Search results for ""author d. densil morgan""
University of Wales Press Theologia Cambrensis: Protestant Religion and Theology in Wales, Volume 2: The Long Nineteenth Century, 1760-1900
As well as outlining the shape of Welsh religious history generally, this second volume of Theologia Cambrensis describes the development of Calvinistic Methodist thought up to and beyond the secession from the Established Church in 1811, and the way in which the Evangelical Revival impacted the Older Dissent to create a vibrant popular Nonconformity. Along with analysing aspects of theology and doctrine, the narrative assesses the contribution of such key personalities as William Williams Pantycelyn, Thomas Charles of Bala and Thomas Jones of Denbigh, and the Nonconformists Titus Lewis, Joseph Harris ‘Gomer’, George Lewis, David Rees and Gwilym Hiraethog. Following the notorious ‘Treachery of the Blue Books’ of 1847 and the Religious Census of 1851, Anglicanism regained ground, and among the themes treated in the latter chapters of this volume are the influence of High Church Tractarianism and the Broad Church ‘Lampeter Theology’ in the parishes. The volume concludes by assessing the intellectual culture of evangelicalism personified by Lewis Edwards and Thomas Charles Edwards, and describes the challenges posed by Darwinism, philosophical Idealism and a more critical attitude to the biblical text.
University of Wales Press Thomas Charles o'r Bala
This edited volume discusses the contribution of Thomas Charles of Bala (1755-1814) to the life of Wales on the occasion of the bicentenary of his death. Comprising the latest research by twelve experts in their fields, it covers his work in education, religion, literacy, scholarship, lexicography and culture. Thomas Charles was one of the architects of modern Wales and this book, the most detailed work on the subject to be published for over a century, will be of great interest to cultural historians and literary critics alike.
University of Wales Press Gras Gobaith a Gogoniant
Un o dadau cenedlaetholdeb modern yw Emrys ap Iwan (18481906), y pregethwr Methodist o Ddyffryn Clwyd. Hon yw'r gyfrol gyntaf arno sy'n dadansoddi'n fanwl seiliau beiblaidd a chrefyddol ei weledigaeth. Mae'n cloriannu ei gefndir a'i fagwraeth, ei addysg yng Ngholeg y Bala ac ar y cyfandir, y dylanwadau Ewropeaidd arno, a'r modd yr aeth ati i ddwyn perswâd ar ei gyfoeswyr i ymwrthod â'r bydolwg Prydeinig a Seisnig. Ceir yn ei homilïau athrawiaeth Gristnogol aeddfed a gwâr, wedi'i mynegi mewn Cymraeg rhywiog ac yn gyfraniad arhosol i feddwl y genedl; mae'r cysyniadau o ras, gobaith a gogoniant yn cael lle blaenllaw. Yn ogystal ? thrafod ei gyd-destun hanesyddol, mae'r gyfrol hefyd yn tanlinellu gwreiddioldeb gwaith Emrys ac yn pwysleisio'i berthnasedd i'r Gymru gyfoes.
University of Wales Press Theologia Cambrensis: Protestant Religion and Theology in Wales, Volume 1: From Reformation to Revival 1588-1760
Winner of the 2021 France Jones Prize for Welsh History. The first of a two-volume analysis of theology in Wales, this volume begins with the publication of Bishop William Morgan’s Bible in 1588 and concludes with the first phase of the Evangelical Revival in 1760. It assesses the development of Puritanism and of doctrine within the Church of England, Dissenting theology including Calvinism and Arminianism, the doctrinal vision of Griffith Jones Llanddowror, and the way in which an evangelistically vibrant moderate Calvinism contributed to the rise of the Methodist movement. As well as evaluating thought and ideas, it assesses the contribution of such vivid personalities as Morgan Llwyd, Charles Edwards, James and Jeremy Owen, Daniel Rowland and William Williams Pantycelyn.
University of Wales Press Williams Pantycelyn
Un o gyfrolau mwyaf dadleuol yr ugeinfed ganrif yw Williams Pantycelyn gan Saunders Lewis, ac ymhlith yr astudiaethau beirniadol mwyaf cynhyrfus i ymddangos erioed yn y Gymraeg. Cynigiodd y gyfrol ffordd newydd i ddehongli athrylith yr emynydd o Bantycelyn, a thrwy hynny sefydlu enw Saunders Lewis fel beirniad mwyaf beiddgar a chreadigol ei genhedlaeth. Er mwyn nodi trichanmlwyddiant geni'r emynydd yn 2017, mae Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru yn ailgyhoeddi'r gyfrol; mewn rhagymadrodd helaeth i'r cyhoeddiad newydd, mae D. Densil Morgan yn dadansoddi cynnwys y gwaith, ei dafoli'n feirniadol ac yn olrhain ei ddylanwad ar y meddwl Cymreig o'i gyhoeddi yn 1927 hyd heddiw. Mae'n ddathliad deublyg o greadigrwydd Saunders Lewis ac o gyfraniad aruthrol y Per Ganiedydd i waddol y diwylliant cenedlaethol.
Y Lolfa Gofal ein Gwinllan