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Cambridge University Press International Relations in the Middle East: Hegemonic Strategies and Regional Order
Developing an original theoretical approach to understanding the roots of regional conflict and cooperation, International Relations in the Middle East explores domestic and international foreign policy dynamics for an accessible insight into how and why Middle Eastern regional order has changed over time. Highlighting interactions between foreign policy trajectories in a range of states including Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey, Ewan Stein identifies two main drivers of foreign policy and alignments: competitive support-seeking and ideological externalisation. Clearly linking political, ideological and foreign policy dynamics, Stein demonstrates how the sources of regional antagonisms and solidarities are to be found not in the geopolitical chessboard, but in the hegemonic strategies of the region's pivotal powers. Making the case for historical sociology - in particular the work of Antonio Gramsci and Louis Althusser - as the most powerful lens through which to understand regional politics in the Middle East, with wider implications for the study of regional order elsewhere.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Twenty-First Century Jihad: Law, Society and Military Action
The term ‘jihad’ has come to be used as a byword for fanaticism and Islam’s allegedly implacable hostility towards the West. But, like other religious and political concepts, jihad has multiple resonances and associations, its meaning shifting over time and from place to place. Jihad has referred to movements of internal reform, spiritual struggle, social progress, self-defence and even poetic expression as much as to ‘holy war’. Jihad, moreover, reflects principles and concerns by no means unique to Islam; understanding the evolution of this concept is crucial for engaging religion beyond Islam. Even among Muslim political, social and intellectual leaders, the meaning and significance of jihad remain subject to debate and controversy. Twenty-First Century Jihad contains vital analysis for those researching the role of religion in the modern world. It examines the ways in which the concept of jihad has changed, from its roots in the Qur’an to its usage in current debate. It explores familiar modern political angles, and touches on far less commonly analysed instances of jihad. It incorporates issues of law, society, literature and military action. It also provides a selection of ‘views from within’, allowing individuals associated with Islamic movements to present their own understanding of jihad. The approaches to understanding and conceptualising jihad include jihad in the Qur’an and Hadith, non-violent perspectives on jihad, and contemporary understandings of jihad as social practice. This makes Twenty-First Century Jihad a crucial text in understanding both the history and the contemporary applications of jihad.