Search results for ""author catriona lexy campbell""
Sandstone Press Ltd Cleasan a' Bhaile Mhòir
Jessie is an aspiring actress who has moved to London to try to make a breakthrough into the big time but is finding the going tough. She has to work in a hotel to make ends meet and is about give up when she stumbles, with the help of her friend Curtis, on a novel way of using her acting talents for gain. Jessie’s series of imaginative ‘scenarios’, designed to help her clients through sticky patches in their lives, are brought alive vividly in this entrancing tale. In Cleasan a’ Bhaile Mhòir, Catriona Lexy Campbell has created a wide range of interesting characters and their relationships, which she describes with humour and insight. Underlying it all is a tender, understated love story.
Acair Cluicheadairean
Sandstone Press Ltd Nigheanan Mora
Tha iad og is lan spors, nigheanan oga sa bhaile mhoir cho toilichte 's a ghabhas - ach is e clach-mhile a th' ann an tricheadamh cola-breith. Is nuair a dh'iarras Graeme air Jo a bana-chairdean fhagail airson fuireach comhla ris-san, feumaidh Bell agus Anna rudeigin a dheanamh airson stad a chur oirre. Bell, Anna and Jo have been having a whale of a time together since they left university, but when Jo announces that she's moving in with her boyfriend life takes quite a jolt. Desperate measures are called for if Bell and Anna want to put a stop to this - or maybe they all need to grow up and behave better. Catriona Lexy Campbell's comedy of dating, matchmaking and relationship sabotage tackles the genuine challenges of friendship and adult responsibility with a combination of sensitivity and mischief. Anyone who never wanted to grow up, or still hasn't, will recognise themselves in her lively cast of characters.