Search results for ""author john d. graham""
Edward Elgar Publishing Regulatory Reform from Nixon to Biden
Langenscheidt bei PONS Langenscheidt Fachwörterbuch Kompakt Maschinenbau Englisch
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Global Rise of the Modern Plug-In Electric Vehicle: Public Policy, Innovation and Strategy
We may be standing at the precipice of a revolution in propulsion not seen since the internal combustion engine replaced the horse and buggy. The proliferation of electric cars will change the daily lives of motorists, boost some regional economies and hurt others, reduce oil insecurity but create new insecurities about raw materials, and impact urban air quality and climate change. If you want to understand how quickly the transition is likely to occur, and the factors shaping the pace of the transition, this book delivers with a candid, illuminating style.The invention of the lithium-ion battery and its adaptation to the auto sector set the stage for the exciting proliferation of electric cars, beginning with California and Norway. This book focuses on the period from the oil crises of the 1970s to the present, tracing the development of this entirely new industry and its critical supply chain. John Graham delves into the major societal concerns, economic rationales, governmental policies and corporate strategies. He emphasizes that consumer concerns slowed the pace of the transition while spurring more innovation and new policies to persuade reluctant consumers. And he explains why the transition is now occurring much faster in China and Europe than in Japan and the United States. More broadly, the book tells the story of many successes and failures in public policy, technological innovation and corporate strategy.This book provides an in-depth understanding of how people on every continent in the world are contributing to the new electric-vehicle industry, including the raw materials, battery components, electric motors and charging stations. Faculty, students and researchers will appreciate the integrated treatment of the technical, economic, political and international issues. For the practitioner in industry, government and civil society, the book is an engaging look at the roles of key decision makers and organizations, both those favoring electric cars and those opposed.
MH - Indiana University Press Bush on the Home Front Domestic Policy Triumphs and Setbacks
MH - Indiana University Press Bush on the Home Front
A comprehensive assessment of George W. Bush's domestic policy record
Indiana University Press Obama on the Home Front: Domestic Policy Triumphs and Setbacks
The record of any American President attracts attention, but Barack Obama, the first African-American president in the nation's 240-year history, is of special interest. Obama came into office as the economy was careening into the worst downturn since the Great Depression. On the political front, he would be challenged by the intense congressional polarization faced by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, exacerbated by the rise of the Tea Party movement. In this comprehensive assessment of domestic policymaking, John D. Graham considers what we may learn from the Obama presidency about how presidents can best implement their agendas when Congress is evenly divided. What did Obama pledge to do in domestic policy and what did he actually accomplish? Why did some initiatives succeed and others fail? Did Obama's policies contribute to the losses experienced by the Democratic Party in 2010 and 2014? In carefully documented case studies of economic policy, health care reform, energy and environmental policy, and immigration reform, Graham asks whether Obama was effective at accomplishing his agenda. Counterfactuals are analyzed to suggest ways that Obama might have been even more effective than he was and at less political cost to his party. This book builds on Graham's well-received analysis in Bush on the Home Front, elaborating and applying a theory of presidential effectiveness in a polarized political environment.
Indiana University Press America's Poor and the Great Recession
Millions have entered poverty as a result of the Great Recession's terrible toll of long-term unemployment. Kristin S. Seefeldt and John D. Graham examine recent trends in poverty and assess the performance of America's "safety net" programs. They consider likely scenarios for future developments and conclude that the well-being of low-income Americans, particularly the working poor, the near poor, and the new poor, is at substantial risk despite economic recovery.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Prostate Cancer: Diagnosis and Clinical Management
Do you manage patients with prostate cancer? Could you use an expert guide examining all possible management options? Prostate Cancer: diagnosis and clinical management providesurologists and oncologists of all levels with up-to-date, evidence-based guidance to the diagnosis, treatment and clinical management of a disease which accounts for a quarter of all cancers affecting men. Designed to be as practical and accessible as possible, leading experts discuss key issues in prostate cancer management and examine how to deliver best practice in the clinical care of their patients. Topics covered include: What must be considered when counseling newly-diagnosed cancer patients Radical surgery options for prostate cancer Novel therapies for localized prostate cancer How should metastatic prostate cancer be diagnostic and managed What are the best methods of administering end of life care for the patient Brought to you by a highly experienced editor team, and containing key points, management algorithms, practice tips and the latest AUA and EAU clinical guidelines, this is the ideal consultation tool for doctors both on the wards and in the office.