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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Radical Innovation
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.Focussing on radical and breakthrough innovation, Joe Tidd provides a crucial insight into over 50 years of research and experience, and illustrates how the pioneering work on innovation dynamics can offer a deeper understanding of radical innovation to inform future research, policy and practice. The book also identifies the distinct sources, organization, processes and outcomes of radical innovation, in contrast to conventional incremental business and management approaches. Key Features: draws upon a distinct interdisciplinary body of knowledge on radical innovation illustrates conceptual models and practical methods to better understand and manage radical innovation goes beyond business school incremental approaches to innovation, such as marketing and design-thinking provides an argument for an iterative coupling process, between knowledge-push and demand-pull challenges and opportunities The practical approach in this Advanced Introduction will provide an excellent resource for scholars and researchers in innovation management and policy, as well as managers responsible for creating, resourcing and managing radical innovations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation and Entrepreneurship
John Wiley & Sons Inc Managing Innovation
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Radical Innovation
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.Focussing on radical and breakthrough innovation, Joe Tidd provides a crucial insight into over 50 years of research and experience, and illustrates how the pioneering work on innovation dynamics can offer a deeper understanding of radical innovation to inform future research, policy and practice. The book also identifies the distinct sources, organization, processes and outcomes of radical innovation, in contrast to conventional incremental business and management approaches. Key Features: draws upon a distinct interdisciplinary body of knowledge on radical innovation illustrates conceptual models and practical methods to better understand and manage radical innovation goes beyond business school incremental approaches to innovation, such as marketing and design-thinking provides an argument for an iterative coupling process, between knowledge-push and demand-pull challenges and opportunities The practical approach in this Advanced Introduction will provide an excellent resource for scholars and researchers in innovation management and policy, as well as managers responsible for creating, resourcing and managing radical innovations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Entrepreneurship
Successful entrepreneurship requires a specialized mix of innovation, drive, business acumen, and communication; an entrepreneur sees the potential and pitfalls in any idea, and understands the product, the market, and the business climate well enough to make smart decisions for the venture. This book is designed to go beyond the nuts and bolts of entrepreneurship and help students develop the critical foundation referred to as “entrepreneurial thinking.” Organized to align with the typical flow of development, the text allows students to develop their own ideas alongside each lesson. Coverage of goals, opportunities, and resources includes detailed discussion of venture funding, financial resources, and the relationships needed to get an idea off of the ground; subsequent chapters include clear guidance on keeping the momentum going through product development, enterprise growth, value creation, and the evolution of the business model. Based on the latest research and providing a truly global perspective, this book gives students a comprehensive, real-world foundation in entrepreneurship today.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Strategic Innovation Management
This first edition of Strategic Innovation Management is an exciting new addition to the established bestselling texts Managing Innovation and Innovation and Entrepreneurship written by Joe Tidd and John Bessant. Aimed at students taking courses in business studies and management, as well as non-specialist courses in other disciplines, this book provides a practical and accessible evidence-based approach to managing innovation in a wide range of contexts, including: manufacturing, services, small to large organizations and the private, public and third sectors. The text has been designed to be fully integrated with the Innovation Portal at, which contains an extensive collection of additional resources for both lecturers and students including teaching resources, case studies, media clips, innovation tools, seminar and assessment activities and over 300 test-bank questions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Meeting the Innovation Challenge: Leadership for Transformation and Growth
Meeting the Innovation Challenge offers a new way to look at creative leadership that integrates both leadership and management. This book also provides the student key insights into a new and more systematic way to manage transformation. As a result, the student will be able to discover a full range of potential outcomes from their change efforts - from radical new to the world transformation to incremental improvements. Since people are at the heart of any transformation issue, Meeting the Innovation Challenge includes helpful information on the various roles required to initiate and sustain change efforts. Many change initiatives use teams, so specific tools are outlined to create and manage teamwork for transformation. Those who lead and manage organizations have too many change methods from which to choose. This book offers practical advice on how to select and manage a variety of change methods, as well as a helpful selected list of many of the methods available from which to choose. An example is drawn and explained from the area of new product or service development. An often-overlooked element of climate and context is also addressed. Successful innovation, change and transformation require an environment in which people are ready, willing and able to initiate and sustain change. Meeting the Innovation Challenge addresses this area by clarifying the differences between culture and climate, and then offering practical ways to understand and create the climate for transformation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change
Now in its seventh edition, Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change enables graduate and undergraduate students to develop the unique skill set and the foundational knowledge required to successfully manage innovation, technology, and new product development. This bestselling text has been fully updated with new data, new methods, and new concepts while still retaining its holistic approach the subject. The text provides an integrated, evidence-based methodology to innovation management that is supported by the latest academic research and the authors’ extensive experience in real-world management practice. Students are provided with an impressive range of learning tools—including numerous case studies, illustrative examples, discussions questions, and key information boxes—to help them explore the innovation process and its relation to the markets, technology, and the organization. “Research Notes" examine the latest evidence and topics in the field, while "Views from the Front Line" offer insights from practicing innovation managers and connect the covered material to actual experiences and challenges. Throughout the text, students are encouraged to apply their knowledge and critical thinking skills to business model innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, service innovation, and many more current and emerging approaches and practices.
Imperial College Press From Knowledge Management To Strategic Competence: Measuring Technological, Market And Organizational Innovation
Latest Edition: From Knowledge Management to Strategic Competence: Assessing Technological, Market and Organisational Innovation (3rd Edition)The business and academic communities pay much interest to the concept of knowledge management and strategic competencies or core capabilities; that is, how organizations define and differentiate themselves. This book attempts to establish the links between strategic competencies, knowledge management, organizational learning and innovation management — specifically, how an organization identifies, assesses and exploits its competencies, and translates these into new processes, products and services.The contributors to the book include leading researchers and consultants in the field. Adopting a practical but rigorous approach to the subject, they focus on the measurement, management and improvement of organizational, technological and market competencies, and identify the relationships with strategic, operational and financial performance.