Search results for ""author arie w. zwiep""
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Judas and the Choice of Matthias: A Study on Context and Concern of Acts 1:15-26
In this volume Arie Zwiep examines the character and purpose of the Judas-Matthias pericope in Acts 1:15-26 in the wider context of Jewish, Graeco-Roman and early Christian traditions on the death of the wicked in terms of divine retribution. Through a comprehensive analysis of form and function of the pericope in its historical and literary context, this study seeks to discern the distinctly Lukan perspective in the light of first-century reflection on the figure of Judas Iscariot, the role of the Twelve in the earliest Christian communities, and current eschatological expectations that have coloured Luke's narrative presentation. Special consideration is given to the concurrent versions of Judas' death in Matthew 27:3-10 and the writings of Papias.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Jairus's Daughter and the Haemorrhaging Woman: Tradition and Interpretation of an Early Christian Miracle Story
In this work, Arie W. Zwiep examines the gospel stories of the raising of Jairus's daughter and the healing of the haemorrhaging woman (Mark 5:21-43; Matt 9:18-26; Luke 8:40-56) from a plurality of (sometimes conflicting) interpretive strategies to demonstrate the need and fruitfulness of a multi-perspectival exegetical approach. Among the various (diachronic and synchronic) methods that are being applied in this study are philological criticism, form criticism and structural analysis, tradition- and redaction criticism, orality studies and performance criticism, narrative analysis, textual criticism and the study of intertextuality. Such a comprehensive approach, it is argued, leads to an increased knowledge and a deepened understanding of the ancient texts in question and to a sharpened awareness of the applicability of current scholarly research instruments to unlock documents from the past.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Christ, the Spirit and the Community of God: Essays on the Acts of the Apostles
The volume collects text-critical, exegetical and biblical-theological essays by Arie Zwiep on the Acts of the Apostles, dealing primarily with the opening chapters of Acts in the wider context of first-century Christianity and its Umwelt. The articles include treatments of the ascension and exaltation of Jesus in its early Jewish and early Christian context, the death and replacement of Judas Iscariot and the varying traditions of his death, the role of Judas and the Jews in the history of anti-Semitism, Luke's understanding of Pentecost and the outpouring of the Spirit, early Christian community life in Acts, the function of the early resurrection and exaltation Christology in Peter's Pentecost discourse, and Luke's special treatment of Paul in relation to the Twelve apostles in Jerusalem. The book contains previously published material (all thoroughly updated and revised), some articles appearing for the first time in English and two new essays.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Auf dem Weg zu einer Biographie Gerhard Kittels (1888-1948)
Der Theologe Gerhard Kittel (1888-1948) hatte als Herausgeber des Theologischen Wörterbuchs zum Neuen Testament und der Rabbinischen Schriften zwei wissenschaftliche Großprojekte ins Leben gerufen, die bis in die Gegenwart genutzt werden.Über seine Beteiligung an der menschenverachtenden Politik der nationalsozialistschen Gewaltherrschaft ist vieles bekannt, aber der Bezug zu seiner Biographie und umgekehrt die biographische Prägung, die zur Unterstützung des Nationalsozialismus und aktiven Judenfeindschaft führten, stellen nach wie vor ein Rätsel dar.Die Briefe Kittels an dem Amsterdamer Exegeten F.W. Grosheide aus den Jahren von 1922 bis 1944, die in diesem Band ebenfalls ediert sind, geben einen vertieften Einblick in die Gedankenwelt des Theologen. International führende Forscherinnen und Forscher zu Kittel werten diese neuen und andere Quellen aus, um ein besseres Verständnis des Zusammenhangs von Biographie, neutestamentlicher Fachwissenschaft und Antisemitismus bei Gerhard Kittel zu gewinnen.