Search results for ""author david h. gowland""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Regulation of Financial Markets in the 1990s: Issues and Problems in an Age of Innovation
The stock market crash of 1987 combined with scandals in the world's major financial centres has focused both public and academic attention on the importance of regulation. David Gowland critically appraises the methods of regulating financial markets describing their strengths and limitations. He considers the nature of regulation illustrating the argument with references to financial centres throughout the world. Special emphasis is placed on the impact of financial innovation, internationalisation and Black Monday.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Understanding Macroeconomics: An Introduction to Economic Policy in the 1990s
Understanding Macroeconomics provides short non-technical summaries of important areas of economics, especially those where the alternative literature is either not easily accessible or else highly specialized. An important objective of the book is to provide an analysis of current economic policy. It successfully demonstrates that simple economic analysis can be brought to bear lucidly and penetratingly on economic problems. The result is a book which, for its concise and authoritative survey of major areas, will be an essential purchase for school and college economics teachers and their libraries. It will also prove invaluable to university and polytechnic students of economics seeking an introduction to the application of economic theory to the major problems facing economists today.