publishing Co Temperament and Atypical Behavior Scale (TABS) Assessment Tool: Early Childhood Indicators of Developmental Dysfunction
The TABS Assessment Tool is a norm-referenced tool designed to identify temperament and self-regulation problems that can indicate that a child is developing atypically or is at risk for atypical development. This 55-item checklist covers areas such as temperament, attention, attachment, social behavior, play, vocal and oral behavior, sense and movement, self-stimulation and self-injury, and neurobehavioral state. The parent-completed checklist takes approximately 15 minutes. The results give a detailed evaluation of atypical behavior in four categories-detached, hypersensitive-active, underreactive, and dysregulated.The TABS Assessment Tool is sold as a package of 30 4-page assessment forms.This tool is part of the TABS, a norm-referenced screening and assessment tool designed to identify temperament and self-regulation problems that may indicate a child's risk for developmental delay. For use with children ages 11 to 71 months, TABS can be used for screening, research, determining eligibility for special services, planning programs, and monitoring child progress and program effectiveness.
Brookes Publishing Co Temperament and Atypical Behavior Scale (TABS) Screener: Early Childhood Indicators of Developmental Dysfunction
The TABS Screener helps identify children who should receive more thorough assessment for developmental items related to temperament and self-regulation. The 15-item checklist of Yes or No questions is completed by parents in approximately 5 minutes. If a child's scores indicate a potential problem, the more extensive Assessment Tool can be used.The TABS Screener is sold as a gummed tablet with 50 forms.This screener is part of the TABS, a norm-referenced screening and assessment tool designed to identify temperament and self-regulation problems that may indicate a child's risk for developmental delay. For use with children ages 11 to 71 months, TABS can be used for screening, research, determining eligibility for special services, planning programs, and monitoring child progress and program effectiveness.
Brookes Publishing Co Temperament and Atypical Behavior Scale (TABS) Complete Set: Early Childhood Indicators of Developmental Dysfunction
Traditional developmental tests miss critical temperament and self-regulation problems that can indicate a child's risk for developmental delay. TABS is specifically designed to identify these behavioral indicators as early as possible. For use with children ages 11 to 71 months, TABS can be used for screening, research, determining eligibility for special services, planning programs, and monitoring child progress and program effectiveness. TABS has been normed on nearly 1,000 children from diverse socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds developing typically and atypically.The TABS Complete Set includes the TABS Manual, TABS Screener (50 forms on a gummed tablet), and TABS Assessment Tool (package of 30 4-page forms).