Search results for ""author e. bruce goldstein""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Blackwell Handbook of Sensation and Perception
This state-of-the-art handbook provides an authoritative overview of the field of perception, with special emphasis on new developments and trends. Surveys the entire field of perception, including vision, hearing, taste, olfaction, and cutaneous sensibility. Ideal for researchers and teachers looking for succinct, state-of-the-art overviews of areas outside their speciality, and for anyone wanting to know about current research and future trends. Uses a tutorial approach that results in a balanced description of topics. A 'Selected Readings' section points to general references that provide more detailed treatments of each topic; 'Additional Topics' provide references to important topics. Written by noted authorities in the field. Now available in full text online via xreferplus, the award-winning reference library on the web from xrefer. For more information, visit
Cengage Learning, Inc Cognitive Psychology : Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience
A lot goes on in your head when you're doing something simple like remembering (or forgetting!) to do your next assignment. Bruce Goldstein explains all this activity going on in your mind in COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: CONNECTING MIND, RESEARCH, AND EVERYDAY EXPERIENCE. Concrete examples and illustrations help you understand both the scientific importance of theories and their relevance to you, including research-based suggestions for better ways to study. Also available to clarify and reinforce concepts: MindTap, including CogLab 5: The Online Cognition Lab.
Springer Wahrnehmungspsychologie
Einführung in die Wahrnehmung.- Grundlagen der Sinnesphysiologie.- Das Auge und die Retina.- Der visuelle Kortex und darüber hinaus.- Die Wahrnehmung von Objekten und Szenen.- Visuelle Aufmerksamkeit.- Handeln.- Bewegungswahrnehmung.- Farbwahrnehmung.- Tiefen- und Größenwahrnehmung.- Hören.- Hören in einer Umgebung.- Musikwahrnehmung.- Sprachwahrnehmung.- Die Hautsinne.- Die chemischen Sinne.
MIT Press Ltd The Mind