Search results for ""author eunike velleuer""
Springer International Publishing AG Molecular Immunology: How Science Works
This textbook aims to describe in a condensed form the essentials of molecular immunology behind bacterial infections, the microbiome, viral infections (such as influenza and COVID-19), organ transplantations, autoimmunity, allergy and tumor immunology. The book emphasizes the impact of immunology in maintaining our health and preventing disease. Our immune system protects us not only from severe consequences of infectious diseases and getting cancer, but is also able to harm us severely via sepsis, cytokine storms and anaphylactic shocks. Molecular understanding of immunology should allow the reader a more rational handling of common diseases, most of which are associated with chronic inflammation.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Cancer Biology: How Science Works
Cancer is a collection of diseases that can affect basically every organ of our body, all of which have in common uncontrolled cellular growth. The cells forming our body have the potential to grow in the context of wound healing or for the constant replacement of cells in our blood, skin or intestine. Behind every newly diagnosed malignant tumor in adulthood there is an individual history of probably 20 or more years of tumorigenesis. Therefore, malignant tumor formation often takes time making cancer in most cases to an aging-related disease that we seem not to be able to evade. However, tumorigenesis is dependent on multiple environmental influences, many of which we have under control by lifestyle decisions, such as retaining from smoking, selecting healthy food and being physically active. Thus, cancer preventive interventions are the most effective way to fight against cancer. This textbook wants not only to describe basic mechanisms leading to cancer but also to provide the readers with a more holistic view including cancer surveaillance mechanisms of the immune system. We will place these insights in the context of the personal consequences of everyone’s lifestyle decisions. The content of the book is linked to the lecture course in “Cancer Biology”, which is given by Prof. Carlberg since 2005 at the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio. Moreover, biological processes explained in this book will be set into a clinical context using the experience of Dr. Velleuer in the daily care in oncology. This book also relates to the textbooks “Mechanisms of Gene Regulation: How Science Works” (ISBN 978-3-030-52321-3), “Human Epigenetics: How Science Works” (ISBN 978-3-030-22907-8) and “Nutrigenomics: How Science Works” (ISBN 978-3-030-36948-4), the studying of which may be interesting to readers who like to get more detailed information.
Springer International Publishing AG Molecular Medicine: How Science Works
The fascinating area of molecular medicine provides a molecular and cellular description of health and disease. Starting with the understanding of gene regulation and epigenetics, i.e., the interplay of transcription factors and chromatin, this book will provide an fundamental basis of nearly all processes in physiology, both in health as well as in most common disorders, such as cancer, diabetes as well as in autoimmune diseases. Most non-communicable human diseases have a genetic (= inherited) as well as an epigenetic component. The later one is based on our lifestyle choices and environmental exposures. Many common diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, can be explained only to some 20% via a genetic predisposition. We cannot change the genes that we are born with but we can take care of the remaining 80% being primarily based on our epigenome. Therefore, there is a high level of individual responsibility for staying healthy. Thus, not only biologists and biochemists should be aware of this topic, but all students of biomedical disciplines will benefit from being introduced into the concepts of molecular medicine. This will provide them with a good basis for their specialized disciplines of modern life science research. The book is subdivided into 42 chapters that are linked to a series of lecture courses in “Molecular Medicine and Genetics”, “Molecular Immunology”, “Cancer Biology” and “Nutrigenomics” that is given by one of us (C. Carlberg) in different forms since 2002 at the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio. This book represents an updated version and fusion of the books textbooks “Mechanisms of Gene Regulation: How Science Works” (ISBN 978-3-030-52321-3), “Human Epigenetics: How Science Works” (ISBN 978-3-030-22907-8). “Molecular Immunology: How Science Works” (ISBN 978-3-031-04024-5), “Cancer Biology: How Science Works” (ISBN 978-3-030-75699-4) and “Nutrigenomics: How Science Works” (ISBN 978-3-030-36948-4). By combining basic understanding of cellular mechanism with clinical examples, the authors hope to make this textbook a personal experience. A glossary in the appendix will explain the major specialist’s terms.