Search results for ""author howard gardner""
Harvard Business Review Press Five Minds for the Future
We live in a time of relentless change. The only thing that?s certain is that new challenges and opportunities will emerge that are virtually unimaginable today. How can we know which skills will be required to succeed? In Five Minds for the Future, bestselling author Howard Gardner shows how we will each need to master "five minds" that the fast-paced future will demand: * The disciplined mind, to learn at least one profession, as well as the major thinking (science, math, history, etc.) behind it * The synthesizing mind, to organize the massive amounts of information and communicate effectively to others * The creating mind, to revel in unasked questions - and uncover new phenomena and insightful apt answers * The respectful mind, to appreciate the differences between human beings - and understand and work with all persons * The ethical mind, to fulfill one's responsibilities as both a worker and a citizen Without these "minds," we risk being overwhelmed by information, unable to succeed in the workplace, and incapable of the judgment needed to thrive both personally and professionally. Complete with a substantial new introduction, Five Minds for the Future provides valuable tools for those looking ahead to the next generation of leaders - and for all of us striving to excel in a complex world. Howard Gardner--cited by Foreign Policy magazine as one of the one hundred most influential public intellectuals in the world, and a MacArthur Fellowship recipient--is the Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Ediciones Paidós Ibérica La educacin de la mente y el conocimiento de las disciplinas lo que todos los estudiantes deberan comprender
Howard Gardner, que ya revolucionó nuestra concepción de la mente con su teoría de las inteligencias múltiples, nos ofrece ahora una obra trascendental sobre los objetivos de la educación. En este libro, Gardner reúne los discursos de sus obras anteriores en una nueva e importante síntesis destinada a padres, educadores e interesados en general. El texto va más allá de cuestiones locales y explora las cualidades que debe poseer toda persona formada en cualquier especialidad, así como los modos de transmitir esa formación a sus alumnos. Gardner argumenta con entusiasmo que toda enseñanza debería reforzar en los estudiantes la comprensión de la verdad y la falsedad, la belleza y la fealdad, la bondad y la maldad, tal como las definen sus propias culturas. En La educación de la mente y el conocimiento de las disciplinas, Gardner explora la teoría de la evolución, la música de Mozart y las consecuencias del Holocausto como ejemplos ilustrativos de la naturaleza de la verdad, la belleza y l
John Wiley & Sons Inc Responsibility at Work: How Leading Professionals Act (or Don't Act) Responsibly
Filled with original essays by Howard Gardner, William Damon, Mihaly Csikszenthmihalyi, and Jeanne Nakamura and based on a large-scale research project, the GoodWork® Project, Responsibility at Work reflects the information gleaned from in-depth interviews with more than 1,200 people from nine different professions—journalism, genetics, theatre, higher education, philanthropy, law, medicine, business, and pre-collegiate education. The book reveals how motivation, culture, and professional norms can intersect to produce work that is personally, socially, and economically beneficial. At the heart of the study is the revelation that the key to good work is responsilibilty—taking ownership for one’s work and its wider impact.
Basic Books The Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach
Merging cognitive science with educational agenda, Gardner makes an eloquent case for restructuring our schools by showing just how ill-suited our minds and natural patterns of learning are to the prevailing modes of education. This reissue includes a new introduction by the author.
Ediciones Morata, S.L. El proyecto Spectrum tomo I
John Wiley & Sons The Essential Howard Gardner on Mind
Teachers' College Press The Essential Howard Gardner on Education
During his long and distinguished career as scholar and teacher, Howard Gardner has made vast contributions to our understanding of learning and how to create environments that support growth in all learners across their lifespans. In this compelling collection of his writings, Gardner lays out his principal ideas about education.
Basic Books Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons in Theory and Practice
The most complete account of the theory and application of Multiple Intelligences available anywhere.Howard Gardner's brilliant conception of individual competence, known as Multiple Intelligences theory, has changed the face of education. Tens of thousands of educators, parents, and researchers have explored the practical implications and applications of this powerful notion, that there is not one type of intelligence but several, ranging from musical intelligence to the intelligence involved in self-understanding.Multiple Intelligences distills nearly three decades of research on Multiple Intelligences theory and practice, covering its central arguments and numerous developments since its introduction in 1983. Gardner includes discussions of global applications, Multiple Intelligences in the workplace, an assessment of Multiple Intelligences practice in the current conservative educational climate, new evidence about brain functioning, and much more.
John Wiley & Sons The Essential Howard Gardner on Mind
Ediciones Morata, S.L. El Proyecto Spectrum tomo III
Basic Books Truth Beauty and Goodness Reframed Educating for the Virtues in the Age of Truthiness and Twitter
Basic Books Leading Minds: An Anatomy Of Leadership
In Leading Minds , Gardner and his research associate at Harvard Project Zero, Emma Laskin, apply a cognitive lens to leadership, drawing on Gardner's ground-breaking work on intelligence and creativity to offer fascinating revelations about the minds of leaders and those who follow them. This reissue includes a new introduction by the author.
Turner Publishing Company The New Smart: How Nurturing Creativity Will Help Children Thrive
Who will thrive in the year 2050? The New Smart is a riveting study of the kinds of minds that will succeed in the 21st century. As it turns out, the key ingredient for all aspects of life is not traditional IQ but creativity. In Dr. Terry Roberts’ newest book he presents readers with a 21st century exploration into intelligence and creativity. The New Smart argues that the old notion of intelligence as a static quotient has ceased to mean much of value. Being smart, especially as it’s related to test scores and school grades, has less and less to do with success in contemporary life. Both these words and the ideas they represent are worn out. Our new age demands something much more fluid, much more resilient—much more creative. In this book, we ask who will thrive in the future? And by reframing the question, we arrive at the following profile of successful creators: • They will blend multiple intelligences in a way that might be described as synthetic or even symphonic • They will be ambitious and focused without being self-obsessed • They will value asynchrony and even seek it out • They will use their own marginality to generate novel perspective and new work • They will exhibit a steadfast resilience in all phases of life • They will be measured by what they produce over the course of their lives, not by any static notion of capacity or quotient The New Smart asks how we re-train ourselves and educate our children for a life that demands such creativity. It provides a clear roadmap away from standardized schools producing standardized minds and describes in detail why creative is The New Smart.
Teachers' College Press Finnish Lessons 3.0: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland?
The first two editions of Finnish Lessons described how a small Nordic nation built a school system that provided access to a world-class education for all of its young people. Now available in 30 languages, this Grawemeyer Award–winning book continues to influence education policies and school practices around the globe. In this Third Edition, Pasi Sahlberg updates the story of how Finland sustains its exemplary educational performance, including how it responds to turbulent changes at home and throughout the world. Finnish Lessons 3.0 includes important new material about: teachers and teacher education teaching children with special needs the role of play in high-quality education Finland's responses to growing inequality, slipping international test scores, and the global pandemic In the midst of national education reforms and global changes driven by public health crises and economic turbulence, Finnish Lessons 3.0 encourages teachers, students, and policymakers to think big and bold when they look for new solutions to improving their schools and entire education systems. This edition provides an even deeper dive into the present world of education in Finland in light of the most recent education statistics and international data, including PISA 2018, TIMSS 2016, and TALIS 2018.
Harvard Educational Publishing Group Character Compass: How Powerful School Culture Can Point Students Toward Success
In Character Compass, Scott Seider offers portraits of three high-performing urban schools in Boston, Massachusetts that have made character development central to their mission of supporting student success, yet define character in three very different ways. One school focuses on students’ moral character development, another emphasises civic character development, and the third prioritises performance character development. Drawing on surveys, interviews, field notes, and student achievement data, Character Compass highlights the unique effects of these distinct approaches to character development as well as the implications for parents, educators, and policymakers committed to fostering powerful school culture in their own school communities.
Jacaranda Books Art Music Ltd Finding Home: A Windrush Story
On 24 May 1948, the Empire Windrush sailed from Kingston, Jamaica, to harbour at Tilbury Docks. It carried 1,027 passengers and some stowaways, and more than two thirds of them were West Indies nationals. On 22 June 1948 they disembarked onto the docks, Alford Dalrymple Gardner was among them. Alford's story traverses both the uplifting highs and intolerant lows that West Indian migrants of his generation encountered upon travelling to Britain to forge out a life. From joining the British military during World War II to returning to Jamaica once it was won-only to come back to the UK when the government decided it needed him again-Alford witnessed milestone events of the 20th century that shaped the country he still lives in today. In the context of a supposedly 'post-Imperial' Britain where the lives of West Indian migrants hang precariously on the whims of the Home Office, Alford's heartening testimony is a celebration of those who endured hardships so that generations to come could call this place home.
WW Norton & Co Emotions, Learning, and the Brain: Exploring the Educational Implications of Affective Neuroscience
A neuroscience revolution is making its way into classrooms around the country, changing the way we understand how emotions influence thinking and learning. This book makes available the most pertinent scientific information in a way classroom teachers can understand and apply.