Search results for ""author chuang""
Ediciones Librería Argentina (ELA) Cuentos y leyendas taoístas
Chuang Tzu, fue muy reconocido en su época como un erudito del Tao y un intérprete de Lao Tse. Su filosofía más que unos principios morales, tenía formas de actuación prácticas y flexibles, basadas en la naturaleza de las cosas y en el Tao, que se destacaban al oponerse a la forma más rígida de comprender el mundo de su contemporáneo Confucio.Para muchos autores es el escritor taoísta más importante después de Lao Tse y para otros tantos, uno de los primeros precursores del anarquismo, más incluso que el propio Lao Tse.La presente selección de cuentos y leyendas de Chuang Tzu, parte del libro original del autor "El libro de Chuang Tzu" y en ella hemos tratado de mantenernos lo más fieles posibles al sentido del texto, buscando siempre en la traducción una interpretación desde el punto de vista taoísta y tratando de excluir aquellas partes del texto que nos parecen más lejanas al espíritu del autor, muchas de ellas atribuidas a sus discípulos.
Textos escogidos
Los textos atribuidos a Chuang Tse son la cara más práctica o descriptiva del Tao Te Ching
Brown Books Kids The Secrets of Ancient Sea Monsters
Penguin Books Ltd The Book of Chuang Tzu
The Book of Chuang Tzu draws together the stories, tales, jokes and anecdotes that have gathered around the figure of Chuang Tzu. One of the great founders of Taoism, Chaung Tzu lived in the fourth century BC and is among the most enjoyable and intriguing personalities in the whole of Chinese philosophy.
Brown Books Publishing Group The Secrets of Dinosaurs
Brown Books Publishing Group Age of Ancient Sea Monsters
John Wiley & Sons Inc Enzyme Inhibition in Drug Discovery and Development: The Good and the Bad
The science and applied approaches of enzyme inhibition in drug discovery and development Offering a unique approach that includes both the pharmacologic and pharmaco-kinetic aspects of enzyme inhibition, Enzyme Inhibition in Drug Discovery and Development examines the scientific concepts and experimental approaches related to enzyme inhibition as applied in drug discovery and drug development. With chapters written by over fifty leading experts in their fields, Enzyme Inhibition in Drug Discovery and Development fosters a cross-fertilization of pharmacology, drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology by understanding the "good" inhibitions—desirable pharmacological effects—and "bad" inhibitions—drug–drug interactions and toxicity. The book discusses: The drug discovery process, including drug discovery strategy, medicinal chemistry, analytical chemistry, drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and safety biomarker assessment The manipulations of drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters as well as the negative consequences, such as drug–drug interactions The inhibition of several major drug target pathways, such as the GPCR pathway, the NFkB pathway, and the ion channel pathway Through this focused, single-source reference on the fundamentals of drug discovery and development, researchers in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (DMPK) will learn and appreciate target biology in drug discovery; discovery biologists and medicinal chemists will also broaden their understanding of DMPK.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Inner Chapters: The Inner Chapters
The Inner Chapters are the oldest pieces of the larger collection of writings by several fourth, third, and second century B.C. authors that constitute the classic of Taoism, the Chuang-Tzu (or Zhuangzi). It is this core of ancient writings that is ascribed to Chuang-Tzu himself.
Brown Books Kids The Secrets of Pterosaurs
Brown Books Publishing Group Age of Dinosaurs
Brown Books Publishing Group Age of Pterosaurs
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Inner Chapters
The Inner Chapters are the oldest pieces of the larger collection of writings by several fourth, third, and second century B.C. authors that constitute the classic of Taoism, the Chuang-Tzu (or Zhuangzi). It is this core of ancient writings that is ascribed to Chuang-Tzu himself.
University of Hawai'i Press Wandering on the Way: Early Taoist Tales and Parables of Chuang Tzu
A contemporary translation remaining faithful to the original collection of tales, poems and parables of Taoist philosophy. The collection covers a wide range of issues, from ambition to politics, and is accompanied by an introduction on the author and his place in Chinese thought and history.
Information Age Publishing Educational Practices in China, Korea, and the United States: Reflections from a Study Abroad Experience
This book is written by a diverse cohort of both of American educators, including professors, teachers, school counselors, and school administrators from pre-K to college levels. Most of the contributors come from disciplinary areas of English as a second language and school administration. With the pressure of Common Core State Standards Initiative, American educators are now shifting their focus to standards-based instruction. Meanwhile, Chinese educators are moving away from national standards and developing state level curriculum and instruction to meet specific needs of the students in local provinces. There is also a debate about whether or not to use the National College Entrance Examination as the only test for college admission. Some provinces (e.g., Zhejiang and Hubei) are administering their own college entrance examinations. The book outlines the sociocultural roots of education in the three countries, linking the tradition and philosophical orientations to each country’s own history of education. Furthermore, the book compares and contrasts the curriculum, especially the teaching of English as a second/foreign language, in three countries.This book examines the stress of students, physical education, various pedagogical styles in foreign language education as well as instructional texts and cross-cultural dialogue between teachers. Additionally, the book explores factors that influence parent’s involvement and women’s educational and career aspirations. Lastly, the book presents modern technologies such as smart learning technologies and online learning platforms not only to facilitate future educational systems but also to promote international exchanges.The chapters of the book are thematically diverse, but they help to provide inspirations for educators both in American and Asian countries. The findings offer alternative practical lenses for educational community to seek for some “middle ground” between Chinese, South Korea and American education. The intended audience for this book is graduate students, teachers, administrators, and professionals in education.
Penguin Books Ltd The Tao of Nature
Chuang Tzu examines the nature of existence in these dialogues and essays, from the battle to grasp the purpose of life to the search for knowledge. A collection of some of the most absorbing and charming philosophy ever written, THE TAO OF NATURE is also about perfection, perception, the value of skills and the truth revealed by complete understanding.GREAT IDEAS. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.