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John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling Uncertainty in the Earth Sciences
Modeling Uncertainty in the Earth Sciences highlights the various issues, techniques and practical modeling tools available for modeling the uncertainty of complex Earth systems and the impact that it has on practical situations. The aim of the book is to provide an introductory overview which covers a broad range of tried-and-tested tools. Descriptions of concepts, philosophies, challenges, methodologies and workflows give the reader an understanding of the best way to make decisions under uncertainty for Earth Science problems. The book covers key issues such as: Spatial and time aspect; large complexity and dimensionality; computation power; costs of 'engineering' the Earth; uncertainty in the modeling and decision process. Focusing on reliable and practical methods this book provides an invaluable primer for the complex area of decision making with uncertainty in the Earth Sciences.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Multiple-point Geostatistics: Stochastic Modeling with Training Images
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to multiple-point geostatistics, where spatial continuity is described using training images. Multiple-point geostatistics aims at bridging the gap between physical modelling/realism and spatio-temporal stochastic modelling. The book provides an overview of this new field in three parts. Part I presents a conceptual comparison between traditional random function theory and stochastic modelling based on training images, where random function theory is not always used. Part II covers in detail various algorithms and methodologies starting from basic building blocks in statistical science and computer science. Concepts such as non-stationary and multi-variate modeling, consistency between data and model, the construction of training images and inverse modelling are treated. Part III covers three example application areas, namely, reservoir modelling, mineral resources modelling and climate model downscaling. This book will be an invaluable reference for students, researchers and practitioners of all areas of the Earth Sciences where forecasting based on spatio-temporal data is performed.