Search results for ""author dr manzoor ahmad mir""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cytokines and their Therapeutic Potential
The book comprises of five chapters and describes the origin, production and scope of cytokines, which are the most important molecules of immune system around which the field of functional immunology revolves. This book describes how the immune system responds to injuries and insults by foreign antigens (bacteria, viruses etc.) and produces cytokines, which then, through various immune response mechanisms, protect the body against pathogenic invasions, how these glycoproteins are involved in the differentiation and maturation of immune cells, how lymph nodes are involved in concentrating the different forms of cytokines, how immunogenicity of a cytokine is affected and how a cytokine is related to the immune response. Various types of cytokines and the organization and expression of cytokine receptors are described separately. The properties, mechanistic function and therapeutic cytokines are also discussed in separate chapters. The characteristics, production and important roles played by different cytokines in research, diagnostics and therapeutics is described separately. Lastly the role of cytokines and chemokine's in infectious diseases and their importance in the detection of various kinds of diseases like cancer, HIV-AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria etc. are discussed in detail separately. The book contains a reasonable number of diagrams, flowcharts and tables. Besides this, various interesting and self-explanatory illustrations are incorporated to make the book useful to the students for whom it is written. The question bank, which includes long answer type, short answer type and multiple choice questions with their answers at the very end of each chapter, is developed to get a full grasp of the topic.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Immunoglobulins, Magic Bullets and Therapeutic Antibodies
This book comprises of ten chapters and it describes the origin, history, timeline, production and scope of immunoglobulins which are the central molecules of the immune system around which the field of immunology revolves. This book describes how the immune system responds to injuries and insults by foreign antigens (bacteria, viruses etc) and produces immunoglobulins, which then through various immune response mechanisms protect the body against pathogenic invasions. Further, it discusses how these antigens are involved in the differentiation and maturation of immune cells, how lymph nodes are involved in concentrating the antigens, how immunogenicity of an antigen is affected and how antigenicity of immunogens is related to the immune response. Classification of immunoglobulins and the organisation and expression of immunoglobulin genes is described separately. The antigen antibody interactions and antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity are also discussed in separate chapters. The magic bullets or monoclonal antibodies, which have revolutionized the field of immunology, are described in greater detail, their production by hybridoma technology and the important role played by these antibodies in research, diagnostics and therapeutics is also discussed in the book. Lastly the immunodiagnostic techniques like radioimmunoassay (RIA), Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), flowcytometry and their importance in the detection of various kinds of diseases like cancer, HIV-AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, etc. are discussed in detail as well in the book. The book contains a large number of flow charts, diagrams, depictions and tables highlighting the properties, characteristic features, functions and roles played by these immunoglobulins in various fields of biosciences.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Role of Natural Herbs in Stroke Prevention & Treatment
Nova Science Publishers Inc Combination Therapies and their Effectiveness in Breast Cancer Treatment
This book highlights up-to-date and novel information with clinical aspects regarding breast cancer. It covers aspects ranging from epidemiology, biology, and molecular classification to currently available and potentially new therapeutic options for breast cancer. It highlights insights into breast cancer at the molecular level with a holistic approach to use combinational strategies involving various therapies for targeting different pathways involved in this particular malignancy. This book contains a range of latest resources, including schematic illustrations, recent reviews, and information for patients with breast cancer. Various novel biomarkers that are under clinical investigation will also be discussed in this book. Furthermore, the relapse and recurrence after treatment with various therapies presents a great problem, as it develops resistance to which combinational strategy may prove to be a promising approach, and in this book, we have discussed all the aspects of combination therapy in breast cancer. People including students, research scholars, educators, pharmaceutical professionals, clinicians, researchers, practitioners and patients as well as their family members will find this book very much useful.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Recent Advances in Stroke Therapeutics