Search results for ""author aloys prinz""
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Allgemeinbildung Wirtschaft für Dummies
Sie interessieren sich dafür, wie die Wirtschaft tickt? Hier erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte über die wirtschaftliche Seite Ihres Lebens, über Geldausgeben und Sparen, Altersvorsorge und Steuern, Marktwirtschaft, Banken, Geld und Wirtschaftskrisen. Das Thema Wirtschaft spielt in so viele Bereiche Ihres Lebens hinein: Wohnen und Arbeiten, Einkaufen und Gesundheit. Hanno Beck und Aloys Prinz erklären wirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge verständlich und manchmal auch amüsant, praxisnah und mit ganz konkreten Tipps für Ihr Leben als "homo oeconomicus".
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Tax Evasion and the Shadow Economy
Issues such as tax evasion and the size and impact of the shadow economy have ranked highly in political and economic policy debates across the globe in recent years. Yet, despite various methodological advances and growing empirical evidence, there are still large areas of interest that have not been explored, or where scientific research efforts are still in their infancy. This timely book addresses such issues from various perspectives in order to demonstrate the extent and scope of tax evasion, the shadow economy and their interaction. Leading scholars examine recent evidence from theoretical and empirical research on tax compliance and tax evasion, and provide an in-depth analysis of underlying methods. Strategies to fight tax evasion are evaluated and the motivations behind it are explored, as are the impact and size of the shadow economy in Europe. As well as promoting a better understanding of the issues, this book intends to stimulate further debate and, in so doing, broaden the exchange of ideas and concepts. Comparing and contrasting differences and common elements of both tax evasion and the shadow economy, this unique book will prove a fascinating and enlightening read for scholars of economics in general, and public sector, public choice and Austrian economics more specifically. Professionals in ministries of finance and national offices of statistics, dealing with tax evasion will also find the book to be an illuminating read. Contributors: P. Adair, G. Alarcon Garcia, J. Alm, J.G. Backhaus, A. Beyaert, L. de Pablos, M. Kostova Karaboytcheva, M.R. Marino, B. Mroz, M. Pickhardt, A. Prinz, L. Rubio Andrada, R. Zizza