Search results for ""author anna llenas""
Celesa El monstruo de colores
Estrella Polar Testimo quasi sempre
Per què un mateix tret duna persona fa que de vegades ens agradi i daltres ens molesti?En Lolo i la Rita són amics malgrat les seves diferències. Acceptar-les sovint no els és fàcil. Però qui els va dir que ho seria?Un conte per a nens i grans que ens convida a la tolerància i lacceptació dallò que és diferent, mostrant el màgic efecte dels pols oposats.
Ser mare e?s ser llar, ser refugi. E?s compartir ritmes, sons i esperancesamb una petita llavor que creix perque? vol ser vida.Ser mare e?s un viatge fet de vincle i intimitat. E?s un intens dia?leg sense paraules. Una aventura que cal viure al ma?xim i recordar per sempre.Aquest llibre e?s una celebracio? de tot el que passa (i me?s) dins la panxa de les mares.
Jacoby & Stuart Das Farbenmonster Doktor für Gefühle
Templar Publishing The Colour Monster: The Feelings Doctor and the Emotions Toolkit
The latest picture book in the bestselling The Colour Monster series, from talented author-illustrator Anna Llenas, that encourages conversations about consent, mental health and wellbeing. One day, Nuna was in situation where she didn't know how to say no and it left her feeling strange and confused. So she goes to see Colour Monster who is now a doctor and who can help to heal emotions, especially those that are big and difficult to understand. To begin with, Nuna cannot find the right words. But with the help of Colour Monster and his emotions toolkit, Nuna learns how to use tools and techniques that will make her feel better. Together they try things like deep breathing, arts and crafts, blowing bubbles and dancing until she starts to feel calmer. Now will Nuna be able to talk about what's bothering her? This story addresses complex themes around consent, saying no and mental wellbeing in a sensitive, age-appropriate way. Through Anna's experience as an art therapist, she has interwoven techniques that can make these conversations easier. Including big, fold-out pages, children can look inside the emotions toolkit, making use of the ideas for themselves (with the support of a grown-up when needed). The ideal conversation starter for readers of The Colour Monster, The Colour Monster Goes to School and Don't Hug Doug.
Templar Publishing Little Mole is a Whirlwind
Little Mole can't stand still. He messes about. He gets distracted.He loses things. He breaks things ... he never stops!People say that he's rude, impatient, restless, useless, naughty, tiring and HYPERACTIVE.His parents are concerned and his teacher is desperate. With his end-of-term project coming up, it looks like Little Mole is going to need some help.
Templar Publishing The Colour Monster
A picture book follow-up to The Colour Monster, Anna Llenas's delightful pop-up book.One day, Colour Monster wakes up feeling very confused. His emotions are all over the place; he feels angry, happy, calm, sad and scared all at once! To help him, a little girl shows thim what each feeling means through colour.What is the Colour Monster feeling? And can you help him feel a little less mixed up?A gentle exploration of feelings for young and old alike.
Templar Publishing The Colour Monster
A picture book follow-up to The Colour Monster, Anna Llenas's jaw-dropping pop-up book.One day, Colour Monster wakes up feeling very confused. His emotions are all over the place; he feels angry, happy, calm, sad and scared all at once! To help him, a little girl shows thim what each feeling means through colour. What is the Colour Monster feeling? And can you help him feel a little less mixed up? A gentle exploration of feelings for young and old alike.
Editorial Flamboyant, S.L. El monstruo de colores va al cole
El Monstruo de Colores se enfrentará, esta vez, a su primer día en el colegio. Para empezar, no sabe ni qué es! Está un poquito nervioso. No sufras Monstruo! Allí te esperan muchas aventuras y nuevos amigos.Página a página vamos a acompañarle en el descubrimiento de las rutinas, espacios y dinámicas de la escuela, y conoceremos a sus compañeros de clase. Le gustará la experiencia, al Monstruo? Seguro que sí!Nuevas aventuras del best-seller internacional El Monstruo de Colores.
Editorial Flamboyant, S.L. El monstruo de colores. Cuaderno para colorear
El complemento perfecto al álbum El Monstruo de Colores. Aquí, el niño toma todo el protagonismo, ya que deberá identificar y pintar las emociones del color adecuado. Una herramienta creativa y de aprendizaje extraordinaria!
Diari de les emocions
Identificar allò que sentim sembla fàcil, però en realitat no ho és tant. Ens han ensenyat a pensar, a actuar, a decidir, però... i a sentir?Anna Llenas et proposa una sèrie d?exercicis pràctics per deixar anar la teva creativitat, canalitzar les emocions negatives i fomentar-ne les positives per assolir un major benestar. I és que l?acte creatiu, a més de produir una profunda satisfacció, és un recurs molt útil per exterioritzar les inquietuds i afavorir un canvi significatiu en la persona.
Te quiero casi siempre Contrarios
Lolo y Rita son muy diferentes. En realidad, son bastante contrarios entre si. A e?l le gusta la montan?a y a ella, el mar. Ella vuela por el cielo y e?l anda por el suelo...Dentro del libro encontrara?s la cancio?nTe quiero (casi siempre). Desca?rgatela!
Jacoby & Stuart Das Farbenmonster
Sterling Children's Books The Color Monster A PopUp Book of Feelings
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La joya interior / The Jewel inside Us All
Templar Publishing The Colour Monster Goes to School: Perfect book to tackle school nerves
Follow The Colour Monster on a brand new adventure, as he navigates his way through his first day at school!Anna Llenas's popular Colour Monster is back, and this time he's heading off to school! But what exactly is school? A spooky castle filled with terrifying animals? A place in the sky, amongst the rainbows and clouds? From music lessons, to lunchtime, to making new friends, the Colour Monster's first day of school is filled with exciting new adventures.
Little, Brown & Company The Color Monster: A Story about Emotions
Estrella Polar Testimo quasi sempre. Un llibre popup
El Lolo i la Rita són molt diferents, i per això de vegades es molesten. És un exemple de com les relacions d?amor s?han de construir des del respecte i l?acceptació de les diferents personalitats de les persones que les formen, fi ns a entendre que són precisament aquestes diferències les que els fan estimar-se tant i sentir el màgic efecte dels pols oposats.No et perdis l?espectacular versió pop-up d?una de les històries d?amor que més han captivat els lectors en els darrers anys!
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers The Color Monster Goes to School
Templar Publishing I Love You (Nearly Always)
Roly is a woodlouse and Rita is a firefly. They are very different, but this is why they like each other.Then, one day, Rita thinks Roly's suit is too hard and Roly thinks Rita shines too brightly. Suddenly being different seems very difficult.This wonderful pop-book from the author of The Colour Monster is a celebration of friendship and differences.
Editorial Flamboyant, S.L. O monstro de cores
O monstro de cores non sabe que lle pasa. Enleouse coas emocións e agora toca desfacer a embrolla. Será quen de poñer en orde a alegría, a tristeza, a rabia, o medo e a calma?
Editorial Flamboyant, S.L. El monstre de colors
Alguna vegadaixò mateixposar en ordAmb aquest mexpressives,diferents em
Testimo quasi sempre. Contraris
En Lolo i la Rita so?n molt diferents. De fet so?n forc?a diferents entre si. A ell li agrada la muntanya i a ella el mar. Ella vola pel cel i ell camina per terra...Dins del llibre trobara?s la canc?o? T?estimo (quasi sempre). Descarrega-te-la!
Espasa Libros, S.L. Laberinto del alma
Tu alma tiene tantos rostros, pensamientos y sentimientos como estados en que te puedas encontrar. Algunos de ellos son vivos y luminosos, y otros bien oscuros. Hay algunos que te aportan ánimo y energía; y hay otros que, no sabes cómo, te lo restan.. Este libro te invita a que resuenes con todos estos estados en un viaje hacia ti mismo, a través de tus emociones, pensamientos y sentimientos, siguiendo el camino del laberinto. Un camino tan complejo como apasionante. Difícil de prever, pero donde aventura, emoción e imaginación están totalmente aseguradas.
Topito Terremoto mi primer libro de cartón
La divertida historia de Topito Terremoto en formato todo cartón, con bordes redondeados y material plastificado. Ideal para los más pequeños!Cuando Topito se despierta... se acaba la calma!Arriba y abajo, lo toca todo. Se distrae. Pierde las cosas.No para quieto ni un segundo!Ana Llenas, autora dedicada a dar color a la educación emocional, es la creadora de Topito Terremoto, el protagonista de esta historia sobre la hiperactividad y sobre cómo aprender a canalizar esta desbordante y luminosa energía sin prejuicios y desde el amor, para que los más pequeños empiecen a sentirse bien con ellos mismos.
Ediciones Beascoa Topito terremoto Little Mole Quake
Lumen Infantil El vacío / The Emptiness
Fanbooks Laberint de lànima
Un deliciós recorregut per les emocions de l'ésser humà, una obra descriptiva i poètica al mateix temps, que ens ajuda a reflexionar, identificar i fins i tot gestionar el nostre món interior, el nostre laberint.Un camí tan complex com apassionant. Díficil de preveure, però on l'aventura, l'emoció i la imaginació estan del tot assegurades.
Templar Publishing The Colour Monster
A board book follow-up to The Colour Monster, Anna Llenas's delightful pop-up book.One day, Colour Monster wakes up feeling very confused. His emotions are all over the place; he feels angry, happy, calm, sad and scared all at once! To help him, a little girl shows thim what each feeling means through colour. What is the Colour Monster feeling? And can you help him feel a little less mixed up? A gentle exploration of feelings for young and old alike.
Templar Publishing The Colour Monster: A Colour Activity Book
A colouring-in activity book based on The Colour Monster picture book and pop-up book. How does Colour Monster feel today? Look at each picture and decide which colour suits his mood best. Is he red for anger? Green for calm? Yellow for happy? Or blue for sadness? See him dance like a ballerina, dress up as a superhero, play with his friend and much more.
Editorial Flamboyant, S.L. El Monstre de Colors va a lescola
El Monstre de Colors s?enfrontarà, aquest cop, al seu primer dia d?escola. Per començar, no sap ni què és! Està una miqueta nerviós. No pateixis Monstre! Allà t?esperen moltes aventures i nous amics.Pàgina a pàgina l?acompanyarem en el descobriment de les rutines, espais i dinàmiques de l?escola, i coneixerem als seus companys de classe. Li agradarà l?experiència, al Monstre? Segur que sí!Noves aventures del best-seller internacional El Monstre de Colors.
Editorial Flamboyant, S.L. El monstre de colors
L?èxit de vendes El Monstre de Colors ara convertit en un meravellós desplegable! Un regal perfecte per a qualsevol nen o nena.Alguna vegada us heu fet un embolic amb les vostres emocions? Doncs això mateix li ha passat al monstre de colors, que haurà d?aprendre a posar en ordre l?alegria, la tristesa, la ràbia, la por i la calma. Amb aquest magnífic llibre pop-up i les seves illustracions expressives, el vostre fill podrà identificar amb facilitat les diferents emocions que viu durant el dia.
Ediciones Beascoa Talpet terratrmol
Anna Llenas, autora dedicada a donar color a l'educació emocional, ens presenta aquest meravellós àlbum. Una història sobre la hiperactivitat i com aprendre a canalitzar aquesta energia desbordant i lluminosa sense prejudicis i des de l'amor, per que els més petits comencin a sentir-se bé amb ells mateixos.Quan en Talpet es lleva, s'acaba la calma!Amunt i avall, ho toca tot. Es distreu. Perd les coses.No para mai quiet.Li diuen:despistat,mal educat,impulsiu,nerviós,inútil,dolent,hiperactiu,pesat...Els pares estan preocupats. La mestra està desesperada. I ara, a sobre, ha de presentar un treball de fi de curs...
Templar Publishing The Colour Monster: The Feelings Doctor and the Emotions Toolkit
The latest picture book in the bestselling The Colour Monster series, from talented author-illustrator Anna Llenas, that encourages conversations about consent, mental health and wellbeing. One day, Nuna was in situation where she didn't know how to say no and it left her feeling strange and confused. So she goes to see Colour Monster who is now a doctor and who can help to heal emotions, especially those that are big and difficult to understand. To begin with, Nuna cannot find the right words. But with the help of Colour Monster and his emotions toolkit, Nuna learns how to use tools and techniques that will make her feel better. Together they try things like deep breathing, arts and crafts, blowing bubbles and dancing until she starts to feel calmer. Now will Nuna be able to talk about what's bothering her? This story addresses complex themes around consent, saying no and mental wellbeing in a sensitive, age-appropriate way. Through Anna's experience as an art therapist, she has interwoven techniques that can make these conversations easier. Including big, fold-out pages, children can look inside the emotions toolkit, making use of the ideas for themselves (with the support of a grown-up when needed). The ideal conversation starter for readers of The Colour Monster, The Colour Monster Goes to School and Don't Hug Doug.
Templar Publishing The Colour Monster Pop-Up
A fun, bright pop-up book about a monster who explores colour through his emotions.Today the Colour Monster is feeling very mixed up. He's yellow, blue, red, black and green all at once. Can you help him sort himself out? A stunning pop-out adventure that explores colours and feelings in a fun and gentle way.