Search results for ""author bill konigsberg""
Scholastic Inc. The Bridge
Two teenagers, strangers to each other, have decided to jump from the same bridge at the same time. But what results is far from straightforward in this absorbing, honest lifesaver from acclaimed author Bill Konigsberg.Aaron and Tillie don''t know each other, but they are both feeling suicidal, and arrive at the George Washington Bridge at the same time, intending to jump. Aaron is a gay misfit struggling with depression and loneliness. Tillie isn''t sure what her problem is -- only that she will never be good enough.On the bridge, there are four things that could happen:Aaron jumps and Tillie doesn''t.Tillie jumps and Aaron doesn''t.They both jump.Neither of them jumps.Or maybe all four things happen, in this astonishing and insightful novel from Bill Konigsberg.
Abiertamente hetero
Por qué tiene que saber la gente tu vida privada? Rafe está cansado de que lo juzguen solo por ser "el chico gay" del instituto, así que huye. Huye a una academia privada en otro estado donde nadie lo conoce. Al principio, todo parece un sueño: por fin puede ser uno más sin que nadie se fije en él. Pero cuanta más amistad hace Rafe con sus compañeros, más difícil le es ocultarse sin mentir. Y además, hay un problema. Ese problema es un chico enorme, tierno y encantador que se llama Ben.Premios de Abiertamente hetero:- Libro juvenil del año para YALSA (2014).- Premio Sid Fleischman por su excelencia en el uso del humor (2014).- Nominado a los premios de literatura juvenil Georgia Peach (2013), Lambda (2014) y Amelia Elizabeth Walden (2014), entre otros.
Not Stated Openly Straight
The award-winning novel about being out, being proud, and being ready for something else.Rafe is a normal teenager from Boulder, Colorado. He plays soccer. He''s won skiing prizes. He likes to write.And, oh yeah, he''s gay. He''s been out since 8th grade, and he isn''t teased, and he goes to other high schools and talks about tolerance and stuff. And while that''s important, all Rafe really wants is to just be a regular guy. Not that GAY guy. To have it be a part of who he is, but not the headline, every single time.So when he transfers to an all-boys'' boarding school in New England, he decides to keep his sexuality a secret -- not so much going back in the closet as starting over with a clean slate. But then he sees a classmate breaking down. He meets a teacher who challenges him to write his story. And most of all, he falls in love with Ben... who doesn''t even know that love is possible.
Scholastic US Music of What Happens
Klett Sprachen GmbH The Porcupine of Truth
Scholastic The Bridge
"A powerful, honest, heart-tugging, nail-biting, so-real-it-reaches-into-your-bones story about suicide and mental health and the ways in which too many of us struggle alone. Except we're not alone. Bill Konigsberg makes that beautifully, movingly clear. Stunning." Jennifer Niven, bestselling author of All the Bright Places Aaron and Tillie don't know each other, but they are both struggling with life. They arrive at a New York bridge at the same time, intending to jump. At that moment in time, there are four things that could happen: Aaron jumps and Tillie doesn't. Tillie jumps and Aaron doesn't. They both jump. Neither of them jumps. Or maybe all four things happen... A beautiful and honest story to break, and then mend, the heart. Heart-breaking, life-affirming and beautifully written, read-in-one-sitting, perfectly pitched contemporary YA novel that sees a tough subject handled with humour, compassion and unflinching truth. In the best tear-jerking tradition of John Green and Nicola Yoon. Perfect for fans of The Fault In Our Stars and One Day.
Scholastic Destination Unknown
From Stonewall Award winner Bill Konigsberg, a remarkable, funny, sexy, heartbreaking story of two teen boys finding each other in New York City at the height of the AIDS epidemic. The first thing I noticed about C.J. Gorman was his plexiglass bra. It's 1987 in New York City, and Micah is at a dance club, trying to pretend he's more out and outgoing than he really is. C.J. isn't just out - he’s complete out there, and Micah can't help but be both attracted to and afraid of someone who travels so loudly and proudly through the night. A connection occurs. Is it friendship? Romance? Is C.J. the one with all the answers ... or does Micah bring more to the relationship that it first seems? As their lives become more and more entangled in the AIDS epidemic that’s laying waste to their community, and the AIDS activism that will ultimately bring a strong voice to their demands, whatever Micah and C.J. have between them will be tested, strained, pushed, and pulled - but it will also be a lifeline in a time of death, a bond that will determine the course of their futures. In Destination Unknown, Bill Konigsberg returns to a time he knew well as a teenager to tell a story of identity, connection, community, and survival. Perfect for fans of John Green and Nicola Yoon From Bill Konigsberg, award-winning author of Out of Pocket and Openly Straight A heart-breaking, life-affirming YA novel that sees a tough subject dealt with humour, compassion and unflinching truth.