Search results for ""author alan o. sykes""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Law and Economics of International Trade Agreements
From the pen of highly esteemed trade scholar Alan Sykes, this book presents a rigorous introduction to the law and economics of modern international trade agreements.With a bottom-up approach that requires neither a background in international trade law nor significant economics training, Sykes sets out to map and explain the complex dynamics of international trade agreements and institutions, synthesising legal analysis and cutting-edge economic research in order to present the reader with a sophisticated, holistic view of the field.Against the backdrop of the current impasse in both negotiation and dispute settlement at the World Trade Organisation, the book charts a clear path from the historical origins of trade law and the international system, to the current state of play, including unpacking the major areas of controversy. It exposits the economic theory of trade agreements, discusses the role of international trade law in domestic legal systems and analyzes the role of self-enforcement and formal dispute resolution mechanisms. It provides lucid and detailed analysis of the restrictions, exceptions, obligations and special measures that constitute the core building blocks of international trade rules, including the distinct features of international trade in services. With an international outlook, the book also addresses the role of China in the world trading system, looking at such issues as the credibility of market access commitments, China's industrial policies, “forced technology transfer” and currency manipulation.Providing an eloquent, thorough and technically astute overview of international trade agreements, this title will be invaluable to scholars and teachers of international trade across the disciplines of law, economics and political science.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics of Tort Law
This two-volume collection, prepared by a leading scholar in this field, brings together the seminal articles on the law and economics of tort law. The selection of papers addresses topics such as the Coase theorem, the choice between property and liability rules, the difference between negligence and strict liability, the economics of causation, damages and vicarious liability and the economics of affirmative duties. This is a classic collection that provides an essential foundation in the core issues fundamental to an understanding of tort law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook in International Economic Law
This major work consists of carefully commissioned original and incisive contributions from leading scholars in the field of international economic law. Covering a full range of topics, the Handbook provides an accessible treatment of the law in each area, as well as a thoughtful synthesis and discussion of related public policy issues from a broadly social science perspective.The book includes extensive coverage of international trade issues, which are generally considered to be the core of international economic law, and focuses on such topics as barriers to trade, dispute settlement, trade and services, regionalism and remedies. It also goes significantly beyond these to look at related areas of the discipline; international investment, including discussion of regulatory issues and private rights of action; intellectual property issues relating to trade; commercial law; legal and economic aspects of international tax and international finance; the closely related areas of trade and international competition policy; international environmental law; and international telecommunications.Providing in many cases a unique interdisciplinary blend of analysis, the Handbook offers a cutting edge approach to international economic law, and an authoritative source of reference for scholars, graduate students and policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook in International Economic Law
This major work consists of carefully commissioned original and incisive contributions from leading scholars in the field of international economic law. Covering a full range of topics, the Handbook provides an accessible treatment of the law in each area, as well as a thoughtful synthesis and discussion of related public policy issues from a broadly social science perspective.The book includes extensive coverage of international trade issues, which are generally considered to be the core of international economic law, and focuses on such topics as barriers to trade, dispute settlement, trade and services, regionalism and remedies. It also goes significantly beyond these to look at related areas of the discipline; international investment, including discussion of regulatory issues and private rights of action; intellectual property issues relating to trade; commercial law; legal and economic aspects of international tax and international finance; the closely related areas of trade and international competition policy; international environmental law; and international telecommunications.Providing in many cases a unique interdisciplinary blend of analysis, the Handbook offers a cutting edge approach to international economic law, and an authoritative source of reference for scholars, graduate students and policymakers.
West Academic Publishing Legal Problems of International Economic Relations: Cases, Materials, and Text
This book focuses on the rules-based multilateral trading system established by the World Trade Organization, with particular emphasis given to the rich and detailed jurisprudence developed by the WTO's Appellate Body. The book also devotes considerable attention to national laws operating in the shadow of the WTO system (such as antidumping and countervailing duty laws), and to interesting new developments associated with free trade agreements such as the USMCA. After introductory chapters on international economics, international law, and US constitutional and institutional issues relating to international trade regulation, the book explores the WTO's structure and takes a detailed look at its dispute settlement system. The heart of the book then treats the basic GATT rules on (i) trade liberalization (tariffs and quotas), (ii) non-discrimination (MFN and national treatment and the exceptions for FTAs, health and conservation), (iii) standards and (iv) trade remedies (safeguards, dumping and subsidies). Additional chapters cover trade in services, intellectual property issues and several other trade-related issues. The new 7th edition offers a basic understanding of the international economic system, the impact of international economic interdependence and the struggle of legal institutions to cope with this and other aspects of globalization.