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John Wiley and Sons Ltd Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals, and Degenerative Disease Prevention
Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals and Degenerative Disease Prevention is a compilation of different segments of functional foods and nutraceuticals focusing on their mechanism of action in the human body leading to disease prevention. Numerous chapters deal with different functional foods in terms of their efficacy, highlighting the mechanism of action of their ingredients. The book focuses on the biochemistry and molecular biology of the disease prevention process rather than simply compiling the benefits of functional foods and nutraceuticals. Aimed primarily at an audience comprised of researchers, industry professionals, food scientists, medical professionals and graduate level students, Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals and Degenerative Disease Prevention offers a mechanism-based interpretation for the effect of nutraceuticals within the human body. Ultimately, the discussion of the biological effects of a variety of functional foods will provide a wholesome approach to the maintenance of health through judicious choice of functional foods.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Postharvest Biology and Nanotechnology
A comprehensive introduction to the physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology of produce growth, paired with cutting-edge technological advances in produce preservation Revised and updated, the second edition of Postharvest Biology and Nanotechnology explores the most recent developments in postharvest biology and nanotechnology. Since the publication of the first edition, there has been an increased understanding of the developmental physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology during early growth, maturation, ripening, and postharvest conditions. The contributors—noted experts in the field—review the improved technologies that maintain the shelf life and quality of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. This second edition contains new strategies that can be implemented to remedy food security issues, including but not limited to phospholipase D inhibition technology and ethylene inhibition via 1-MCP technology. The text offers an introduction to technologies used in production practices and distribution of produce around the world, as well as the process of sencescence on a molecular and biochemical level. The book also explores the postharvest value chain for various produce, quality evaluation techniques, and the most current nanotechnology applications. This important resource: • Expands on the first edition to explore in-depth postharvest biology with emphasis on developments in nanotechnology • Contains contributions from leaders in the field • Includes the most recent advances in postharvest biology and technology, including but not limited to phospholipase D and 1-MCP technology • Puts the focus on basic science as well as technology and practical applications • Applies a physiology, biochemistry, and biotechnology approach to the subject Written for crop science researchers and professionals, horticultural researchers, agricultural engineers, food scientists working with fruits and vegetables, Postharvest Biology and Nanotechnology, Second Edition provides a comprehensive introduction to this subject, with a grounding in the basic science with the technology and practical applications.
Taylor & Francis Inc Food Biotechnology
Revised and updated to reflect the latest research and advances available, Food Biotechnology, Second Edition demonstrates the effect that biotechnology has on food production and processing. It is an authoritative and exhaustive compilation that discusses the bioconversion of raw food materials to processed products, the improvement of food quality, the importance of food safety, the design of ingredients for functional foods, and the biochemical advances made in traditional fermentation. It also provides an international perspective on the discipline as a whole.The content of the book is divided into three sections for easy reference. The first section provides an overview of the basic principles and explains microbial applications. The next section explains plant tissue culture techniques, genetic engineering of plants and animals, functional food ingredients and their health benefits, probiotics, antibody production for oral vaccines, and topics on enzyme technologies. The final section discusses food safety issues and the various bio-processing and fermentation biotechnologies used throughout the world. Food Biotechnology, Second Edition is an indispensable guide for anyone who needs to understand the latest information on food production and processing from a biotechnology perspective.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Progress in Food Preservation
This volume presents a wide range of new approaches aimed at improving the safety and quality of food products and agricultural commodities. Each chapter provides in-depth information on new and emerging food preservation techniques including those relating to decontamination, drying and dehydration, packaging innovations and the use of botanicals as natural preservatives for fresh animal and plant products. The 28 chapters, contributed by an international team of experienced researchers, are presented in five sections, covering: Novel decontamination techniques Novel preservation techniques Active and atmospheric packaging Food packaging Mathematical modelling of food preservation processes Natural preservatives This title will be of great interest to food scientists and engineers based in food manufacturing and in research establishments. It will also be useful to advanced students of food science and technology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Postharvest Biology and Technology of Fruits, Vegetables, and Flowers
An increased understanding of the developmental physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology during early growth, maturation, ripening, and postharvest conditions has improved technologies to maintain the shelf life and quality of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Postharvest Biology and Technology of Fruits, Vegetables, and Flowers provides a comprehensive introduction to this subject, offering a firm grounding in the basic science and branching out into the technology and practical applications. An authoritative resource on the science and technology of the postharvest sector, this book surveys the body of knowledge with an emphasis on the recent advances in the field.