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F.A. Davis Company OB/GYN Peds Notes: Nurse's Clinical Pocket Guide
A Davis’s Notes TitlePerfect wherever you are…in class, in clinical, and in any practice setting! This handy guide delivers quick access to the essential clinical information you need to care for obstetric, gynecological, newborn, and pediatric patients in any setting. The 4th Edition of this popular pocket guide has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect nursing practice today. New, Updated & Revised! Thoroughly updated and revised throughout to reflect the art and science of nursing today, including the latest guidelines, warning signs, and patient care for common procedures during pregnancy, labor, and delivery.New! Coverage of families dealing with newborn anomaly, birth injury, or fetal demise, the high-risk or ill newborn, and nursing care of children and families dealing with end-of-life issues.New! Content on assessment and nursing care of the opioid-addicted mother/newborn and nursing care of the child with cerebral palsy.New! Content on pediatric blood pressure assessment and charts.Updated & Revised! The most current guidelines, including ACOG Pap Smear, CDC Immunization in Pregnancy, ACOG and ACS Mammography, and ACOG and ACS Breast Self-Exam and Breast Self-Awareness.Updated & Revised! Information on birth control and emergency contraception choices, pain control in labor, breastfeeding, safety teaching tips, and cultural competence guidance.Updated! AWHONN practice guidelines for postpartum hemorrhage and ACOG guidelines for vaginal birth after cesarean section guide.Updated & Revised! Terminology and definitions.