Search results for ""author emilia pardo bazán""
Ediciones Catedra S.A. Insolacion: Historia Amorosa
Jenior Verlag Winfried Erzählungen 18831920
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Insolación / Heatstroke
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Los pazos de Ulloa / The House of Ulloa
Insolación, de Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921), fue en su época una novela escandalosa. El tema se consideraba escabroso y, por añadidura, en ella se ventilaban asuntos como el de la distinta moral sexual para hombres y mujeres. Clarín había sentenciado la novela en sus Paliques: Antipático, poema de una jamona atrasada de caricias, y Pereda había dicho a los lectores de El Imparcial que los protagonistas de Insolación vivían amancebados a la vista del lector, con minuciosos pormenores sobre su manera de pecar. La crítica ha destacado lo que ya en su tiempo algunos entrevieron: el magnífico estudio psicológico del personaje femenino y la calidad literaria de la obra.La presente edición, a cargo de Marina Mayoral, ofrece un estudio introductorio que desentraña las circunstancias que rodearon la aparición de la novela y ahonda en los mecanismos de la creación novelesca. El texto de la novela se presenta revisado y, con el objetivo de facilitar una mayor comp
Klett Sprachen GmbH Los pazos de Ulloa
Eneida Editorial S.L. Cuentos Emilia Pardo Bazán
Santillana Educación, S.L. Los pazos de Ulloa
Ediciones Catedra, S.A. La Tribuna La Tribuna Letras Hispanicas Hispanic Writings
Austral Cuentos
Bucknell University Press Mother Nature
Mother Nature (1887) is the sequel to Emilia Pardo Bazán's most famous novel, The House of Ulloa, written one year earlier. It continues where the earlier work left off, when the priest, Julian, who had vainly struggled to protect the life and interests of the doomed mother of Manuela, sees the girl cavorting through the meadow with Perucho, who will turn out to be her half-brother. The reader will follow the course of the ill-starred relationship between the two, which turns from childish affection to romantic love.
Input Verlag Die rosafarbene Perle
Linkgua tribuna
Linkgua Una cristiana
Bucknell University Press The Tribune of the People
This early novel of Emilia Pardo Bazán is her most Naturalistic work in the manner of the French movement, and is also her most outspoken statement of her feminist point of view.
Penguin Books Ltd The House of Ulloa
A rich and unforgettable tragic-comic novel of sexual intrigue and political scheming, The House of Ulloa is one of the greatest works of nineteenth-century Spanish literature.The House of Ulloa follows pure and pious Father Julián Alvarez, who is sent to a remote country estate to put the affairs of the marquis, an irresponsible libertine, in order. When he discovers moral decadence, cruelty and corruption at his new home, Julián's well-meaning but ineffectual attempts to prevent the fall of the House of Ulloa end in tragedy. Combining gothic elements with humour and social satire, The House of Ulloa is the finest achievement of Emilia Pardo Bazán, a prolific writer, feminist, traveller and intellectual, and one of the most dynamic figures of her time.Brilliantly balancing biting satire and gothic undertones, and evoking a rich sense of place, this is a wonderful novel that deserves to be ranked with the other great books of the period. The Countess Emilia Pardo Bazán was born in 1851 and married at sixteen. After separating from her husband, she embarked on an affair with novelist Benito Pérez Galdós. The House of Ulloa (1886) is generally considered as her masterpiece among her many literary works. Professor Paul O'Prey is Vice-Chancellor of the University of Roehampton, London. Lucia Graves has translated works by Robert Graves, Anaïs Nin, Katherine Mansfield and Carlos Ruiz Zafón, and is the author of a memoir, A Woman Unknown, and a novel, The Memory House.'An absolutely first-rate novelist [...] Bazán's genius lies in the way she mixes comedy, farce, realism and heightened-pitch hysteria with a dash of gothic [...] People may travel by donkey in this book, but it could have been written yesterday' - Nick Lezard, Guardian'Pardo Bazán's mastery of social types and of the political currents that swirled around the liberal revolution are unsurpassed in Spanish literature ... O'Prey and Graves ... avoid awkward literalisms while nonetheless remaining true to the spirit of the original' New Criterion
University of Exeter Press Poesías Inéditas U Olvidadas
A selection of poems from a poet writing at the turn of the twentieth century.