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Peeters Publishers L'ange Et La Sueur De Sang (Lc 22,43-44) Ou Comment on Pourrait Bien Encore Ecrire L'histoire
Preface par Francois Bovon, cet ouvrage defend la these que Lc 22,43-44 a ete omis d'une partie de la tradition manuscrite egyptienne, au deuxieme siecle. La premiere partie propose de considerer le genre litteraire de Luc-Actes comme une categorie evolutive de la reception, et souligne les connivences entre histoire et poetique. La seconde partie demontre que le Jesus lucanien n'est pas sans emotion, apporte des elements nouveaux quant aux attestations externes, et prouve l'existence au debut de notre ere de la polysemie d'agonia, comprise comme angoisse ou lutte. En Egypte, des chretiens minoritaires ont appele Jesus "le grand combattant", s'inspirant de la memoire de Jacob et de l'ange et de la sueur de sang. A substantial English summary at the end of the volume allows a wider readership to see the main line of argument. Claire Clivaz is assistant professor of New Testament and Early Christian Literature at the University of Lausanne (CH).
Peeters Publishers Reading New Testament Papyri in Context - Lire Des Papyrus Du Nouveau Testament Dans Leur Contexte
This volume is the publication of the acts of a conference held at the University of Lausanne (CH), in october 2009. It collects sixteen contributions on Egyptian Jewish and Christian papyri, read in their context, in four thematic parts. The first one concerns New Testament and papyri, with two programmatic contributions demonstrating the present importance of textual criticism in New Testament exegesis, as well as a state of research on the most recent NT papyri. The second part focuses on the interactions between the Egyptian context, Judaism and the emerging Christianity, with notably the presentation of a fragment of a homily containing Lk 2.35-36 (P.Gen. IV 150). The third part shows how every papyrus can tell a story on early Christianity whether it concerns the Gospel of John or the Gospel of Thomas, or if one uses the multispectral imaging. The last part offers further considerations on papyri and theology, and on the way in which papyri can help to fill in historical gaps. Contributions by R. Burnet, C. Clivaz, J. K. Elliott, K. Haines-Eitzen, S. Honigman, T. J. Kraus, A.-M. Luijendijk, X. Gravend-Tirole, C.-J. Gruber, D. Pastorelli, J. Read-Heimerdinger, J. Rius-Camp, P. Schubert, D. Stoekl, M. Theophilos, J. Zumstein.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Infancy Gospels: Stories and Identities
Even though the canonical Jesus' infancy stories have always provoked great interest in popular culture and in the arts, they have been neglected in research during the last decades due to the relatively late date of their redaction. Since the monograph by Raymond Brown, The Birth of the Messiah, the researchers working on this topic have not attempted to consider its historical impact. In this volume, an international team of scholars proposes firstly a reconsideration of the historical background of these stories in terms of early Jewish and Christian identity quests. Secondly, they deal with early Christian questions on Jesus' infancy and childhood through canonical and apocryphal Gospels including information from Patristic and documentary literature. On the theological level, this volume illustrates the impact that these apocryphal texts, recognized as "useful for the soul" (a phrase coined by François Bovon), have had on the Christian faith.Contributors: Philip Alexander, Frédéric Amsler, Daniel Barbu, Simon Butticaz, Valentina Calzolari, Claire Clivaz, José Costa, Elian Cuvillier, Adriana Destro, Luc Devillers, Jörg Frey, Daniel Gerber, Christian Grappe, Christophe Guignard, Jean-Daniel Kaestli, Ursula Ulrike Kaiser, Moisés Mayordomo, Simon Claude Mimouni, Enrico Norelli, David Pastorelli, Mauro Pesce, Francesca Prescendi, François Rosset, Anders Runesson, Andrea Taschl-Erber, Geert van Oyen, Joseph Verheyden, Benedict Viviano, Sever J. Voicu, Lily Vuong
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Between Canonical and Apocryphal Texts: Processes of Reception, Rewriting, and Interpretation in Early Judaism and Early Christianity
The present volume aims at a comparative study of the processes of reception, rewriting and interpretation between canonical and apocryphal texts in early Jewish and early Christian literature. A closer look at the respective developments in both corpora of literature can open up new perspectives for understanding the developments and changes between texts that were already considered authoritative, and their reception in new, 'parabiblical' or 'apocryphal' compositions. The way of reception may also influence the perspective on canonical texts. The range of texts considered includes the LXX, Targumim and Pesharim, books such as Jubilees, the Genesis Apocryphon, the Gospel of Thomas, and Apocryphal Acts, traditions about Esther, Ezra, Manasseh, Peter and Paul, depictions of hell from Enoch to the Apocalypse of Paul, and the development of miracle stories.
Peeters Publishers Ecritures Et Reecritures. La Reprise Interpretative Des Traditions Fondatrices Par La Litterature Biblique Et Extra-biblique: Cinquieme Colloque International Du RRENAB, Universites De Geneve Et Lausanne, 10-12 Juin 2010
La maniere dont la litterature biblique et extra-biblique se construit a travers la reception et la reinterpretation de textes et de traditions consideres comme fondateurs et investis d'une autorite est au cour de ce volume. Cette problematique est abordee de maniere a mettre en dialogue les lectures synchroniques et diachroniques des textes. Il s'agit d'une part de s'interroger sur les techniques litteraires qui permettent de construire et analyser une reference intertextuelle dans les recits des deux testaments et de la litterature extra-biblique; cela implique d'evaluer l'impact narratif de ces reprises intertextuelles sur la conduite de l'intrigue et la caracterisation des personnages, ainsi que leurs effets possibles sur le lecteur. Il s'agit d'autre part d'examiner la relation entre reception, autorite textuelle et processus de formation canonique; en effet, les textes bibliques qui se construisent par reference a d'autres textes affirment le caractere autorise et fondateur de ces sources, tout en les reinterpretant de maniere parfois radicale. Selon cette perspective, c'est cette relation dialectique entre ces traditions fondatrices et leurs reprises qu'il s'agit de mieux comprendre, en tenant compte non seulement des ecrits bibliques mais egalement de la litterature extra-biblique juive et chretienne.