Search results for ""author emma garcia""
Boxer Books Limited Tap Tap Bang Bang
Tap Tap Bang Bang is full of bright and colourful tools. What can they all be making? Find out as we cree craw cut with the saw and tappety tap in the nails. Children will love joining in with the sounds in this fun, read-aloud text as they watch the tools work together to make a go-kart. Perfect for sharing with little builders! AGES: 2 to 5 AUTHOR: Emma Garcia was born in Yorkshire, England and studied education and psychology at Liverpool University. She works as an early years advisor and her experience has given her a strong insight into what young children enjoy reading. Emma lives in London with her husband and two sons.
Boxer Books Limited Chuffa Chuffa Choo Choo
Chuffa chuffa choo choo. Here comes the train. And it's rolling down the tracks in this vibrant picture book! Follow it along and count the birds that join the trip. All aboard, and all join in as the cheerful little train chugs past the seaside, the farm, the forest, the city, and into the station for a nice long rest. Along the way, a flock of noisy seagulls and blackbirds, pigeons and geese hop on for the ride. Kids will have fun looking at Emma Garcia's colourful, collaged landscapes and counting all the honking, cooing, tweeting birds. AGES: 0 to 3 AUTHOR: Emma Garcia was born in Yorkshire, England, and studied Education and Psychology at Liverpool University. Her education and experience as an early childhood specialist give her uncanny insight into what preschoolers enjoy in books. She is the author and illustrator of Tap Tap Bang Bang, Tip Tip Dig Dig, and Toot Toot Beep Beep (all Boxer Books). Emma lives in York, England.
Boxer Books Tip Tip Dig Dig
Hodder & Stoughton OMG Baby!
This ISN'T a book about babies. It's not about sleepless nights, nappies or nurseries. It IS about two people, one unexpected pregnancy and a question . . .Viv and Max were best friends for years, then they were lovers and then it all went wrong.Now finally they are to be reunited. Viv feels sick. Not just with nerves at seeing Max again, but because there's a small chance she might . . . quite possibly . . . most definitely . . . be pregnant.It's thrilling. But also terrifying. Most of the time they can hardly look after themselves, let alone a baby.And then Viv's estranged mother reappears on the scene and they all end up sharing a bedsit . . . and hell breaks loose.HOW ON EARTH ARE THEY GOING TO COPE?
Boxer Books Plinka Plinka Shake Shake
Boxer Books Tap Tap Bang Bang
Boxer Books Limited Nee Naw Nee Naw
Another fabulous vehicle title to add to Emma Garcia's range of ALL ABOUT SOUNDS books, full of onomatopoeia and great to read aloud.
Boxer Books Limited Plinka Plinka Shake shake
Let's look in the music box and see what we can find. Join the ukulele and the maracas and the drum and see what sounds they make! Great pre-school introduction to musical instruments!
Boxer Books Chugga Chugga Choo Choo
Boxer Books Toot Toot Beep Beep
Boxer Books Limited Tip Tip Dig Dig
Emma Garcia's popular debut title, Tip Tip Dig Dig, is now available as a chunky board book with moving parts on every spread, including the cover! Watch as each colourful vehicle does its own job as all the machines work together towards a surprise ending. The simple mechanisms in this new board book edition are prefect for little hands. Tip Tip Dig Dig has been shortlisted for the Read it Again! and the Southampton Favourite Book to Share picture book awards in 2008.
B (Ediciones B) Daringham Hall La decisi
Un secret llargament ocult, una gran decisió pendent.Ben Sterling no acaba dentendres a ell mateix: des de la seva arribada a Daringham Hall la seva vida ha fet un tomb, no només perquè la seva família, durant tant de temps perduda, el rep amb una gran amabilitat i, contra tot pronòstic, a la seva finca anglesa, sinó també perquè els seus sentiments per la veterinària Kate lhan agafat per sorpresa. Però ara fins i tot es planteja un futur a Anglaterra? En realitat no sap que les intrigues duna tercera persona el faran reconsiderar la seva decisió de quedar-se a Daringham Hall.Daquesta manera continua el segon volum de la trilogia Daringham Hall, lobra amb la qual es presenta davant els lectors en català lalemanya Kathryn Taylor, autora de diversos best sellers que han assolit la prestigiosa llista dels llibres més venuts de Der Spiegel.Així començà tot Camp anglès, en lactualitat. La Kate, una jove veterinària, fa una vida tranquilla al bucòlic poble de Salters End. Allà se