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Big Finish Productions Ltd Star Cops: Mars Part 2
It's the near future, and mankind has expanded its presence in space. Maintaining law and order beyond Earth is the responsibility of the International Space Police Force, known colloquially as the Star Cops. Their leader is Commander Nathan Spring. There are no Star Cops on Mars, and Nathan Spring intends to put that right. He travels to the red planet hoping to rally the colonists' support for setting up an ISPF office, but he faces resistance from those who feel Mars has no need of police. Soon, though, Nathan and his officers are involved in incidents of theft, violence and murder. They may get the chance to prove they're needed, if they can get through their investigations alive. Contains three new stories; 2.4: Bodies of Evidence by Andrew Smith. On the moon, shortly before Nathan, Kenzy and Devis leave for Mars, disaster strikes when the shuttle Ganymede crash lands on the lunar surface. The tragedy becomes something more sinister when Priya finds dismembered bodies hidden in the shuttle. But attempts to investigate are obstructed by higher authorities on Earth. Before Nathan departs for Mars, he instructs Priya and Paul to investigate the crash, in defiance of his superiors’ orders. If they don’t find the evidence they need, it could be the end of all their careers. 2.5: Human Kind by Helen Goldwyn. A scared medic, on the run from her colony, seeks the help of the Star Cops. She offers information about a crime, but she demands legal immunity, and guarantees for her safety before she’ll talk. A visitor from Earth seems particularly determined to stop the Star Cops gaining a foothold on Mars and calls a meeting of colony leaders in an attempt to end their efforts once and for all. When one of his officers is kidnapped, Nathan begins to wonder who he can trust on this planet. 2.6: The Highest Ground by Andrew Smith. The conspiracy is revealed, and its leader is desperate to silence the Star Cops. An armed squad closes in on Nathan, his officers and their Martian allies, leading to a siege in the shadow of Olympus Mons, the highest mountain in the solar system. And a violent confrontation on its slopes. It’s time for some to decide where their loyalties truly lie before it’s too late. CAST: David Calder (Nathan Spring / Box), Trevor Cooper (Colin Devis), Linda Newton (Pal Kenzy). More cast details to follow. PLEASE NOTE: Star Cops features some mild swearing and content which may not be suitable for younger listeners.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who - Once and Future: Two's Company
The Time War. The Doctor has been injured and brought to a Time Lord field hospital. His body glows with energy, but this is no regeneration into a future form - instead, the Doctor's past faces begin to appear as he flits haphazardly between incarnations... Two’s Company by Lisa McMullin. Back on Earth, the Doctor finds a clue in the search for the origins of the degeneration weapon. In his Sixth body, he meets Jackie Tyler and Lady Christina de Souza – thrown together by fate, or something more? – in pursuit of a powerful item of jewellery. Meanwhile, a Time Lord renegade has duped Harry Sullivan into helping him stop the Doctor’s travels before they begin – and all are set on a collision course. CAST: Colin Baker (The Doctor), Camille Coduri (Jackie Tyler), Michelle Ryan (Lady Christina), Christopher Naylor (Harry Sullivan), Michael Maloney (The Renegade), Charlie Tighe (Jonty / Postman / Newsreader. Special appearance by: Tim Treloar (The Third Doctor) Other parts played by members of the cast.
Big Finish Productions Ltd The Robots: Volume 6
During the events of Doctor Who: Ravenous 2, Liv Chenka left the Doctor and the TARDIS behind. Just for one year. A year during which she would live on Kaldor, and get to know her sister Tula all over again. But Kaldor is going through a period of tumultuous change. Technology is changing at an advanced rate – the robots are evolving, artificial intelligence is adapting, and with these changes so politics is altering too. Dangerously. Can Liv and Tula make a difference during the most turbulent time in the world’s history? Contains three new adventures: 6.1 Force of Nature by Helen Goldwyn. A month after Tula’s enhancement chip was compromised, she and Liv join a compulsory ‘Recovery Training Course’ to help rehabilitate those infected. But they soon become embroiled in the tensions between the course participants and a very human-like SuperVoc - seemingly with its own agenda... 6.2 Face to Face by John Dorney. When Tula wakes to find some strangely familiar faces in her living room, a battle of wills breaks out. Not everyone can leave... but will they let the right one out? 6.3 The Final Hour by Matt Fitton. Liv Chenka’s time on Kaldor is almost at an end. The Company seems more powerful than ever. There’s unrest on the streets, the people are scared. And Tula is in trouble with her boss... But there are those who stand against the Company. Those with a new vision of the future for Kaldor and its Robots. An intricate plan is in motion - the Chenka sisters are about to spend their final hour on the planet. Cast: Nicola Walker (Liv Chenka), Claire Rushbrook (Tula Chenka / SV23), Joshua Riley (Haiss), Lisa Armytage (Yinka), Beth Chalmers (SV113 / Lorrelle), Sam Stafford (Broadcaster / Manager), Jon Culshaw (Vash Sorkov / SV77), Sarah Lambie (Graf Kirran / Deep Blue), Tracy Wiles (SV94 / Jadia), Paul McGann (The Doctor). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Timeslip Volume 02: The War that Never Was
Escaping from the future, our heroes find themselves in the distant past... sort of. It's 1953, but a very different 1953 from the one we're used to. The UK has still not recovered from a second World War that lasted an extra year longer than in our history. The Americans had to step in to save the besieged country, dropping another Atom Bomb on Berlin. They are now running the grateful UK as if it is part of the US and are now expanding their empire against the growing might of the Soviet Union. The Time Barrier has been discovered and is being studied by a team of scientists, whilst strange items are being smuggled through from different time periods - weapons, perhaps, traded with the future? Spivs and racketeers run the streets, and the US Government plan highways through time... And behind it all is a very familiar face. Cast: Spencer Banks (Simon Randall), Cheryl Burfield (Liz Skinner), Sarah Sutton (Charlotte Trent), Orlando Gibbs (Neil Riley/Taxi Driver), Clive Hayward (Professor Felix Loxton), David Hounslow (General Gus Guthrie), Matthew Jacobs-Morgan (Sam Bembé/Reuben Crowther/Cyril), Anjella MacKintosh (Gwennie White/Gerry Barton/Peggy), Amanda Shodeko (Jade Okafor), Andrew James Spooner (Captain Frank Seymour/Dennis Montague). Otherparts played by members of the cast.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Timeslip Volume 4: The Time of the Tipping Point
The time travellers find themselves in an alternate world, 30 years in the future. The people here are living simplified 'back to basics' lives, having been told they’ve averted the ecological tipping point by radically changing their way of life. However, the team soon find out that the world governments are still preparing for a catastrophic environmental disaster that will alter the planet forever. Only the chosen few will survive, so Liz, Simon, Jade, Neil and Charlotte must work together to find the barrier and escape certain death. Timeslip original television series © ITC Entertainment Group Limited 1970. CAST: Spencer Banks (Simon Randall), Cheryl Burfield (Liz Skinner), Sarah Sutton (Charlotte Trent), Esmonde Cole (Luka Danek), Heather Coombs (Janine Danek), Keith Drinkel (Petro Danek / Dr Steel), Orlando Gibbs (Neil Riley), Amanda Shodeko (Jade Okafor). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who: Once and Future - A Genius for War
The Time War. The Doctor has been injured and brought to a Time Lord field hospital. His body glows with energy, but this is no regeneration into a future form - instead, the Doctor's past faces begin to appear as he flits haphazardly between incarnations... Staggering to his TARDIS, the Doctor sets out to solve the mystery of his 'degeneration'. Who has done this to him? How? And why? From the Earth to the stars, across an array of familiar times and places, he follows clues to retrace his steps, encountering old friends and enemies along the way. Tumbling through his lives, the Doctor must stop his degeneration before he loses himself completely...A Genius for War by Jonathan Morris. In the midst of the Time War, the Time Lords have received a communication from Falkus, the prison moon of Skaro. Its sole inmate, Davros, wishes to make them an offer. He will help them win the Time War… but only if the Doctor comes to his rescue. CAST: Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Terry Molloy (Davros), Ken Bones (The General), Beth Chalmers (Veklin), Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks / Dalek Supreme), Esmonde Cole (Bosco), Yasmin Mwanza (Aldan). Special appearances by: Stephen Noonan (The First Doctor), Michael Troughton (The Second Doctor), Tim Treloar (The Third Doctor). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Timeslip Volume 3: A Life Never Lived
Finding themselves in 1914, Simon, Liz, Jade, Neil and Charlotte realise that this isn’t an alternate phase of history. This is really their past and anything they change could have serious repercussions. While Simon and Neil watch for the barrier to return and Jade tries to ensure Charlotte doesn’t tamper with the past, Liz insists on attending the meeting of local suffragette, Flora Walsh. When Simon realises the real reason why Liz wants to meet Flora, he’s shocked. Flora is Liz’s great grandmother. And Liz knows she is destined to die the following day. All Liz wants to do is spend that final day with her. What’s the harm in that? Cast: Cheryl Burfield (Liz Skinner), Spencer Banks (Simon Randall), Sarah Sutton (Charlotte Trent), Rachel Fenwick (Flora Walsh), Luke R. Francis (Leo Baxter / Parkes) Orlando Gibbs (Neil Riley / Butler), Hugh Ross (Sir Crispin Grawl/American Captain), Amanda Shodeko (Jade Okafor). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Big Finish Productions Ltd The Lost Stories 5.2 The Ultimate Evil
With the TARDIS working perfectly, the Doctor and Peri decide to take a holiday. But where? A long-forgotten piece of equipment in the TARDIS storage locker sends them to the peaceful and idyllic continent of Tranquela - home of the Doctor's old friend Ravlos. But the land where they emerge is far from peaceful. A hate ray is regularly sweeping Tranquela, turning its inhabitants into savage beasts, and there is only one place it can originate - the planet's other continent, home of Tranquela's old enemies, the Amelierans. Or is that the only place? Because somewhere far above the planet events are watched by the slimy super-salesman, Mordant, who has his own unscrupulous plans. CAST: Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri Brown), Guy Burgess (Escoval), Kim Durham (Abatan), Jack Forsyth-Noble (Locas), Jack Myers (Shankel), Paul Panting (Ravlos), Robin Sebastian (Mordant), Issy Van Randwyck (Koreelya). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon 3: Trapped
After a disastrous dimension jump, Rose is trapped in a strange and dangerous reality. Rose’s mission is to save the multiverse, but first she must save herself! Contains three new adventures: 3.1 Sink or Swim by Lizzie Hopley. Rose is trapped and alone, at sea in an unfamiliar world, where a strange entropy eats away at those struggling to survive. But she finds family, and hope, as she starts her quest to escape… 3.2 The Lower Road by Tim Foley. Trekking the wastelands, Rose and Danni discover a community that seems to have made peace with the Anti-Life. But all groups have their secrets, and bargains come at a price. 3.3 The Good Samaritan by Helen Goldwyn. Trying to repair her Dimension Cannon, Rose seeks out the last haven of technology on this Earth. But the utopia of the Dome hides a more desperate situation – and a storm of Anti-Life is closing in… CAST: Billie Piper (Rose Tyler), Camille Coduri (Jackie Tyler), Em Thane (Danni), Bailey Patrick (Chand), Robert McCafferty (Sweeney / Abbas / Mac), Lorraine Horgan (Kaitlin / Alana), Heather Coombs (Lara), Cleo Sylvestre (Minton), Chelsea Little (Lex), George Asprey (Superior Elite), Akshay Khanna (Rohan / Task-Forcer 1), Holly Jackson Walters (Esther). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10 - Volume 2
This set contains two four-part stories: Thaddeus Nook's Time Tours by Andrew Smith. It's time for the trip of a lifetime! Come along on one of Thadeus Nook's Time Tours. See history as it really was. Get to witness wars and assassinations! See barbarian warlords right up close! The Doctor and Leela encounter a most enterprising young gentleman - using time travel for his own financial gain. The Doctor is horrified at the irresponsibility - but it's just the tip of the iceberg. Because Thadeus Nook is about to learn that history is often best left in the past. The Primeval Design by Helen Goldwyn. Dorset, 1830. The Doctor has taken Leela to meet Mary Anning, the noted palaeontologist, but the duo immediately stumble into trouble. A body has been found in unusual circumstances. Attacked by an animal... but one of a size unknown in the area. It turns out some things might be better off staying buried. CAST: Tom Baker (The Doctor), Louise Jameson (Leela), Brendan Murphy (Thadeus Nook), Laura Riseborough (Jess/Young Woman), Kieran Bew (Grannus Drek), Georgina Hellier (Flaia/Stallholder), Arthur Hughes (Lem/ Lieutenant Muller), Tim Bentinck (Karlos/Guard/Reveller), Christopher Naylor (Krillian/Cop/Halder), Lucy Briggs-Owen (Mary Anning), Ian Conningham (Dr Richard Numan/Corfield), Alan David (Lord Macavoy/Old Lawrence), Charlotte Bate (Lizzie Berenger/Queen/Giant Queen), Joe Sims (Jim Berenger).
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who The Monthly Adventures #262 - Subterfuge
This release sees the return of two popular returning characters and guest stars: Ian McNeice (Edge of Darkness, Dune, Doc Martin) as Winston Churchill, and Rufus Hound as The Meddling Monk. London, 1945. Winston Churchill campaigns for re-election. His new strategic adviser assures him that Britain has a bright future under his continued leadership. It’s a vote he can’t possibly lose. But the Doctor knows that he must. The Monk is meddling, altering history for his own selfish ends. With spies and aliens in the mix, Winston realises victory may not be so simple. But at least he can trust his old friend… can’t he? Cast: Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Ian McNeice (Winston Churchill), Rufus Hound (The Meddling Monk), Jonathan Forbes (Policeman/Mugger/Broadcaster/System), James Joyce (Secretary 2/Landlord/Borstal Boy/Driver), Philip Labey (Edward Dowan), Mimi Ndiweni (Alicia Dowan). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who: Once and Future: Past Lives
The Time War. The Doctor has been injured and brought to a Time Lord field hospital. His body glows with energy, but this is no regeneration into a future form - instead, the Doctor's past faces begin to appear as he flits haphazardly between incarnations... Staggering to his TARDIS, the Doctor sets out to solve the mystery of his 'degeneration'. Who has done this to him? How? And why? From the Earth to the stars, across an array of familiar times and places, he follows clues to retrace his steps, encountering old friends and enemies along the way. Tumbling through his lives, the Doctor must stop his degeneration before he loses himself completely... Settling as his Fourth incarnation, the Doctor goes in search of the Monk, with a vague memory that he had something to do with his 'degeneration'. On Earth, the Monk is meddling, bringing Sarah Jane Smith to the future UNIT HQ to steal a device for an alien race. The Doctor must help Kate Stewart and Osgood foil an invasion before he can confront the Monk about what he knows... CAST: Tom Baker (The Doctor), Louise Jameson (Leela), Nerys Hughes (Margaret Hopwood), Guy Adams (Garlon Dees), Sam Benjamin (Attendant / Halfway Men), Chase Brown (Sergeant Ray Hunter), Barnaby Edwards (Stan Trubshaw / Private Massey / Edie’s Dad / Old Reg), Holly Jackson Waters (Alice), Joe Jameson (Jacob Harmer (16) / Jacob Harmer (35)), Kenneth Jay (Captain Ray Hunter), Evie Killip (Edie Carter), Shvorne Marks (Mia Valarna), Victor McGuire (Huthro), Jackson Milner (Private Joe Powell), Paul Panting (Nate Duffy / Mr Fennec), Ronald Pickup (Jacob Harmer), Olivia Poulet (Felsa Mavelock), Sara Powell (Moira Tenaka), Joe Sims (Tench). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Main Range 217: The Memory Bank and Other Stories
Four new adventures featuring the Fifth Doctor and Turlough! 1. The Memory Bank by Chris Chapman The Doctor and Turlough arrive on a planet where to be forgotten is to cease to exist. But the Forgotten leave a gap in the world - and that's where the monsters are hiding.2. The Last Fairy Tale by Paul Magrs Deep in the heart of old Europe, the village of Vadhoc awaits the coming of a mythical teller of magical tales - but not all such stories end happily, the TARDIS travellers discover. 3. Repeat Offender by Eddie Robson The Doctor has tracked the deadly Bratanian Shroud to 22nd century Reykjavik - where he's about to become the victim of a serial criminal. Again. 4. The Becoming by Ian Potter A young woman climbs a perilous mountain in search of her destiny. The Doctor and Turlough save her from the monsters on her trail - but what awaits them in the Cavern of Becoming is stranger, even, than the ravening Hungerers outside. Peter Davison's appearance as the Fifth Doctor from 1981-1984 is a favourite amongst generations of Doctor Who fans. He's reprised the role opposite both David Tennant and the Eastenders cast on TV! Mark Strickson played Turlough in Doctor Who between 1983 and 1984. This devious character started out trying to kill the Doctor, before finally they became friends. Director Helen Goldwyn has spent much time for producers Big Finish in front of the microphone, playing everything from a regular in their Tomorrow People audio series, to a malevolent answering service in 2016's audio production of cult hit The Prisoner. CAST: Peter Davison (The Doctor), Mark Strickson (Turlough), Suzann McLean (Max/Autumn Voice), Ian Brooker (Archivist/Computer/Elder), Mandi Symonds (Alitha/Inspector Jill Sveinsbottir), Duncan Wisbey (Grayling Frimlish/Shiri/Zounds), Kae Alexander (Waywalker).
Big Finish Productions Ltd Main Range - Time in Office
The Doctor's adventures in time and space are over. The Time Lords have recalled him to Gallifrey - but what he faces on his home planet is worse than any trial. Following the disappearance of President Borusa, the High Council condemned him to the highest office - and he can't evade his responsibilities a nanosecond longer...So all hail the Lord High President! All hail President Doctor! Rassilon save him. This time, there's really no escape. Big Finish have been producing Doctor Who audios since 1999, starring Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, David Tennant and John Hurt. Star Peter Davison played the Doctor on television between 1981 and 1984, but this is a part of a much larger body of work including stage work such as Gypsy in the West End with Imelda Staunton. He is the father-in-law to the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant! This story is much-anticipated by fans, as it features not only the Doctor's return to his home planet, but also a meeting with Leela (Louise Jameson), the companion to his fourth self (played by Tom Baker). CAST: Cast: Peter Davison (The Doctor), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Louise Jameson (Leela).
Big Finish Productions Ltd The Tenth Doctor Chronicles
Four narrated stories set in the Tenth Doctor era; The Taste of Death by Helen Goldwyn. The Doctor and Rose sample the high - life on resort planet MXQ1, run by the famous Bluestone brothers. It has everything: exotic beaches, luxury accommodation and extravagant dining. Something's cooking in the kitchen, and it's to die for. Backtrack by Matthew J Elliott. When the TARDIS crashes in the vortex, Martha and the Doctor find themselves on board the time-ship Best Before, where the host offers temporal cruises at reasonable prices. But time travellers must never cut corners. Dangerous forces have been unleashed, and Martha finds her medical skills put to the test as she deals with some lethal fall-out.Time is running out, and the clock is ticking towards disaster! Wild Pastures by James Goss. Strange things are happening at the Wild Pastures Rest Home. When the Doctor calls on the Nobles to investigate, he doesn't expect Sylvia to be the one to step up. Soon, they're in too deep, and the Doctor and Sylvia will need all their faculties to get out alive. Last Chance by Guy Adams.Trying to spare a few creatures from extinction, the Doctor bumps into an old acquaintance on the African plains -Lady Christina de Souza. They are about to find themselves on the endangered list. These stories are narrated by Jake Dudman, giving voice to the much-loved Tenth Doctor as played on TV by David Tennant. Jacqueline King plays Sylvia Noble - mother of Donna Noble as played by Catherine Tate in some of Doctor Who's most watched episodes. CAST: Jake Dudman (Narrator / The Doctor), Jacqueline King (Sylvia Noble), Michelle Ryan (Lady Christina de Souza).
Big Finish Productions Ltd The Worlds of Doctor Who - Special Releases - The Eighth of March 3: Strange Chemistry
Scattered through time and space, many women have crossed paths with the Doctor – friends, foes, and figures from history – and there can be a strange chemistry when they meet… Impulsive warrior encounters celebrated scientist, as Leela and the Doctor run into Marie Curie in 1920s America. And in a quiet English village, one of the Doctor’s oldest enemies seeks out one of his most devoted companions to find an escape – and the results are explosive! 3.1 A Ghost of Alchemy by Louise Jameson. When the TARDIS lands in New York in 1921 the Doctor takes the opportunity to introduce Leela to one of the foremost women of the age - the great Marie Curie, visiting America to be celebrated for her work. But the time travellers are not the only people interested in the famous scientist. Sinister forces are gathering around her and the TARDIS crew will have to work their utmost to keep her safe on her historic journey through the United States. 3.2 Fairies at The Bottom of The Garden by Karissa Hamilton-Bannis. Young Amelia Pond is used to getting into trouble. After another fight at school, she is sent back to counselling. But her new therapist is rather unconventional… Because Missy is also in trouble. Stuck on Earth, she’s targeted one of the Doctor’s best friends to get his attention – but her timing’s off. Amy’s TARDIS encounters lie years in her past and future, but there’s something strange in her garden now. As Missy sets her sights on young Pond, the fairies may be her only hope! CAST: Louise Jameson (Leela), Michelle Gomez (Missy), Tom Baker (The Doctor), Caitlin Blackwood (Amelia Pond), Holly Jackson Walters (Marie Curie), Nicholas Farrell (Mr Browman), Abi Harris (Mrs Walters / Fortune Teller / Mother / Will O’Wisp 2), Akshay Khanna (Doctor Rushton), Harry Myers (President Harding), Susan Penhaligon (Florence Harding), Penelope Rawlins (Mrs Mattie Meloney), John Rayment (Conor), Homer Todiwala (Derek / Ride Operator / Dr Millner), Jennifer Tyler (Fran / Laura / Will O’Wisp 1, Assassin Leader). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Timeslip Volume 01: The Age of the Death Lottery
Decades after their childhood experiences passing through a mysterious 'time barrier' that could transmit people into the past and the future, two adults - Simon Randall and Liz Skinner - encounter two youths from the 1980s, Neil and Jade - and realise the barrier is open again. Following them through the barrier in search of a missing friend, they find themselves many years into the future, when over-population has brought the Earth to its knees. So a radical reform has been undertaken - a mass culling of parts of the population known as the Death Lottery. Not everyone supports this idea. Rebels known as Refusers battle the government and the sinister Enforcement Bureau - and Liz discovers that her old friend Charlotte may be responsible for the whole thing. Groundbreaking ITV children's series Timeslip returns after 50 years in this full cast audio drama, featuring the cult classic's original stars, Spencer Banks and Cheryl Burfield. CAST: Spencer Banks (Simon Randall), Cheryl Burfield (Liz Skinner), Amanda Shodeko (Jade Okafor), Orlando Gibbs (Neil Riley), Sarah Sutton (Charlotte Trent), Matthew Jacobs-Morgan (Sam Bembe), Lucy Pickles (Maxine Shetty/EB Operative), Narinder Samra (Ajay Shetty/Processing Officer), Claire Vousden (The Minister/Data Superintendent). Other parts played by members of the cast.