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John Wiley & Sons Inc International Conference on Fans
Fans are probably the most commonly used machines – from computers to power station boilers, they come in all shapes and sizes. In today’s ever more demanding marketplace companies are evolving fans that are more efficient, quieter, and cheaper to run. These IMechE event transactions bring together international authors presenting their latest research and development. With significant developments, such as the impact of CFD on fan design and the increasingly common application of variable speed, International Conference on Fans provides a unique opportunity for both manufacturers and users of fans to share their experience and findings. Topics include: Noise and vibration Small fans and motors Computational fluid dynamics Cooling applications Operation and maintenance Impact of technology, legislation, and testing Fan design International Conference on Fans is vital reading for fan users, installers, consultants, and manufacturers and everyone concerned with power generation, industrial processes, commercial ventilation, air conditioning, tunnel and mine ventilation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Centrifugal Pumps: State of the Art and New Opportunities
The Second International Syposium on Centrifugal Pumps – The State of the Art and New Developments is the latest in a successful and prestigious series of IMechE Event Publications. Experts in the field of pumps and pumping have come together to produce these unique papers which cover reducing costs by using less components and better seals, bearings and couplings, increasing and maintaining pump efficiency using high speed super-synchronous motors; and improving safety. Complete Contents: Closed valve flow field investigation using computational fluid dynamics A new class of seal-less pump with synchronous integrated canned magnetic drive Development of a new generation of customer focused water pumps Improving pump reliability through its secondary components Variable medium speed pumps combine superior performance with reduced life cycle cost (LCC) The Weir VSR 2100 - A new concept in high-pressure pumping High-speed pumps using integrated motor technology Derby transfer pumping station - inception to commissioning State-of-the-art boiler feed pump upgrade for Ratcliffe Power Station Centrifugal Pumps will be invaluable reading to those involved with pumps and pumping, including makers and users, component suppliers, refurbishers, contractors, consultants, and researchers.