Search results for ""author ian gibson""
Ligero de equipaje
Ian Gibson y Quique Palomo se unen para convertir la vida de Antonio Machado en un cómic biográfico en el 80 aniversario de la muerte del poeta.Antonio Machado, figura clave de nuestra cultura, es uno de los pocos grandes poetas que también fueron filósofos. Tras el éxito de Vida y muerte de Federico García Lorca, el prestigioso hispanista Ian Gibson y el reconocido ilustrador Quique Palomo vuelven a unir sus talentos para contarnos la vida del poeta. En las páginas de este libro nos relatan, entre muchas otras vivencias, cómo Machado apoyó la Segunda República y compuso algunos de los versos elegíacos más hermosos de nuestra lengua. Cómo cantó el paisaje castellano y la angustia del tiempo que fluye imparable. Y cómo, durante la Guerra Civil, denunció a los sublevados y a sus aliados fascistas y terminó muriendo, "ligero de equipaje", junto al mar francés del exilio en Collioure, justo al otro lado de la frontera.
Suma de Letras Lorca-Dali. El amor que no pudo ser
Cuatro poetas en guerra
Antonio Machado, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Federico García Lorca y Miguel Hernández son cuatro de las mejores voces poéticas de la España del siglo XX. Unidos no solo por su absoluta dedicación a las letras, sino por su lealtad a la Segunda República, enarbolaron una defensa acendrada de la libertad y la democracia. El hispanista Ian Gibson realiza un recorrido por las intensas vidas de estos grandes poetas, con su compromiso republicano -y las nefastas consecuencias que tuvo en sus vidas- como eje central. Cuatro pilares fundamentales de la sociedad española del siglo XX silenciados con la muerte y el exilio. Cuatro poetas que lo dieron todo y a quienes la España de charanga y pandereta se encargó de destruir.
Ediciones B, SA Vida y muerte de Federico Garcia Lorca
Pearson Education BTEC Level 2 Technical Diploma Digital Technology Learner Handbook with ActiveBook
Packed with practical activities and planning support to help you deliver these exciting new qualifications. A complete unit-by-unit course companion for learners. Helps prepare learners for specific job roles. Includes ‘Hands on’ and ‘Ready for Work?’ features to develop practical skills. Assessment practice activities and dedicated ‘Getting Ready for Assessment’ sections support preparation for assignments, tasks and external tests. Covers the units required for all three pathways in the Diploma in Digital Technology Also covers units included in the Cerficate in IT Support Your Learner Handbook also includes an ActiveBook (a digital version of the Learner Handbook) - ideal for revision and reforcement of key skills. The ActiveBook is available to buy separately and a range of institutional site licences a
Faber & Faber The Erotomaniac
Henry Spencer Ashbee seemed a prosperous and respectable Victorian gentleman. But his well-upholstered chambers in Gray's Inn concealed a shocking secret: a vast collection of erotica and pornography, thousands of volumes strong.The Erotomaniac is a fascinating account of Victorian curiosity, repression and subverted desire. Acclaimed biographer Ian Gibson has created an engrossing portrait of Ashbee, which examines the evidence that Ashbee himself may have been the author of the most famous work of Victorian erotica, My Secret Life.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Medical Applications: Reverse Engineering, Software Conversion and Rapid Prototyping
Advanced manufacturing technologies (AMTs) combine novel manufacturing techniques and machines with the application of information technology, microelectronics and new organizational practices within the manufacturing sector. They include "hard" technologies such as rapid prototyping, and "soft" technologies such as scanned point cloud data manipulation. AMTs contribute significantly to medical and biomedical engineering. The number of applications is rapidly increasing, with many important new products now under development. Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Medical Applications outlines the state of the art in advanced manufacturing technology and points to the future development of this exciting field. Early chapters look at actual medical applications already employing AMT, and progress to how reverse engineering allows users to create system solutions to medical problems. The authors also investigate how hard and soft systems are used to create these solutions ready for building. Applications follow where models are created using a variety of different techniques to suit different medical problems One of the first texts to be dedicated to the use of rapid prototyping, reverse engineering and associated software for medical applications Ties together the two distinct disciplines of engineering and medicine Features contributions from experts who are recognised pioneers in the use of these technologies for medical applications Includes work carried out in both a research and a commercial capacity, with representatives from 3 companies that are established as world leaders in the field – Medical Modelling, Materialise, & Anatomics Covers a comprehensive range of medical applications, from dentistry and surgery to neurosurgery and prosthetic design Medical practitioners interested in implementing new advanced methods will find Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Medical Applications invaluable as will engineers developing applications for the medical industry. Academics and researchers also now have a vital resource at their disposal.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. The Ballad of Halo Jones, Volume One
Comic legend Alan Moore's highly-influential classic of British comics, presented to a new generation coloured and remastered for the very first time. "Where did she go? Out. What did she do? Everything..." Bored and frustrated with her life in 50th-century leisure-ghetto housing estate `The Hoop', 18-year-old everywoman Halo Jones yearns for the infinite sights and sounds of the universe. Pledging to escape on a fantastic voyage, she sets in motion events unimaginable; a spell on a luxury space-liner, a brush with an interstellar war - Halo Jones faces hardship and adventure in the name of freedom in the limitless cosmos. A galaxy-spanning story, comics' first bona fide feminist space opera, and the first true epic to grace the bibliography of arguably the greatest comic book writer the world has ever known.
Hacia la Repblica Federal Ibrica
Ian Gibson llegó a España en los años cincuenta y se quedó a vivir aquí. Gran amante de nuestra lengua, nuestra cultura y nuestra forma de vida, aboga en este ensayo por la llegada de la república como forma de gobierno y la unión con nuestro vecino Portugal, país con el que compartimos territorio, pero al que hemos ignorado durante siglos. Hispanista de gran prestigio, expone en este texto acontecimientos muy recientes de nuestra historia y múltiples referencias a hechos pasados.
Astiberri Ediciones Doctor Uriel
El verano de 1936, Pablo Uriel, un joven de veintidós años recién licenciado en Medicina, empezaba ilusionado su andadura profesional y se enfrentaba a su primer destino como médico. En ese momento no podía ni imaginar que, de repente, su vida y la de todo el país se iba a convertir en una terrible pesadilla.Los testimonios minúsculos, como el suyo, no suelen figurar en los grandes libros de Historia y acaban desapareciendo... Pero Sento se ha encargado de que, ochenta años después, la pequeña gran historia del doctor Uriel sea difícil de olvidar. Publicado originalmente en tres tomos ?Un médico novato, Atrapado en Belchite y Vencedor y vencido?, Doctor Uriel recopila la historia completa en este integral, cuyo primer tomo ganó el Premio Internacional de Novela Gráfica Fnac-Sins entido en 2013.Aún en plena dictadura el doctor Uriel consiguió escribir sus memorias, que vieron la luz en una pequeña edición familiar publicada en 1988, dos años antes de su muerte.Sento Llobell, a
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. The Ballad Of Halo Jones: Book 2
"Where did she go? Out. What did she do? Everything..." Bored and frustrated with her life in 50th-century leisure-ghetto housing estate `The Hoop', 18-year-old everywoman Halo Jones yearns for the infinite sights and sounds of the universe. Pledging to escape on a fantastic voyage, she sets in motion events unimaginable; a spell on a luxury space-liner, a brush with an interstellar war - Halo Jones faces hardship and adventure in the name of freedom in the limitless cosmos. A galaxy-spanning story, comics' first bona fide feminist space opera, and the first true epic to grace the bibliography of arguably the greatest comic book writer the world has ever known.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Robo-Hunter: Planet of the Robots
WHEN THEY GET SLADE THEY STAY SLADE! For forty years Sam Slade has been one of the best robo-tectives in the business, but all of his experience couldn’t prepare him for his latest case. In 2080 overpopulation of the Earth led the Space Commission into seeking out new planets to colonise. Four years later they discovered Verdus, a suitable planet in the Crab Nebula. Now, Colonists who sent there have not been heard from again. The Commission believe that robots have taken control of the planet and want Sam to uncover the truth. It’s a dangerous case, but one Sam can’t refuse – otherwise he’s guaranteed a bullet in the head! This classic 2000 AD strip is presented in full colour as it was when collected by Eagle Comics as a five-issue mini-series.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 10
The global best-selling graphic novel series - over half a million copies sold! Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files collects the adventures of the iconic British character, presented in chronological order, complete and uncut! He's judge, jury and executioner - the lawman delivering justice to the mean streets of far-future Mega-City One. This tenth blockbuster volume includes storylines 'The Art of Kenny Who?' and 'The Taxidermist'. Written by comic legends John Wagner (A History of Violence), and Alan Grant (Batman), with art by Kevin O'Neill (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen), Steve Dillon (Preacher), Ian Gibson (The Ballad of Halo Jones) and many more! "If you want to sink your teeth into classic Judge Dredd, the best place to start" - Mental Floss "Amazing and addictive" - io9 "What a collection it will be when it's complete." - Den of Geek
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 05
The global best-selling graphic novel series - over half a million copies sold! Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files collects the adventures of the iconic British character, presented in chronological order, complete and uncut! He's judge, jury and executioner - the lawman delivering justice to the mean streets of far-future Mega-City One. This fifth blockbuster volume includes the all-time classic mega-epic `The Apocalypse War'. Written by comic legends John Wagner (A History of Violence) and Alan Grant (Batman), with art by Carlos Ezquerra (Preacher), Brian Bolland (The Killing Joke) and Mick McMahon (The Last American) and many more! "If you want to sink your teeth into classic Judge Dredd, the best place to start" - Mental Floss "Amazing and addictive" - io9 "What a collection it will be when it's complete." - Den of Geek
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Additive Manufacturing Technologies
This textbook covers in detail digitally-driven methods for adding materials together to form parts. A conceptual overview of additive manufacturing is given, beginning with the fundamentals so that readers can get up to speed quickly. Well-established and emerging applications such as rapid prototyping, micro-scale manufacturing, medical applications, aerospace manufacturing, rapid tooling and direct digital manufacturing are also discussed. This book provides a comprehensive overview of additive manufacturing technologies as well as relevant supporting technologies such as software systems, vacuum casting, investment casting, plating, infiltration and other systems. Reflects recent developments and trends and adheres to the ASTM, SI and other standards; Includes chapters on topics that span the entire AM value chain, including process selection, software, post-processing, industrial drivers for AM, and more; Provides a broad range of technical questions to ensure comprehensive understanding of the concepts covered.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. The Ballad of Halo Jones: Full Colour Omnibus Edition
The ultimate edition of Alan Moore and Ian Gibson's feminist space opera! Halo Jones is bored. Trapped in The Hoop, a futuristic world where jobs are scarce and excitement non-existent, Halo sets out to see the galaxy any way she can and to rewrite her destiny. From drudge work on a glamorous cruise liner, to serving in a brutal war zone, Halo experiences love and loss and she grows up into the woman who will change the course of the galaxy's history. Radical and revolutionary, Rebellion is proud to present Alan Moore (Watchmen, V for Vendetta) and Ian Gibson’s (Star Wars: Boba Fett Adventures) ground-breaking feminist space opera and science fiction classic in a full colour omnibus for the first time. A cultural icon and a high mark for British science fiction, this timeless tale of one woman’s endurance amidst a sea of dead-end and deadly jobs remains one of Alan Moore’s most beloved sagas. Restored and lovingly coloured by Barbara Nosenzo, and featuring a new introduction and bonus content, The Ballad of Halo Jones remains essential reading.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 10
The global best-selling graphic novel series - over half a million copies sold! Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files collects the adventures of the iconic British character, presented in chronological order, complete and uncut! He's judge, jury and executioner - the lawman delivering justice to the mean streets of far-future Mega-City One. This tenth blockbuster volume includes storylines 'The Art of Kenny Who?' and 'The Taxidermist'. Written by comic legends John Wagner (A History of Violence), and Alan Grant (Batman), with art by Kevin O'Neill (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen), Steve Dillon (Preacher), Ian Gibson (The Ballad of Halo Jones) and many more! "If you want to sink your teeth into classic Judge Dredd, the best place to start" - Mental Floss "Amazing and addictive" - io9 "What a collection it will be when it's complete." - Den of Geek
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. The Ballad of Halo Jones, Volume Three
"Where did she go? Out. What did she do? Everything..." Bored and frustrated with her life in 50th-century leisure-ghetto housing estate `The Hoop', 18-year-old everywoman Halo Jones yearns for the infinite sights and sounds of the universe.