Search results for ""author joel levy""
Langen - Mueller Verlag Stephen Hawking
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd Psychology in Bite Sized Chunks
A clear, concise and easily understood guide to the most fascinating of subjects - the human psyche.Exploring all the main theories, it provides potted biographies of key practitioners, and explains in simple terms the most important theories and experiments.Discovering more about the way their mind works!
The History Press Ltd Newton's Notebook: The Life, Times and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton
Newton’s Notebook is a biography with a difference. It provides a full and detailed account of Sir Isaac Newton’s life and discoveries, but is written, designed and illustrated to look like a personal notebook.By mining the rich sources of Newton’s own journals and books, and incorporating a variety of quotations and illustrations, Newton’s Notebook brings its subject to life more vividly than any ordinary biography. It reveals the man behind the theories and examines Newton’s personal and family life as well as the amazing impact of his ideas and the world’s reaction to them.
Headline Publishing Group From Science Fiction to Science Fact: How Writers of the Past Invented Our Present
The iconic futurist artist and designer Syd Mead once described science fiction as "reality ahead of schedule". In From Science Fiction to Science Fact, Levy explores the visions of the writers, futurists and far-sighted inventors who made those realities, from the direct influence of H.G. Wells on the atomic bomb and the tank, to the ambitious prototypes created by inventors ahead of their time, such as Nikola Tesla's remote-controlled drone ships. The history and development of each technology is detailed and related in context, exploring the road from prescient fictional representation to real-life technology. Meet the greatest names and works in sci-fi, from Jules Verne and Aldous Huxley to Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov, Star Trek to the Bionic Man, alongside visionary inventors such as Tesla and Wernher von Braun. What the writers of modern science fiction invent today, you and I will do tomorrow. - J. G. Ballard
Gaia Ediciones La Biblia de las sociedades secretas guía definitiva sobre las organizaciones misteriosas
A lo largo de la historia, y hasta nuestros tiempos, las organizaciones secretas y misteriosas han tenido una influencia fundamental entre gobernantes, grupos de poder y, en consecuencia, sobre la población.La Biblia de las sociedades secretas te permite conocer la verdad que se esconde detrás de estas misteriosas organizaciones (bien sean fraternales, religiosas, místicas o esotéricas), así como sus raíces y principales características, abarcando desde los templarios, francmasones y Opus Dei, hasta el iluminismo, la mafia o las tríadas chinas, entre otras.
Fox Chapel Publishing Scientific Feuds From Galileo to the Human Genome Project
Most science chronicles present a triumphant march through time, with revolutionary thinkers and their discoveries following in orderly progression. The truth, however, is somewhat different. Scientific Feuds is a collection of the most vicious battles among the greatest minds of our time. It features such contests as Huxley and Wilberforce's debate on Darwin's theory of evolution, Franklin and Wilkins' fight over the discovery of DNA, and the War of Currents between Tesla and Edison (which ended with Edison electrocuting dogs and horses in a vain attempt to discredit Tesla's work). From passionate competition to vindictive sniping, these rivalries prove that the world of science is far from cold and methodical.
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd Why We Do the Things We Do Psychology in a Nutshell
With each section broken down into the key concepts, issues and arguments, Why We Do the Things We Do will demystify and illuminate the most important aspects of psychology.
Gerstenberg Verlag Queen Elizabeth II.
Headline Publishing Group Meltdown: Stories of nuclear disaster and the human cost of going critical
Meltdown investigates and recreates the dramatic events behind the most notorious nuclear accidents in history, as well as those shrouded in secrecy. Combining human tragedy with intriguing science, each account reveals new aspects of humanity's complex relationship with nuclear power and the ongoing struggle to harness and control it. From the pioneers of Los Alamos who got up close and personal with the cores of atomic bombs, to the hapless engineers in Soviet fuel-processing plants who unwittingly mixed up a disaster in a bucket, and from the terrifying impact of a tsunami at Fukushima to the mystery of the recent Russian incident, Meltdown explores the past and future of this extraordinary and potentially lethal source of infinite power.
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd Why We Do the Things We Do: Psychology in a Nutshell
Can you really tell a criminal by the bumps on his head? What does a memory look like? Can a machine think? Why are some people shy? Is it better not to feel so much? These are some of the many questions that have troubled the minds of some of the greatest thinkers in human civilization and are discussed in this comprehensive yet accessible introduction to psychology.The complex workings of the mind have fascinated mankind for centuries, but the key theories of psychology are often so complicated that it is almost impossible for the casual reader to understand. In Why We Do the Things We Do, Joel Levy unlocks the important studies and theories in a series of simple questions and answers that shine new and uncomplicated light on the important aspects of psychology. This book will demystify the key questions by tracking their origins in the writings of some of the most prominent thinkers in various fields, showing how these ideas and concepts have developed over time.With each section broken down into the key concepts, issues and arguments, considering how these ideas influence the way we all go about our daily lives, Why We Do the Things We Do will illuminate this fascinating subject.
101 problemas para cientficos de silln Libros singulares
Lleno de interrogantes científicos, casos que invitan a la reflexión y puntos de vista de los más grandes científicos de la historia.Correr es siempre más rápido que caminar? Si te congelaras la mano con nitrógeno líquido y la golpearas con un martillo, se rompería en pedazos? Podrías sobrevivir a la caída en un ascensor si saltas en el mismo instante en que este toca el suelo? Por qué se quedan las moscas atrapadas en el retrete?Esta fascinante incursión en el mundo de la ciencia aborda algunos de los desconcertantes problemas que han dejado perplejos hasta a los científicos más sesudos. Presenta 101 casos imaginativos (desde la vida cotidiana hasta el cuerpo humano, y desde el mundo natural hasta el espacio exterior), y ofrece las razones científicas o teorías que explican por qué se producen. Entre los casos se incluyen: por qué una hormiga puede sobrevivir al microondas, por qué algunas personas estornudan con la luz brillante, y por qué una pelota tarda más en bajar que en s
Headline Publishing Group Instant Engineering: Key Thinkers, Theories, Discoveries and Inventions Explained on a Single Page
Instant Engineering pulls together all the pivotal engineering theories and discoveries into one concise volume. Each page contains a discrete 'cheat sheet', which tells you the most important facts in bite-sized chunks, meaning you can become an expert in an instant. From Archimedes to Elon Musk, from screws and pulleys to the steam engine, and from the canal boat to the space rocket, every key figure, theory or term is expressed in succinct and lively text and graphics. Perfect for the knowledge hungry and time poor, this collection of graphic-led lessons makes engineering interesting and accessible. Everything you need to know – and more – is here.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Bee in a Cathedral: And 99 other scientific analogies
Prepare to be amazed and educated! A Bee in a Cathedral explains basic scientific truths and principles using the power of analogy. Using classic comparisons (including 'bee in the cathedral' which dramatically conveys the size of the atomic nucleus in relation to the atom as a whole) you will learn: how whirlpools and hurricanes help us understand the formation of galaxies; how DNA chains act just like a zipper; how much blood is produced by a body each day. Written in an entertaining style, A Bee in a Cathedral will appeal to anyone with a thirst for knowledge and an appreciation for science. The aim of the book is to convey basic principles of science in new and exciting ways, describing the unbelievably massive, the inconceivably tiny, and the unfathomably complex in terms that we can all understand, and comparing them to everyday objects and experiences with which we are much more familiar.