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American Bar Association Clean Air Act Essentials, Third Edition
One of the country's most challenging environmental statutes, the Clean Air Act has generated a multitude of regulatory requirements. This volume provides a basic overview of the key concepts and provisions of the CAA as well as highlights of the critical precedential cases interpreting the requirements of the Act. It also includes a discussion of some of the fundamental regulations implementing the CAA and some of the ways that EPA and states work together to protect air quality through cooperative federalism. Now completely updated and considerably expanded to include new developments, Clean Air Act Essentials covers the most critical areas of the statute, including: State implementation plans Nonattainment and regional transport Prevention and significant deterioration and nonattainment New Source Review New source performance standards and emission guidelines Control of hazardous air pollutants Visibility patrol Acid rain control Title V operating permit program Mobile sources and the regulation of fuels Greenhouse gas emissions Stratospheric ozone Enforcement and judicial review Clean Air Act Essentials includes useful appendices to help navigate through the multiple requirements of the Clean Air Act. Both the seasoned and the newer lawyer will find this book to be a quick resource for understanding the legal fundamentals of these areas.