Search results for ""author dr. sanlyn buxner""
DK La luna (The Moon): Descubre los misterios de nuestra vecina más cercana
¿Sabes por qué a veces solo podemos ver la mitad de la Luna? ¿Es en realidad blanca y redonda? ¿Cómo sería la Tierra si no existiera la Luna? Pasa las páginas de este precioso libro ilustrado y descubre todo sobre nuestra compañera lunar: el relieve de la Luna, las fases lunares, la historia de las misiones de la NASA, el efecto de la Luna en las mareas y los animales nocturnos, los recientes descubrimientos científicos, y mucho más- Con explicaciones didácticas, curiosidades y datos asombrosos sobre la Luna.- Preciosas ilustraciones e impresionantes fotografías tomadas en la Luna con sondas.- Fácil de leer, con divertidos diagramas y cantidad de imágenes y datos curiosos para facilitar el aprendizaje. Un regalo perfecto para niños de 7 a 9 años con pasión por el espacio y la astronomía, así como para profesores y padres que busquen un libro de referencia educativo diferente.Conoce el pasado, el presente y el futuro de la Luna y prepárate para diseñar tu propia misión espacial. Alunizaje en 3, 2,1…
DK The Moon: Discover the Mysteries of Earth's Closest Neighbor
Discover the mysteries of Earth’s closest neighbor in this incredible guide to the Moon. This charming book is the perfect introduction for young readers who want to learn about every aspect of the moon. The Moon features breakdowns of the Moon’s formation and geography, the lunar phases, a history of NASA’s Apollo missions, the Moon’s effect on Earth’s tides and nocturnal animals, recent scientific discoveries, and so much more!This fascinating guide introduces 7-9 year olds to the moon’s past, present, and future, through stunning illustrations, photographs, and fascinating information. Packed with mind-blowing facts, this incredible book of the moon is perfect for space lovers everywhere. Explore this wonderful book about the moon, featuring:- In-depth information, backed up by space photography, probe images, illustrations, and fun diagrams- Stunning, dreamy illustrations, making this title a perfect gift, as well as a solid reference book - Easy-to-digest sections, each filled with incredible facts and visuals- The entire subject of the Moon – including its formation and geography, the lunar phases, a history of NASA’s Apollo missions, its effect on Earth’s tides and nocturnal animals, plenty of recent scientific discoveries, and more!Boasting beautiful illustrations by artist Dawn Cooper, combined with up-to-date images from space agencies such as NASA and ESA, info panels, timelines, and diagrams, that help demystify and explain the wonder of the Moon, this is the perfect book for young readers.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd The Moon: Discover the Mysteries of Earth's Closest Neighbour
Discover the mysteries of Earth's closest neighbour in this incredible guide to the Moon. This charming book is the perfect introduction for young readers who want to learn about every aspect of the moon. The Moon features breakdowns of the Moon's formation and geography, the lunar phases, a history of NASA's Apollo missions, the Moon's effect on Earth's tides and nocturnal animals, recent scientific discoveries, and so much more!This fascinating guide introduces 7-9 year olds to the moon's past, present, and future, through stunning illustrations, photographs, and fascinating information. Packed with mind-blowing facts, this incredible book of the moon is perfect for space lovers everywhere.Explore this wonderful book about the moon, featuring:- In-depth information, backed up by space photography, probe images, illustrations, and fun diagrams- Stunning dreamy illustrations, making this title a perfect gift, as well as a solid reference book- Easy-to-digest sections, each filled with incredible facts and visuals- The entire subject of the Moon - including its formation and geography, the lunar phases, a history of NASA's Apollo missions, its effect on Earth's tides and nocturnal animals, plenty of recent scientific discoveries, and more!Boasting beautiful illustrations by artist Dawn Cooper, combined with up-to-date images from space agencies such as NASA and ESA, info panels, timelines, and diagrams, that help demystify and explain the wonder of the Moon, this is the perfect book for young readers.