Search results for ""author edward denison""
Art Blume, S.L. Guía breve 50 principios y estilos significativos de arquitectura
Los cincuenta artículos de este libro sobre las innovaciones, las teorías, los avances y los estilos en arquitectura le proporcionarán una base sólida sobre los fundamentos del entorno construido, desde las tumbas antiguas hasta los iconos urbanos. Se explica cada idea, por muy compleja que sea, en una sola página y con una imagen: todo fácil de digerir en no más de medio minuto. Expertos en la materia se enfrentan al reto de definir y describir los principios en los que se basan los arquitectos y los estilos con los que ponen en práctica esos principios. Si desea saber qué es un arco y qué es un alzado, el estilo barroco y el bizantino, o desea saber qué hicieron los arquitectos romanos por nosotros, identificar una dovela o una bóveda, conocer al padre del rascacielos o sencillamente identificar los estilos Art Nouveau y Art Déco, entre otras muchas cosas, este libro le proporcionará la manera más sencilla de construir su conocimiento. Una introducción práctica e interesante a los pu
Riba Publishing A Practical Guide to Architectural Drawing
Naturart Guía breve 50 claves para entender Londres historia arquitectura y los acontecimientos más relevantes
Este libro ofrece un recorrido único por una de las ciudades más apasionantes del mundo, en la que los rascacielos más modernos conviven con las ornamentadas iglesias barrocas, y donde el arte, la música y el teatro prosperan gracias a la magnífica diversidad de la ciudad.Cada tema se ha confi gurado en tan solo trescientas palabras y una única imagen para ofrecer una visión general de la vida en Londres a través de los siglos. Desde el Parlamento hasta los barrios periféricos, pasando por el Támesis y el metro, en este libro encontrará las claves indispensables para recorrer la ciudad que la realeza, los punks, los refugiados y losgrandes pensadores han coincidido en llamar hogar.
RIBA Enterprises McMorran & Whitby
McMorran & Whitby are a secret presence in post-war British architecture. Led from the late 1950s by Donald McMorran and George Whitby, the practice represented an unbroken development from the monumental inter-war classicism represented by figures such as Charles Holden and Sir Edwin Lutyens. In seeking an alternative path for modern architecture, McMorran & Whitby produced durable buildings with a respect for context, but avoided any accusation of unimaginatively reproducing the past. Theirs was a progressive classicism full of invention and beauty. Being out of fashion, they suffered neglect but their work has increasingly won admirers and many of the buildings are now listed. This book is the first major publication on McMorran & Whitby’s work, with an inspiring combination of contemporary photography and previously unpublished archival material. It is an essential read for architects, students, and historians, not least because it uncovers and celebrates buildings outside the mainstream that we need to understand and cherish. This book has been commissioned as part of a series of books on 20th Century Architects by RIBA Publishing, English Heritage and The Twentieth Century Society.
Universe Publishing How to Read Bridges: A Crash Course In Engineering and Architecture
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC How to Read Bridges: A Crash Course Spanning the Centuries
A lavishly illustrated practical guide for understanding bridges, with case studies of the world's most famous bridges. How to Read Bridges is a practical introduction to looking at the structure and purpose of bridges and a guide to reading the structural clues embedded in every bridge which allows you to appreciate their variety and ingenuity. Small enough to carry in your pocket and serious enough to provide real answers, this comprehensive guide analyses and explores all types of bridges from around the world from the first millennium to the present day and features the Brooklyn Bridge, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, Ponte Vecchio, Millau Viaduct and Pont des Arts. The book also explores fundamental concepts of bridge design, key materials and engineering techniques whilst providing an accessible visual guide with intelligent text, using detailed illustrations and cross-sections of technical features.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Life of the British Home: An Architectural History
Unlocking the history of the British home, this book reveals how its layout has evolved from the Stone Age to the present day. From modest ancient dwellings and medieval merchants' houses to imposing stately mansions and modern urban estates, the book explores the forces that have shaped these homes. Each chapter brings these ideas to life by focusing on buildings that are accessible and open to the public. Featured homes include: the Tudor mansions of Cowdray and Burghley House; and the grand Georgian terraces of London, Bath and Brighton.