Search results for ""author isabelle noth""
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Palliative Und Spiritual Care: Aktuelle Perspektiven in Medizin Und Theologie
Theologischer Verlag ... Mitten Unter Ihnen: Gottesdienste in Institutionen Und an Orten Offentlichen Lebens
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Seelsorge: Grundlagen - Handlungsfelder - Dimensionen
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Pastoral and Spiritual Care Across Religions and Cultures II: Spiritual Care and Migration
This diverse compilation of contributions explores the pressing topic of how to provide appropriate spiritual care in the context of human migration. The psycho-spiritual dimensions of suffering particular to human migration, such as social exclusion, alienation, and various types of trauma, are considered from various disciplinary perspectives. Complex but important questions are explored: How might various methods of self-healing be better supported by spiritual caregivers? How can faith communities cultivate more supportive contexts, responsive to the particular needs prompted by migration? The International Association for Spiritual Care IASC, founded in 2015 in Bern, Switzerland, is dedicated to the promotion of richer interdisciplinary dialogue amongst people from different cultural and religious backgrounds. The volume starts from the premise that failures to cultivate deeper respect for diversity risks cultural misunderstandings and relational harm in the context of helping relationships, and therefore, personal encounters and scholarly exchanges between Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, people without religious affiliation, and atheists are critically important and unquestionably valuable. These contributions reflect the fruits of the inaugural conference of the IASC, which was held at the University of Bern and in the House of Religions in June, 2016.
Theologischer Verlag Lernen in Freiheit: Herausforderungen Und Chancen Des Reformierten Religionsunterrichts in Der Deutschschweiz
Theologischer Verlag Religiose Erwachsenenbildung: Zugange - Herausforderungen - Perspektiven
Theologischer Verlag Gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe Und Die Kirchen: Zum Umgang Mit Homosexuellen Partnerschaften
Theologischer Verlag Schaut Hin!: Missbrauchspravention in Seelsorge, Beratung Und Kirchen
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Arbeiten zur Pastoraltheologie, Liturgik und Hymnologie: Festschrift fÃ"r Christoph Morgenthaler zum 65. Geburtstag
This festschrift deals with a number of themes: dreams, systemic or specialised pastoral care, the psychology of religion and counseling. It picks up on the publications of Christoph Morgenthaler, one of the most important scholars in the field during his 25-year career.The various disciplines of theology are shaped by the ideas that dominate the respective era as well as by the personalities who propagate them. This festschrift is dedicated to the Swiss theologian and psychologist Christoph Morgenthaler and his achievements. Characteristic and typical for his works are the themes of dreams, systemic pastoral care, specialised pastoral care, the psychology of religion and counseling. The contributions are connected in one way or the other to the publications of Christoph Morgenthaler. They deal directly with his thoughts and use them as impulses for their own considerations.
Theologischer Verlag Wenn Jugendliche Bibel Lesen: Jugendtheologie Und Bibeldidaktik