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Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd I Can Feel Good (2nd edition): DBT-informed skills training for people with intellectual disabilities and problems managing emotions
The purpose of this manual is to enable practitioners to deliver skills training to people with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities who have problems managing and regulating their emotions, which in turn impacts on their lives and relationships. The people who could benefit from such training may live in community settings, residential settings or secure settings. The new edition has been updated to incorporate new adapted skills, adapted for use with an intellectual disability population following the publication of the second edition of Marsha Linehan's DBT Skills Training Manual and DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets. The training manual features guidance regarding staff training, programme evaluation, additional resources regarding mindfulness exercises, guided imagery, role plays and composite characters to increase the ease of group facilitation. These are included in the hard copy and online and include learner handouts with new and updated worksheets, forms and printable resources. The programme is designed for delivery in a group setting, but can be adapted for individual intervention.