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Obras completas y biografas Hitos Spanish Edition
Esta obre reúne, en un único volumen, las Obrascompletas de Spinoza, así como sus cinco Biografías,el catálogo de la Biblioteca de Spinoza y lasNoticias sobre el autor.Ante el lector comparece, por tanto, el pensamientoíntegro de un filósofo determinante en eldevenir de la modernidad, pero junto con él latentambién todos los conflictos teóricos, éticos y religiososde su época, reveladores de que no hay auténticocompromiso con la verdad si este no se hayasustentado en una defensa inquebrantable e innegociablede la libertad.Los textos de Spinoza aquí editados son, por tanto,los siguientes:? Tratado breve.? Principios de filosofía de Descartes.? Pensamientos metafísicos.? Tratado de la reforma del entendimiento.? Ética.? Tratado teológico-político.? Tratado político.? Correspondencia.Esta edición, cuidadosamente preparada por Atilano Domínguez, que traduce sin intermediariosdel latín y del holandés
tica demostrada segn el orden geomtrico
La Ética demostrada según el orden geométrico (1677) es el tratado más sistemático de Spinoza y uno de los hitos decisivos del pensamiento moderno. La obra está redactada según el modelo de la matemática de su época, a partir de definiciones y axiomas de los que se deriva toda la serie de proposiciones, escolios y corolarios que componen el grueso del texto. En él Spinoza trata de alcanzar un conocimiento riguroso de todas las dimensiones de la naturaleza y del hombre, desde Dios hasta la felicidad humana, pasando por nuestros afectos y el poder que tenemos sobre ellos. Publicada clandestinamente tras su muerte por su grupo de amigos y discípulos, la Ética puso patas arriba la ortodoxia filosófica y teológica de la época e inauguró una forma de pensar que siempre encuentra una forma de reivindicar su actualidad.Esta edición, preparada por Atilano Domínguez, incorpora, además de la numeración de la edición crítica de Gebhardt, una introducción sobre el autor y su pensamiento, así co
tica demostrada segn el orden geomtrico
Escrito literalmente intempestivo, la Ética de Baruj Spinoza (1632/1677) ha ejercido siempre, desde antes incluso de ser entregada a las prensas, una fascinación en verdad obsesiva. Para mal como para bien. Las posiciones que en ella se defienden, extrañas al sentido filosófico común de su tiempo ?y todavía del nuestro?, han suscitado a la vez el más violento rechazo y la más rendida admiración. Pero quizás no tanto una comprensión cabal de sus envites. Todo lector de la Ética ha sido, sigue siendo, el lector de una filosofía por venir.
Alianza Editorial Ética demostrada según el orden geométrico
Publicada póstumamente en 1677, la ?Ética?, obra compuesta como un conjunto de Definiciones, Axiomas, Postulados, Leyes, Proposiciones y Escolios al modo geométrico, ha sido interpretada por la posteridad, pese a esta supuesta objetividad, de manera multiforme, habiendo despertado, más que desacuerdos fríos con la verdad de sus asertos, emociones poderosas. Esta edición de la obra cumbre de Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), personalidad intelectual cuyo pensamiento y figura han sido clasificados de las formas más dispares, según la perspectiva que lo ha sometido a análisis, corre a cargo del profesor Vidal Peña, traductor, prologuista y anotador del volumen.
Princeton University Press A Spinoza Reader: The Ethics and Other Works
This anthology of the work of Baruch de Spinoza (1632-1677) presents the text of Spinoza's masterwork, the Ethics, in what is now the standard translation by Edwin Curley. Also included are selections from other works by Spinoza, chosen by Curley to make the Ethics easier to understand, and a substantial introduction that gives an overview of Spinoza's life and the main themes of his philosophy. Perfect for course use, the Spinoza Reader is a practical tool with which to approach one of the world's greatest but most difficult thinkers, a passionate seeker of the truth who has been viewed by some as an atheist and by others as a religious mystic. The anthology begins with the opening section of the Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect, which has always moved readers by its description of the young Spinoza's spiritual quest, his dissatisfaction with the things people ordinarily strive for--wealth, honor, and sensual pleasure--and his hope that the pursuit of knowledge would lead him to discover the true good. The emphasis throughout these selections is on metaphysical, epistemological, and religious issues: the existence and nature of God, his relation to the world, the nature of the human mind and its relation to the body, and the theory of demonstration, axioms, and definitions. For each of these topics, the editor supplements the rigorous discussions in the Ethics with informal treatments from Spinoza's other works.
Alianza Editorial Tratado de la reforma del entendimiento principios de filosofía de Descartes pensamientos metafísicos
El presente volumen reúne tres breves pero importantes tratados de Spinoza (1632-1677). El " Tratado de la reforma del entendimiento " es un escrito de juventud en el que el filósofo expone la concepción de su método, cuya lógica se ejercitará sin discutirse explícitamente en la " Ética " . El segundo tratado, los " Principios de filosofía de Descartes " , es un comentario a los " Principios " de este autor, cuya filosofía era entonces de candente actualidad. A pesar de presentarse como un aparente comentario o resumen de la misma, valió a Spinoza ser tildado de ateísmo, acusación frecuentemente esgrimida contra el propio cartesianismo. Finalmente, los " Pensamientos metafísicos " constituyen un compendio magistral de las cuestiones más difíciles de la metafísica escolástica en torno al problema de qué es el ser y, dado que hay dos tipos, sobre las relaciones entre el necesario (Dios) y el contingente (las criaturas).
Reclam Philipp Jun. Die Ethik LateinischDeutsch
Princeton University Press The Collected Works of Spinoza, Volume II
The Collected Works of Spinoza provides, for the first time in English, a truly satisfactory edition of all of Spinoza's writings, with accurate and readable translations, based on the best critical editions of the original-language texts, done by a scholar who has published extensively on the philosopher's work. The centerpiece of this second volume is Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise, a landmark work in the history of biblical scholarship, the first argument for democracy by a major philosopher, and a forceful defense of freedom of thought and expression. This work is accompanied by Spinoza's later correspondence, much of which responds to criticism of the Theological-Political Treatise. The volume also includes his last work, the unfinished Political Treatise, which builds on the foundations of the Theological-Political Treatise to offer plans for the organization of nontyrannical monarchies and aristocracies. The elaborate editorial apparatus--including prefaces, notes, glossary, and indexes--assists the reader in understanding one of the world's most fascinating, but also most difficult, philosophers. Of particular interest is the glossary-index, which provides extensive commentary on Spinoza's technical vocabulary. A milestone of scholarship more than forty-five years in the making, The Collected Works of Spinoza is an essential edition for anyone with a serious interest in Spinoza or the history of philosophy.
Princeton University Press The Collected Works of Spinoza, Volume I
The Collected Works of Spinoza provides, for the first time in English, a truly satisfactory edition of all of Spinoza's writings, with accurate and readable translations, based on the best critical editions of the original-language texts, done by a scholar who has published extensively on the philosopher's work. This first volume contains Spinoza's single most important work, the Ethics, and four earlier works: the Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect, the Short Treatise on God, Man, and His Well-Being, Descartes' "Principles of Philosophy," and Metaphysical Thoughts. Also included are Spinoza's letters from the periods when these works were being written. The elaborate editorial apparatus--including prefaces, notes, glossary, and indexes--assists the reader in understanding one of the world's most fascinating, but also most difficult, philosophers. Of particular interest is the glossary-index, which provides extensive commentary on Spinoza's technical vocabulary. A milestone of scholarship more than forty-five years in the making, The Collected Works of Spinoza is an essential edition for anyone with a serious interest in Spinoza or the history of philosophy.
Princeton University Press Spinoza's Ethics
An authoritative edition of George Eliot's elegant translation of Spinoza's greatest philosophical workIn 1856, Marian Evans completed her translation of Benedict de Spinoza's Ethics while living in Berlin with the philosopher and critic George Henry Lewes. This would have become the first edition of Spinoza's controversial masterpiece in English, but the translation remained unpublished because of a disagreement between Lewes and the publisher. Later that year, Evans turned to fiction writing, and by 1859 she had published her first novel under the pseudonym George Eliot. This splendid edition makes Eliot's translation of the Ethics available to today's readers while also tracing Eliot's deep engagement with Spinoza both before and after she wrote the novels that established her as one of English literature's greatest writers.Clare Carlisle's introduction places the Ethics in its seventeenth-century context and explains its key philosophical claims. She discusses George Eliot's intellectual formation, her interest in Spinoza, the circumstances of her translation of the Ethics, and the influence of Spinoza's ideas on her literary work. Carlisle shows how Eliot drew on Spinoza's radical insights on religion, ethics, and human emotions, and brings to light surprising affinities between Spinoza's austere philosophy and the rich fictional worlds of Eliot's novels.This authoritative edition demonstrates why George Eliot's translation remains one of the most compelling and philosophically astute renderings of Spinoza's Latin text. It includes notes that indicate Eliot's amendments to her manuscript and that discuss her translation decisions alongside more recent English editions.