Search results for ""author alberto garcía""
University of California Press Abandoning Their Beloved Land: The Politics of Bracero Migration in Mexico
Abandoning Their Beloved Land offers an essential new history of the Bracero Program, a bilateral initiative that allowed Mexican men to work in the United States as seasonal contract farmworkers from 1942 to 1964. Using national and local archives in Mexico, historian Alberto García uncovers previously unexamined political factors that shaped the direction of the program, including how officials administered the bracero selection process and what motivated campesinos from central states to migrate. Notably, García's book reveals how and why the Mexican government's delegation of Bracero Program–related responsibilities, the powerful influence of conservative Catholic opposition groups in central Mexico, and the failures of the revolution's agrarian reform all profoundly influenced the program's administration and individuals' decisions to migrate as braceros.
Baile del Sol SRL Hay que comerse el mundo a dentelladas
También con poesía, Alberto une su canto al del coro que, todavía no ganado completamente para la alineación, busca un sentido a su propia vida y no ceja en proyectarse hacia lo inaudito, lo excepcional, la rotunda belleza que está por ganar y que sabe ocluida por el falso cielo de celofán y tontería que promete la producción capitalista y sus mercancías. Belleza por debajo de todo lo desvaído y atufado. Belleza desmayada que hay que levantar de nosotros mismos para que nos ayude a caminar por la vida nueva que sigue siendo nuestro ansiar común, nuestro sueño contra todo lo que nos esclaviza en nombre de lo real y lo sensato.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Aprender a volar / Take Flight
Eride Ediciones Casting exprs
Luci no encuentra trabajo y a su novio Teo le han rechazado como profesor en un nuevo programa de baile de la televisión. Los problemas económicos y la monotonía del día a día empiezan a hacer mella en su relación.Sin embargo a Luci se le ocurre una idea drástica para solucionar ambos problemas de un plumazo: hacer una visita al productor del programa y pedirle que contrate a Teo. ?por las buenas?. La cosa no hará más que liarse, embarullarse, enredarse y complicarse, hasta el punto de acabar temiendo por sus vidas.
Editorial CCS Juega y pinta con Don Bosco
Dieciséis narraciones sencillas para dejarse atraer por la simpatía de Don Bosco. Dieciséis estampas para acercarse a la vida y espiritualidad del Santo que tenía como pasión de su vida la salvación de los niños y los jóvenes. Los destinatarios de estas narraciones son principalmente los niños. A cada narración le acompaña un juego que permite descubrir las palabras más importantes de la aventura de la vida de Don Bosco. 27 1 36 4,71 ? 4,90 ? NO NO
Cockpit Studio Editorial S.L. Preguntas bsicas de aviacin II
Editorial Agrícola Práctica de la peritación
La Fabrica Alberto GarciaAlix Autorretrato
Alberto Garcia-Alix is considered one of the finest Spanish photographers of the 21st century. Best known for his striking black and white portraits, Garcia-Alix has also captured self-portraits in nearly all his projects. This title presents a collection of his intimate and revealing self-portraits.
Daddy issues Un anlisis sobre la figura del padre en la cultura contempornea
El nacimiento y el desarrollo del movimiento #MeToo en 2017 implicó, entre muchas otras cosas, una dura crítica a nuestra sociedad entendida como una construcción patriarcal en la que, a lo largo de la historia y de manera continuada, los hombres han acaparado todas las parcelas de poder, y este poder se ha ejercido constantemente en perjuicio de las mujeres. Sin embargo, el movimiento #MeToo parece haber dejado al margen de sus debates al padre, figura fundamental a la hora de diseccionar las estructuras de poder que sostienen al patriarcado, y que además está en la misma raíz etimológica de la palabra. Si bien podemos exigir responsabilidades en la vida pública y privada a jefes, compañeros de trabajo, parejas y amigos, qué ocurre con los padres?A partir de un buen número de ejemplos tomados de la historia y de la ficción, la psiquiatra y sexóloga Katherine Angel ha tenido la audacia de reflexionar por primera vez de manera directa y profunda sobre el lugar que ocupa la figura pat
University of California Press Abandoning Their Beloved Land: The Politics of Bracero Migration in Mexico
Abandoning Their Beloved Land offers an essential new history of the Bracero Program, a bilateral initiative that allowed Mexican men to work in the United States as seasonal contract farmworkers from 1942 to 1964. Using national and local archives in Mexico, historian Alberto García uncovers previously unexamined political factors that shaped the direction of the program, including how officials administered the bracero selection process and what motivated campesinos from central states to migrate. Notably, García's book reveals how and why the Mexican government's delegation of Bracero Program–related responsibilities, the powerful influence of conservative Catholic opposition groups in central Mexico, and the failures of the revolution's agrarian reform all profoundly influenced the program's administration and individuals' decisions to migrate as braceros.
Editorial CCS Cómo animar el grupo de catequesis estrategias técnicas dinámicas
Este libro puede ser una ayuda para catequistas y animadores. Les ayudará a conocer el funcionamiento del grupo y lo más elemental de las leyes de un grupo. Además, encontrarán dinámicas que no son propiamente catequesis, pero que les ayudarán a crear un clima en el que se pueda realizar mejor el acto catequístico.
Editorial Hidra Circ tenebrós
Encuadernación: Cartoné.Colección: Tu tries l'aventura; 16.El misteriós circ alegria acaba d'arribar a la ciutat. I sembla que el mestre de cerimònies vol converti-te en part de la funció.Hauràs de fer malabarismes per esquivar els sinistres pallassos - robot, els mags i les feres...Que comenci l'Espectacle!De les teves decisions depèn el teu destí en el camí que escullis es troba la clau per escapar del circi i frustrar els plans del malvat mestre de cerimònies.
Editorial Agrícola Peritaciones municipales
Editorial Hidra Aliens tú decides la aventura
Editorial CCS Novena a María Auxiliadora
Un homenaje a la devoción mariana que san Juan Bosco popularizó e inculcó a los jóvenes y en el pueblo.
Ediciones El Viso Chus Bures: Portraits and Jewellery
Chus Bures creates miracles. Each piece of jewellery that emerges from his workshop boasts a complex genesis, stemming from an intersection between his genius-level thought processes and his maverick lifestyle. From exploring the versatility of buttons, to accentuating the geometric planes of the human body (Infinity Lines, 1990), and using minerals to emulate and exaggerate human features (seen in the striking 'Mae Nam' Collection of 2000), Bures' work is always perplexing, always stimulating, and always innovative. He refuses to be cowed by convention, and delights in challenging his clients and models. The bodily focus of his work makes every piece a startling, and often uncomfortable, insight into humanity. Bures may be a maestro of metal - the gauzy chainmail-esque veils in his Crochet collection, 2000, attest to that. Yet he has mastered the emotional dimensions of his jewellery as well as its physical properties. The relationship between his pieces and the people who collect and cherish them is essential to his artistic praxis. In Chus Bures, Portraits & Jewellery (2016), this is realised through a series of intense portraits by Antoine d'Agata, Alberto Garcia-Alix, and Andres Serrano. These pictures reveal a transgressive melding of jewel and subject: man becomes metal and metal becomes man. Watch ideas take on physical form, and immerse yourself in Bures' world of wearable art.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG 3D Interconnect Architectures for Heterogeneous Technologies: Modeling and Optimization
This book describes the first comprehensive approach to the optimization of interconnect architectures in 3D systems on chips (SoCs), specially addressing the challenges and opportunities arising from heterogeneous integration. Readers learn about the physical implications of using heterogeneous 3D technologies for SoC integration, while also learning to maximize the 3D-technology gains, through a physical-effect-aware architecture design. The book provides a deep theoretical background covering all abstraction-levels needed to research and architect tomorrow’s 3D-integrated circuits, an extensive set of optimization methods (for power, performance, area, and yield), as well as an open-source optimization and simulation framework for fast exploration of novel designs.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Royal Workshops of the Alhambra: Industrial Activity in Early Modern Granada
The Alhambra is one of the most famous archaeological sites worldwide, yet knowledge of it remains very partial, focussing on the medieval palaces. This book addresses that imbalance, examining the adjacent urban and industrial zone. The Alhambra is one of the most famous archaeological sites worldwide, yet knowledge of the complex remains very partial, focussing on its medieval Nasrid palaces. Other aspects of the site are virtually unknown, not only to the general public but to archaeologists and historians as well. The Royal Workshops of the Almambra addresses this imbalance, examining the urban and industrial zone adjacent to the palaces. Once the most densely populated and extensive area of the complex, this zone, the Secano, contained houses, tanneries, and workshops including a considerable number of pyrotechnological facilities for the production of metal, glass and ceramic items. Presenting the results of the Royal Workshops of the Alhambra (UNESCO World Heritage Site) project, the book gives a much-needed insight into the industrial sector of the Alhambra. Crucially, the project focusses on the early modern era, when the manufacture of ceramic, glass and metal actually reached their peak. The opening chapters set the archaeological work and the Secano in context and discuss the methodology for archaeological investigation of pyrotechnological activity; while further chapters present the results of the research. Drawing on both traditional and ground-breaking survey and excavation techniques, the book provides an invaluable wide-lens picture of the palatial city.