Search results for ""author craig stevens""
Crabtree Publishing Co,Canada Street Bike Mania
Crabtree Publishing Co,Canada Dragster Mania
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Creating Coffee Tables: An Artistic Approach: An Artistic Approach
Designing and making a coffee table represents a unique project for the craftperson, offering the reward and satisfaction of building a beautiful and yet fairly simple piece of furniture. A coffee table project requires forethought and planning. It also helps to develop confident handskills and the attitude to do one's best, especially for someone just beginning to explore furniture making. Creating Coffee Tables: An Artistic Approach takes the novice as well as the advanced woodworker through a fully illustrated step-by-step process from design to applying a finish. Drawing from his study at the renowned College of the Redwoods Fine Woodworking Program, cabinetmaker and author Craig Vandall Stevens takes the craftsperson through the sequence of events necessary to design and build a coffee table. 350 detailed photographs illustrate selecting and laying out lumber, the use of woodworking machines and handtools, sharpening, milling and preparing parts, joinery, resawing and making sawn veneers, shaping with handtools, assembly, and choosing and applying a finish.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Art of Marquetry
Marquetry is a technique where different natural colors of wood veneers are carefully cut to fit precisely together, creating a spectacular design in a single sheet or picture. In the mid 16th century, Italian craftsmen began using marquetry as a furniture decorating art. Using a technique called the double-bevel cut, the novice to advanced woodworker is led through a fully illustrated step-by-step process from the design to the finish. Hundreds of color photographs demonstrate in detail how to saw your own veneers out of solid wood planks, the tools and materials required, using the scroll saw and the fret saw, choosing woods for color and grain, design tips, shading with hot sand, and finishing. Four patterns ranging from simple to challenging projects are included as is an extended gallery of finished works to inspire the marquetarian in you.
Crabtree Seedlings Fiebre Por Los Drágsters (Dragster Mania)
Elsevier Health Sciences Brenner and Stevens Pharmacology