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GEDISA Magos gurus y sabios Spanish Edition
A pesar de que vivimos en sociedades que, en teoría, potencian en su sistema educativo el razonamiento científico y la capacidad crítica, todavía asistimos a la proliferación de una pléyade variopinta de brujos, adivinos, astrólogos, mentirosos y tramposos de lo oculto que no sólo se dedican al mejoramiento de sus cuentas corrientes, sino que también aparecen de vez en cuando como voces autorizadas en los medios de comunicación, ejerciendo un poder cuyo menoscabo parece difícil sin un progreso inmenso en la educación de las personas, en la que el desarrollo de la enseñanza de la ciencia resulta fundamental.En este libro Henri Broch no pretende demostrar que no existen los poderes psíquicos, sino más bien pasar por el cedazo riguroso de las exigencias científicas cierto número de pretensiones parapsicológicas, presuntos milagros o misterios, que, increíblemente, poseen una explicación lógica.Contra la autoridad sectaria de los gurús, una defensa amena del pensamiento científico.
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Johns Hopkins University Press Debunked!: ESP, Telekinesis, and Other Pseudoscience
Can you walk over red-hot charcoal without burning your feet? Appear to stop the beating of your heart? Bend spoons using the power of your mind? In Debunked! Nobel Prize winner Georges Charpak and physics professor Henri Broch team up to show you the tricks of the trade and sleight of hand that keep astrologers, TV psychics, and spoon benders in business. Using only the simplest of science, the authors explore the effectiveness of horoscopes-the blander the better-and why, with a television audience in the millions, any strange, unlikely prediction is almost certain to come true. If such insider information does not impress your colleagues, why not pierce your tongue with a skewer or demonstrate your eerie powers by using telepathy and the telephone to get a distant friend to intuit the number and suit of a card picked at random. Charpak and Broch show you how. Not merely an expose of magic tricks, this book demonstrates how pseudoscientists use science, statistics, and psychology to bamboozle an audience-sometimes for fun, sometimes for profit. During the most scientifically advanced period in human history, belief in the paranormal and the supernatural is alarmingly common. Entertaining and enlightening, Debunked! is the antidote, vigorously asserting the virtues of doubt, skepticism, curiosity, and scientific knowledge. This lucid translation makes the arguments clear, understandable, and a pleasure to read.
Johns Hopkins University Press Exposed!: Ouija, Firewalking, and Other Gibberish
From horoscopes to telekinesis to the Shroud of Turin, much of what is popularly accepted as a mystical or paranormal phenomenon is, in fact, bunk. Henri Broch's charged deconstruction of these and other acts reveals the hucksterism of pseudoscience. Broch provides a scientific explanation for what many accept as supernatural or psychic. He explains how some tricks, such as bending silverware with the mind, actually work. He details plausible, scientifically grounded alternative explanations for others, such as dowsing, which is the practice of finding by nonscientific means hidden veins of water, gems, metals, and other materials under the earth. Broch's hands-on experiments demystify the mysterious and explain the inexplicable. Featuring a foreword by Nobel laureate Georges Charpak and translated from French by Bart K. Holland, this persuasively argued and firmly scientific book exposes some of history's most persistent bamboozling. Be forewarned, you may never be taken in again!