Search results for ""author don a. moore""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managerial Decision Making
Managerial Decision Making is an essential and insightful title that brings together classic articles on the subject of behavioral decision research. Professor Don Moore has selected the seminal articles that are the cornerstone of a discipline that has exploded in both productivity and influence. It covers Herbert Simon's groundbreaking work on bounded rationality, as well as important papers on anchoring, the bias of framing, the problem of overconfidence, the preference for fairness, emotional influences and the strengths and weaknesses of human intuitive judgement. This research review will appeal to a wide readership as decision research plays an important role in such diverse areas as business, marketing, law, finance, medicine and public policy.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Perfectly Confident: How to Calibrate Your Decisions Wisely
An expert on the psychology of decision making at Berkeley’s Haas School of Business helps readers calibrate their confidence, arguing that some confidence is good, but overconfidence can hinder growth.A surge of confidence can feel fantastic—offering a rush of energy, even a dazzling vision of the future. It can give us courage and bolster our determination when facing adversity. But if that self-assurance leads us to pursue impossible goals, it can waste time, money, and energy. Self-help books and motivational speakers tell us that the more confident we are, the better. But this way of thinking can lead to enormous trouble.Decades of research demonstrates that we often have an over-inflated sense of self and are rarely as good as we believe. Perfectly Confident is the first book to bring together the best psychological and economic studies to explain exactly what confidence is, when it can be helpful, and when it can be destructive in our lives. Confidence is an attitude that takes into account both personal feelings and the facts. Don Moore identifies the ways confidence behaves in real life and raises thought-provoking questions. How optimistic should you be about an uncertain future? What justifies your confidence in something amorphous and subjective like your attractiveness or sense of humor? Moore reminds us that the key to success is to avoid being both over- and under-confident. In this essential guide, he shows how to become perfectly confident—how to strive for and maintain the well-calibrated, adaptive confidence that can elevate all areas of our lives.
Yale University Press Decision Leadership: Empowering Others to Make Better Choices
A fresh, research-driven playbook for how successful leaders can maximize the potential of others When we think of leaders, we often imagine lone, inspirational figures lauded for their behaviors, attributes, and personal decisions—a perception that is reinforced by many leadership books. However, this approach ignores the expectations of modern work cultures centered on equity and inclusion, where a leader’s true mission is to empower others. Applying decades of behavioral science research, Don A. Moore and Max H. Bazerman offer a passionate corrective to this view, casting today’s organizations as decision factories in which effective leaders are decision architects, enabling those around them to make wise, ethical choices consistent with their own interests and the organization’s highest values. As a result, a leader’s impact grows because it ripples out instead of relying on one individual to play the part of heroic figure. Filled with real-life stories and examples of the structures, incentives, and systems that successful leaders have used, this playbook equips each of us to facilitate wise decisions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Judgment in Managerial Decision Making
Behavioral decision research provides many important insights into managerial behavior. From negotiation to investment decision, the authors weave behavioral decision research into the organizational realm by examining judgment in a variety of managerial contexts.Embedded with the latest research and theories, Managerial Decision Making, 8th Edition gives students the opportunity to understand their own decision-making tendencies, learn strategies for overcoming cognitive biases, and become better decision makers.