Search results for ""author david rogers""
Taylor & Francis Inc The Future of Lean Sigma Thinking in a Changing Business Environment
Of the 100 companies named to Fortune magazine’s list of the world’s largest companies in 1956, only 29 of those companies remain on that list. Many lost their way because they failed to recognize the changes taking place, or were too big to react quickly enough to shifting market conditions. Supplying Lean practitioners with a formal process for keeping up with technological advancements and shifting business requirements, The Future of Lean Sigma Thinking in a Changing Business Environment provides the tools to survive and prosper through the current business environment. It introduces cutting-edge business solutions from the fields of chemical engineering, aircraft production, and business psychology, and explains how to integrate these concepts with proven Lean principles. The book begins by providing a foundation in essential Lean concepts, including Deming and Juran, Six Sigma, Total Quality Management, the Toyota Production System, and New Six Sigma. Next, it reports on the latest advances in process understanding. By analyzing changing attitudes within the system, it illustrates how new products are being developed using updated Lean thinking. In addition, it provides examples that demonstrate the impact of e-commerce on Lean production systems. Incorporating the green agenda to Lean thinking, the text supplies the insight to safely navigate your company through a shifting business landscape while reducing your impact on raw materials and the environment. By following the principles discussed in this book, you will not only increase your company’s chances of achieving long-term survival but will position your organization to capitalize on the economic upturn on the horizon.
Eliot Werner Publications Inc 110 Livingston Street: Politics and Bureaucracy in the New York City School System
David Rogers uses competing sociological models of mass society to analyze the New York City school system, which he describes as a “sick bureaucracy.” In his new prologue, the author discusses the divisive school decentralization crisis of the late 1960s and early 1970s as well as efforts by subsequent mayors to reform the system, including recent changes implemented by the Bloomberg administration. Originally published by Random House in 1968.
Helion & Company Bullets, Bombs and Poison Gas: Supplying the Troops on the Western Front 1914-1918, Documentary Sources
Columbia University Press The Digital Transformation Playbook: Rethink Your Business for the Digital Age
Rethink your business for the digital age. Every business begun before the Internet now faces the same challenge: How to transform to compete in a digital economy? Globally recognized digital expert David L. Rogers argues that digital transformation is not about updating your technology but about upgrading your strategic thinking. Based on Rogers's decade of research and teaching at Columbia Business School, and his consulting for businesses around the world, The Digital Transformation Playbook shows how pre-digital-era companies can reinvigorate their game plans and capture the new opportunities of the digital world. Rogers shows why traditional businesses need to rethink their underlying assumptions in five domains of strategy-customers, competition, data, innovation, and value. He reveals how to harness customer networks, platforms, big data, rapid experimentation, and disruptive business models-and how to integrate these into your existing business and organization. Rogers illustrates every strategy in this playbook with real-world case studies, from Google to GE, from Airbnb to the New York Times. With practical frameworks and nine step-by-step planning tools, he distills the lessons of today's greatest digital innovators and makes them usable for businesses at any stage. Many books offer advice for digital start-ups, but The Digital Transformation Playbook is the first complete treatment of how legacy businesses can transform to thrive in the digital age. It is an indispensable guide for executives looking to take their firms to the next stage of profitable growth.
Helion & Company Rebuilding Britain: The Aftermath of the Second World War
Columbia University Press The Digital Transformation Roadmap: Rebuild Your Organization for Continuous Change
Today, every business is talking about digital transformation. With the acceleration of new technologies, every organization knows it must adapt to survive. But by their own admission, 70 percent of businesses are failing to transform. Across industries, established companies are held back by bureaucracy, inertia, and old ways of working. How can businesses break through to drive real change?The Digital Transformation Roadmap provides every leader with the answer. Acclaimed author and C-suite advisor David L. Rogers argues that businesses must transform not just products and business models—they must transform the organization itself. Based on two decades of research and advising companies around the world, Rogers identifies the five biggest barriers to digital transformation: vision, priorities, experimentation, governance, and capabilities. He then shows how any business can evolve by heeding the lessons of companies such as Disney, Walmart, Mastercard, Air Liquide, and the New York Times Company.The Digital Transformation Roadmap provides a practical blueprint for organizational change, illustrated with real-world case studies and step-by-step planning tools. Rogers shows every leader how to think beyond the churn of new technologies and rebuild their organization for a world of constant change.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The 90% Solution: Higher Returns, Less Risk
The 90% Solution is about understanding the most important factors impacting today’s stock market, how they influence performance—and how they can be used to produce higher returns. In it, author David Rogers challenges traditional investment strategies, then points the way to new and alternative investment methods that can help you rise above the “expectations for mediocrity” that seem to dominate conventional investment thinking.
Ebury Publishing Back to Life: How to unlock your pathway to recovery (when back pain persists)
Back pain is very hard (often impossible) to diagnose and to specify, hence heavy painkillers are thrown at people. But the only way to beat the pain is to understand it. Based on cutting-edge research into back pain and the psychology of pain itself, David Rogers and Grahame Brown have set up the Functional Restoration Service at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham – the UK’s leading centre for back pain. Here they have developed the pioneering BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL approach: BIO – How your body processes pain; what physical triggers you have and why; where your body holds painPSYCHO – where your pain is coming from; what exactly your pain is; the power of your mind to deal with and stop painSOCIAL – all the environmental factors that will contribute to your back pain, and how, why and when to change themBased on this revolutionary and already hugely successful approach, Back to Life offers a whole new way of dealing with back pain: - Understand the psychology of pain- Debunk the myths- Find the source of your pain- Manage your pain – including all the emotions and anxiety that go with it- Master exercises and stretches- Identify and solve the social factors- Get lasting relief
The History Press Ltd D-Day Beach Force: The Men Who Turned Chaos into Order
The British Beach Groups were a combined force of men stationed on the Normandy Beaches from the initial landing until the last unit was disbanded a few weeks after D-Day. They performed many vital roles during the assault, including: arranging and controlling the movement of all personnel and vehicles from landing craft to inland assembly areas; moving stores from ship’s holds to dumps in the beach maintenance areas; developing and organising the beaches and beach maintenance areas for defence, movement and administration, including the evacuation of casualties and the recovery vehicles; providing a beach signal organisation; organising the removal and repatriation of casualties, prisoners of war and salvaged equipment; creating dumps to hold the petrol, ammunition, rations etc. that were being landed; and establishing assembly areas for arriving personnel and their vehicles. This book explores how this often-forgotten unit were the first to arrive and the last to leave one of history’s greatest military operations and how their behind-the-scenes action saved lives and were essential for the success of the landings.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mental Health for Primary Care: A Practical Guide for Non-Specialists
'This book gives a 'bottom-up', practical overview of mental health. I have distilled psychological, biological and sociological background material and siphoned off anything that is not relevant to primary care. I aim to demystify the management of common problems and empower the reader to have a more rewarding and fun time at work and a better ability to cope with the ever-increasing demand and challenge of dealing with multiple physical and mental health issues often brought by a single individual to a time-limited consultation' - Mark Morris.This book provides an up-to-date guide to mental health for primary care workers who are not experts in the field. It is logically structured, providing a clear overview of causal factors before presenting individual conditions in a diagnostic hierarchy. Particular attention is given to areas where there has been a deficit in understanding or training, along with problems that are most frequently encountered and managed in primary care. Meanwhile, a Psychological Tools section introduces solid practical frameworks for managing mental health problems developed from cognitive behaviour therapy, solution-focused and motivational interviewing techniques. A selection of resources for patients is also included. It includes foreword by: Andrew Polmear MA MSc FRCP FRCGP; Former General Practitioner and Senior Research Fellow, Academic Unit of Primary Care, The Trafford Centre, University of Sussex, September 2008.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Dracula & Dracula's Guest
Dracula: Introduction and Notes by Dr David Rogers, Kingston University. 'There he lay looking as if youth had been half-renewed, for the white hair and moustache were changed to dark iron-grey, the cheeks were fuller, and the white skin seemed ruby-red underneath; the mouth was redder than ever, for on the lips were gouts of fresh blood, which trickled from the corners of the mouth and ran over the chin and neck. Even the deep, burning eyes seemed set amongst the swollen flesh, for the lids and pouches underneath were bloated. It seemed as if the whole awful creature were simply gorged with blood; he lay like a filthy leech, exhausted with his repletion.' Thus Bram Stoker, one of the greatest exponents of the supernatural narrative, describes the demonic subject of his chilling masterpiece Dracula, a truly iconic and unsettling tale of vampirism. Dracula's Guest & Other Stories: Edited and Introduced by David Stuart Davies. The above is followed with a rich collection of Stoker's macabre tales including Dracula's Guest (which was omitted from the final version of Dracula); a devilishly dangerous haunted room in The Judge's House; a fatalistic tragedy in The Burial of the Rats; a terror of revenge from beyond the grave in The Secret of Growing Gold, and a surprising twist in the tail in The Gypsy's Prophecy. Other strange and frightening episodes provide a feast of terror for those readers who like to be unnerved as well as entertained.