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Gaia Ediciones Creencias y terapia cmo detectar y eliminar las creencias que nos limitan
Solo a través de la transformación de nuestras creencias podemos adquirir una salud estable y definitiva y un crecimiento personal genuino y verdadero.El reputado terapeuta y pionero de la descodificación biológica Christian Flèche y el psicoterapeuta Franck Olivier desvelan en Creencias y terapia el inmenso poder de la creencia como ingrediente fundamental de toda enfermedad y a la vez como limitante primordial en todos los planos de la vida humana: pareja, profesión, familia y salud y bienestar.En la primera parte de esta obra los autores exploran el fenómeno de la creencia:? Qué es una creencia.? Cuándo, cómo y por qué se establece una creencia.? Y sobre todo: cómo desenmascarar las creencias y librarse de ellas.La segunda parte del libro está orientada a la práctica y el cambio: cómo detectar, modificar y eliminar nuestras creencias limitantes para recobrar la salud y librarnos de pautas erróneas.Para ello, los autores presentan diversas técnicas muy efe
Obelisco Enfermo Yo Pero Por Que?
Obelisco El Mundo Exterior No Existe
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Biogenealogy Sourcebook: Healing the Body by Resolving Traumas of the Past
Biogenealogy is a comprehensive new vision of health that takes the mind-body connection one step further by identifying and consciously addressing the emotional shocks that create physical disorders. Each symptom of an illness precisely indicates its emotional origin. Thus, far from being an enemy, the physical symptom is actually a valuable ally that provides the key to the cure of the physical disease as well as resolution of the emotional imbalance that created it. Christian Flèche, the leading researcher and practitioner in the field of biogenealogy, explains that the “activation of illness” is the body’s reaction to unresolved events that are frozen in time. These unresolved traumas affect the body on the cellular level and manifest in minor as well as more serious chronic conditions. In The Biogenealogy Sourcebook, Flèche systematically chronicles all the major organs of the body and specifies the types of emotional conflicts that lead to illness in those areas. For example, he explains that conflicts of separation are evidenced in diseases of the skin; a reduction of self-worth or deep anguish will manifest in the lymph nodes. He also shows that unresolved emotional issues can also be passed down to future generations if left untreated. Intended for therapists, researchers, and any person who wants to take his or her health in hand, this book is an important guide to understanding and decoding the causes and not just the effects of illness.