Search results for ""author adam rose""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Climate Change Policy: International, National and Regional Mitigation Strategies
This important collection embodies the author's pioneering and on-going efforts to incorporate equity and efficiency principles into the economics of climate change policy. It represents a valuable compendium of work, both previously published and original, the range of which is not otherwise readily accessible. Adam Rose was one of the first both to identify the central role of equity among nations and regions in addressing greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation and to quantify many equity principles so that they could be incorporated into formal models. Comprising classic explorations into GHG emission trading design with respect to burden-sharing, borrowing and banking, and political constraints, the papers contained in this volume provide guidance on coalition choices for individual states of the US and partnership choices for developing countries involved in the Clean Development Mechanism today and in emission allowance trading in the future. The impacts of mitigation policy across industries and socioeconomic groups are also analysed, using computable general equilibrium models to examine the economic implications of carbon taxes, fuel taxes, tradable emission permits, and strict regulation. In addition, the book establishes a firm grounding for policy analysis by providing a basic understanding of the carbon cycle, drivers of GHG emissions, and some economic impacts of climate change. The Economics of Climate Change Policy will be of great interest and value to academics and students of environmental economics and policy and will be welcomed by environmental policy-makers involved in climate change issues at the local, regional, national and international level.
Source Point Press Corollary
Tidalwave Productions Orbit: Dave Grohl
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Natural Hazards
In this two-volume set the editors have brought together some of the most significant previously published papers by leading academics in this field. The Economics of Natural Hazards investigates the impact of natural disasters on national and regional economies. Volume I considers the effects both of the perception of risk and of direct losses and explores the costs of reducing the impact of disasters by, for example, forecasting, self-protection and the building of physical structures. Volume II deals with mitigating the costs of disaster through insurance, including financial coverage for catastrophic loss, and investigates the development of private-public partnerships for managing disasters and the problems of reconstruction and recovery. A final section addresses the particular problems of disasters in developing countries.