Search results for ""author bryan p. stone""
University Press of America Effective Faith: A Critical Study of the Christology of Juan Luis Segundo
This study examines the recent work of Latin American liberation theologian Juan Luis Segundo. The author evaluates Segundo's resources in order to develop a more adequate contemporary Christological method. Stone offers to Christian systematic theology new critical interpretations of the significance of Jesus for human liberation today. Contents: INTRODUCTION: The Problem of Method in Contemporary Christology; The Nature and Task of Christology; The Situation in Liberation Theology; PART I. Segundo's Christology; The Dimension of Praxis: Faith and Ideologies; Jesus and History; The Evolutionary 'Key' to Christology; PART II. A Critical Appraisal of Segundo's Christology; Faith, Metaphysics and Praxis; Faith and History; Evolution and 'Effective Faith'; PART III. Toward an Alternative Liberation Christology; Jesus and Evolution.