Search results for ""author francoise briquel-chatonnet""
Peeters Publishers Les Relations Entre Les Cites De La Cote Phenicienne Et Les Royaumes D'Israel Et De Juda
Cet ouvrage traite des relations entre les cites pheniciennes et principalement Tyr d'une part et les royaumes uni puis separes d'Israel et Juda d'autre part, a partir de la documentation epigraphique, litteraire et archeologique. Il propose d'abord une etude chronologique des relations diplomatiques, alliances et ruptures, entre le debut du 1er millenaire et 587 avant J.C. Puis il envisage les relations economiques, echanges commerciaux et expeditions communes vers Ophir. Il etudie l'introduction de cultes tyriens en Israel, la confrontation sur le Carmel (I R 18), le "passage des enfants par le feu" et le marzeah. enfin il tente de cerner, dans l'urbanisme, l'architecture sacree, la ceramique et les themes iconographiques, les domaines dans lesquels Israel a subi, ou non, une influence phenicienne.
Yale University Press The Syriac World: In Search of a Forgotten Christianity
A comprehensive survey of Syriac Christianity over three thousand years Syriac is often referred to as the third main language of Christianity, along with Latin and Greek, and it remains a foundational classical, literary, and religious language throughout the world. Originating in Mesopotamia along the Roman and Parthian frontiers, it was never the language of a powerful state or ethnic group, but with the coming of Christianity it developed into a rich religious and cultural tradition. At the same time that Christianity was making its way through Europe, Syriac missionaries were founding churches from the Mediterranean coast to Persia, converting the Turkic tribes of Central Asia, and building communities in India and China. This comprehensive work tells the underexplored story of the Syriac world over three thousand years, from its pre-Christian roots in the Aramaic tribes and the ancient Near East to its vibrant expressions in modern diaspora churches. Enhanced with images, songs, poems, and important primary texts, this book shows the importance of Syriac history, theology, and literature in the twenty-first century.