Search results for ""Worth Publishing""
Worth Publishing It Was That One Moment...: Dan Hughes' Poetry and Reflections on a Life of Making Relationships with Children and Young People
Each poem is tenderly crafted, reflecting Dan's extraordinary capacity to notice and value even the most subtle and transitory movement in a child's face, indicative of what might be going on inside him or her. The poems rveal his profound understanding of the pain, hurt and yearning fostered and adopted children carry with them, and the strength and courage it takes them to begin to believe that some adults can actually be trusted. Dan Hughes also shares with the reader what triggered him to write many of the poems, giving us an intimate understanding of how he views children, relationships, the demands working with trauma places on professionals and the centrality of empathy in all our interactions. A book for anyone who has learnt from or been moved by Dan Hugghes' work or Dan Hughes himself.
Worth Publishing Inside I'm Hurting: Practical Strategies for Supporting Children with Attachment Difficulties in Schools
Pupils who survive multiple traumatic experiences of loss, trauma, abuse and neglect can easily be misunderstood in our schools, despite our good intentions. Such children often underachieve, at worst becoming excluded from the very place that could offer them an opportunity for "second chance learning" and for reaching their potential. These children do not respond well or consistently to behavioural modification techniques, nor are they able to thrive in a system largely created for those from a "good-enough" background. Louise Bomber's innovative and easy to use strategies provide teachers and teaching assistants with new perspectives, practical tools and the confidence for supporting these children. Her work is based on the latest research from child development and Attachment theory (Bowlby), as well as many years of solid practical experience as a teacher-therapist working within education and social services with children, families and schools. Contents include: providing an additional attachment figure in schools, transitions during the school day, permanency and constancy, regulating arousal levels, wondering aloud, lowering the effects of shame, creating home/school partnerships, working with the transition from primary to secondary phase, and more.
Worth Publishing Counselling Skills for Creative Arts Therapists
This book provides Creative Arts Therapists, in training and in practice, with a practical and accessible introduction to counselling skills, and describes how different ways of working can be woven together.
Worth Publishing Isn't it About Time?: How to Overcome Procrastination and Get on with Your Life
Procrastination is a frustrating habit, but it can also disrupt our health and happiness. 'Isn't it about time?' explores and explains why we put things off. The book is full of useful ways to overcome procrastination, and to create a more satisfying, exciting and productive life. Andrea Perry is an experienced psychotherapist who recognises that if people could 'just do it', with or without fear, they would. She describes how we need to develop trust in our abilities to follow our own logic into satisfying action, and how procrastination is a strategy to compensate for significant gaps in this process. She shows how to identify how you block your natural tendency to be effective and creative, and how to build on your strengths and give your tendency to procrastinate something better to do. Accessible and practical, illustrated with humorous and pertinent cartoons, 'Isn't it about time?' provides a rich variety of ideas which help you overcome delay and accomplsih what you need and want to do - today, not tomorrow.
Worth Publishing The Little Book of Procrastination
Worth Publishing The Attachment Aware School Series: Bridging the Gap for Troubled Pupils: Getting Started - The Senior Manager -INCO/SENCO/Assistant Head
The senior managers in schools hold a strategic position and can be very influential in terms of facilitating inclusion on every level, especially for those pupils who have previously been at serious risk of being misunderstood and excluded. This third guide covers: 1-The ethos 2-The school environment 3-Policy and practice 4-Keeping the momentum going 5-Facilitating staff care
Worth Publishing The Attachment Aware School Series: Bridging the Gap for Troubled Pupils: Getting Started - The Parent/Carer in School
The parent/carer has a significant contribution to make to a pupil's capacity to settle to learn and to progress in the school setting. This fifth guide in the series covers: 1-Roles and responsibilities 2-Working as a team with school staff 3-Stressors and calmers 4-Mapping progress 5-Transition planning and preparation
Worth Publishing Overcoming Barriers to Learning: How a Culture of Care in Schools Helps Troubled Pupils to Learn
There are a great many children and young people in our classrooms struggling with a range of social and emotional problems across what teacher and interim Virtual Head Sheila Mulvenney describes as 'the spectrum of trouble'. At one end, the pupil may have experienced severe difficulties, such as neglect, trauma and abuse, the death or imprisonment of a parent; at the other, the pupil may have experienced parental or sibling ill health, separation through parents being posted overseas, having financial difficulties. Such 'troubles' may be long or short term, but coming into school, these pupils are unlikely to be in a state of readiness for learning. Their distress may not only prevent them from being curious, engaged and open, but expressed in challenging behaviour, can quickly disrupt others learning too. Mulvenny shows how relationships with staff in school are critical to enabling pupils and students to feel secure; how essential a 'culture of care' of both staff and pupils is to creating the right environment for concentration and good learning, and how it can be improved; how staff managing their own emotional experience can both reduce the likelihood 'collisions in the classroom' and also provide modelling for pupils and students on how to mitigate the worse effects of the distress they are experiencing. She also addresses how language used in school can be modified to challenge the 'scripts' our pupils carry with them in more constructive direction. In short, a blue print to overcome barriers to learning.
Worth Publishing Dunn's Law Guides -Civil Litigation 4th Edition: Be Civil! A guide to learning civil litigation and evidence
The Fourth of Be Civil! has bee up-dated to include amendments to the Civil Procedure Rules as at April 2023, and to reflect recent and significant changes both to the Bar's centrally set examination syllabus and the manner in which the required knowledge is assessed.
Worth Publishing Making Friends: How the Friendly Group Supports Children and Young People on the Autism Spectrum
Anita M Hughes has been running the Friendly Group with her colleagues for 18 years, supporting more than 200 children and young people in that time. The Friendly Group is a social and therapeutic group for children and young people on the Autism Spectrum who struggle to make relationships and share feelings with others. The author describes the core principles of this extremely successful group and the structure and framework offered. These children appear to cope without real friendships, but often from an increasingly isolated position. Their behaviour is often driven by anxiety, made worse by feeling different. Families experience frustration and uncertainty about how they can help. Through vivid accounts Hughes describes how the group leaders can facilitate children and young people to support each other, and to think and talk about what happens inside and between them in the 'here- and- now'. Professionals working with children and young people and their families in and outside school will find a fantastic range of ideas here on how to work in similar groups, with a sound sense of how to 'contain' children's and young people's anxiety. Parents too, will find inspiration.As Hughes states "when we have faith in the children we live or work with, they will blossom".
Worth Publishing School as a Secure Base: How Peaceful Teachers Can Create Peaceful Schools
Creating schools that are secure, safe, and peaceful is crucial if all pupils are going to benefit from their education. This is especially important for those who might be vulnerable, traumatised and unable to settle into normal school routine. Key to this whole process, though, are our teachers. Unless teachers feel secure, valued and peaceful in their classrooms, they will not be in a position to extend these key qualities to those they teach. But over the last couple of decades, the well-being of teachers - and all support staff engaged in relating to pupils - has been compromised in a number of ways: multiple changes of curriculum, new school structures, changes in conditions of service and pensions, school management styles that reflect anxiety over forthcoming outcomes, results and inspections. The pressures are relentless, and hardly allow any breathing space. In School as a Secure Base, Kevin Street argues that only when staff can find their own security and value, will any efforts to improve pupils' education succeed. Drawing on day-to-day classroom experience, the author provides evidenced ways through which teaching professionals can start to experience internal peace, and so extend this into their classrooms and schools, regardless of external pressures, expectations and demands. He also provides techniques to use with pupils, based on a sound understanding of what can overcome the factors that impede learning. The pupils' learning outcomes will reflect the feelings of attachment, peace and relaxation that these techniques create. Supported by the practical, tried-and-tested techniques the author describes, teachers will be able to find their joy in teaching again, and achieve a healthy and more peaceful balance in their lives, with the result that their schools can become beacons of emotional stability and learning excellence. Who Should Read It? All teachers and support staff who are engaged in the daily process of classroom work throughout all Key Stages. Additionally, head teachers, governors, and local authority advisors will benefit from the insights shared in this book.
Worth Publishing Settling Troubled Pupils to Learn: Why Relationships Matter in School
The way we teach our pupils and the way we run our schools is under scrutiny right now. In the midst of all the change going on, we often end up losing sight of the educative tool that is the most important of all - ourselves! Bomber and Hughes' book gives educators permission to engage with pupils relationally. They provide aalternative ways to the kinds of behaviourist models, fear-based approaches and increased levels of power, authority and control still exercised in many schools at present, which disturb already troubled pupils and further prevent them from accessing school. Bomber and Hughes have seen pupil attainment increase through their work in supporting school staff by switching their initial focus to the troubled pupil's attachment system, before engaging the pupil's exploratory (learning) system. The authors also challenge the educational myths that somehow relationships are secondary to learning, rather than essential to enabling troubled children's brains to be freed to work at their full capacity. Every child still does matter. This cutting edge book from a dynamic partnership is essential reading for all those concerned in and with the education of our children.
Worth Publishing What About Me?: Inclusive Strategies to Support Pupils with Attachment Difficulties Make it Through the School Day
What would a genuinely supportive school day look like in real practice, for children who have experienced attachment difficulties and developmental vulnerability? What are the core features of an attachment-friendly school? How can we promote inclusion and positively affect learning outcomes amongst pupils in need, at risk, in care and adopted? Loiuse Bomber, teacher, therapist, trainer and author of the critically acclaimed number one selling book on behavioural difficulties Inside I'm Hurting, draws on her extensive experience in working with these children and young people. The book is full of practical ideas that can easily be integrated into the busy-ness of everyday school life. Complicated methods and procedures are unnecessary - the good news is that genuine relationship will provide children and adolescents who have experienced relational traumas and losses with the core support they need.
Worth Publishing Ego States
This book offers a comprehensive overview of approaches to ego state work within transactional analysis. It is intended to provide a coherent overview of the state of the art in the theory of ego states in transactional analysis.
Worth Publishing Kinship Caring
Worth Publishing The Attachment Aware School Series: Bridging the Gap for Troubled Pupils: Book 1: The Key Adult in School
When a school allocates a teaching assistant or mentor to a troubled pupil who has experienced significant relational traumas and losses, the Key Adult needs some guidelines so they can prepare themselves to optimise the precious time they have together with the child. For the Key Adult this guide covers: 1-Know your own story 2-Manager your stress 3-Know your role 4-Know your pupil 5-Advocacy
Worth Publishing Attachment Aware School Series
Attachment Aware School Series: Boxed set of 5 pocket guides
Worth Publishing Attachment for Teachers: An Essential Handbook for Trainees and NQTs
Every trainee teacher and NQT needs to know about the importance of attachment in schools. So many children and young people arrive in class every day who are unable to settle to learn. Many are coming from previous or current home environments which have not provided them with the necessary consistent security and reliable warmth for them to be relaxed, confident and trusting. Some have experienced trauma, loss, neglect and abuse. They communicate their distress through their challenging behaviour in school. What is needed first and foremost for such pupils of all ages is an authentic relationship of attachment with school staff who can get to know them, genuinely empathise and enable them to settle securely and begin to feel safe. Then, and only then, can the task of learning begin. This handbook first explains succinctly why an understanding of attachment theory is vital for all teachers. It then provides practical examples of how a teacher can recognise what the pupil's behaviour is communicating and how the teacher can then effectively intervene to enable the pupil to settle to learn and the teacher achieve freedom to teach.
Worth Publishing The Attachment Aware School Series: Bridging the Gap for Troubled Pupils: 1: Getting Started - Team Pupil in School
The Team Pupil within a school consists of 4 or 5 members of staff working together on behalf of troubled pupils in their care. This fourth guide in the series covers: 1-Holding boundaries 2-Working in partnership to settle the pupil 3-Resilience 4-Advocacy 5-Holding on to success
Worth Publishing Temper Temper!
Jonathon isn't very good at getting his own way...until a hairy monster called Temper Temper arrives. Temper Temper shows him how to perform the most amazing tantrums. Together they scowl and howl and rant and rage! Jonathon gets his own way and Temper Temper is delighted. But one day his family decides they've had enough...
Worth Publishing What Can I Do About This Kid Who..?: A Quick Guide for Teachers to Deal with Disruptive Pupils
All teachers know that there can always be a challenging pupil in any class. This book starts from what is directly observable in class. The disruptive pupil who: continually calls out, rubbishes their own work, bullies and abuses teacher and other pupils, doesn't care and won't engage, can't sit still, provokes and distracts others, can't follow instructions. Marie Delaney goes straight to the heart of the meaning of these issues. She describes how teachers can recognize what 'behavior is communicating' really means. She shows teachers, step by step, what can be said and done using real case examples. The clarity and new insight presented by the best selling author of "Teaching the Unteachable" will inspire teachers everywhere to find new ways of overcoming classroom disruption. Throughout the worked examples in the book, reference will be made to the role of parents and how they should be involved and approached and what to say to them.
Worth Publishing Attachment in the Classroom: A Practical Guide for Schools
Every day, teachers and other school staff have to deal with children who present challenging behaviour during their learning process at school. This book combines the fundamental principles of attachment theory with teacher-based examples, and practical 'how-to' interventions.
Worth Publishing Loss and Learning Disability
The emotional life of people with learning disabilities is a subject that has only begun to be thought about during the last decade. This book by Noelle Blackman addresses the central issue of how people with learning disabilities can be affected by bereavement.
Worth Publishing Dunn's Law Guides: Criminal Litigation 2nd Edition: It's Criminal!
This revised edition of IT'S CRIMINAL! brings this valuable and readable book up to date and reflects the many significant changes which have occurred not only to the conduct of criminal litigation, but also to the testing of procedure, sentencing and evidence on the Bar Professional Training Course. It continues to provide learning guides and revision tips, and the chapter on preparing for the assessments has been completely re-written, to take on board the 'Single Best Answer' testing format, introduced in 2016-2017. Whether as an introduction, overview or revision guide, IT'S CRIMINAL! provides invaluable support to anyone wanting to learn about the subject or prepare for examinations, especially BPTC students.
Worth Publishing Conversations That Matter: Talking with Children and Teenagers in Ways That Help
So many children and young people in our society are hurting. Research indicates that more children are depressed, anxious or locked in anger than ever before, with all the problems that creates at home, school and in society at large when emotional pain gets expressed through behaviour or physical symptoms. Many well-intentioned adults really want to help when children suffer because of parental conflict, divorce, family financial worries, loss and bereavement, trauma, bullying, isolation, general growing up issues, and worse. But we often lack the confidence and key skills to know how to help in ways that will genuinely support the child or teenager to properly process what is troubling them, and so reach a more positive place of genuine hope and optimism. Conversations that Matter, the latest book by Margot Sunderland, offers a wealth of tools and techniques to empower parents and practitioners to connect to children and young people through conversation, in life changing ways.Dr Sunderland is widely acknowledged as one of the UK's leading experts in child counselling and therapy, as well as being a best-selling author of books for parents and professionals and co-founder of both the Institute of Arts in Therapy and Education and The Centre for Child Mental Health, London. Her life's work has been to find the most effective ways of helping children and young people in distress, underpinning her practice with cutting-edge findings from the fields of affective neuroscience, developmental psychology and the study of trauma. She is also a passionate advocate for the healing power of the creative arts as a means to reach troubled children, when words are not enough. This long-awaited book will give readers a thorough, evidence-based and inspiring grounding in every aspect of talking with children who are hurting, from how to build a trusting relationship with the child, how to deepen the dialogue between you and make it meaningful, when to work directly or indirectly, how to handle the various inevitable challenges that will arise when talking to children about the difficult stuff, and more.Packed with creative possibilities, and illustrated with numerous 'conversations', this book can be re-turned to again and again whilst helping children and young people work through any life issue, past or present. The book also contains photocopiable worksheets, and introduces a completely new therapeutic story specifically written to help children who are struggling with trauma and shock. Dr Sunderland's book will be of benefit to professionals as well as parents, carers and other adults who want the conversations they have with children and teenagers to genuinely help, and to matter.
Worth Publishing Teenagers and Attachment: Helping Adolescents Engage with Life and Learning
When children from insecure backgrounds become adolescents, the challenges they experience themselves and present for those around them can get a lot harder to sort out, before the teenager can fully integrate into society. These adolescents can quickly acquire 'bad kid' or 'anti-social' labels. They may form attachments by joining gangs, but in doing so, further alienate themselves from other more constructive options on offer.The contributors to this much needed book have all worked successfully on the front line with teenagers whose ability to make healthy relationships, or to find learning exciting or even possible, has been severely compromised by their past experiences of trauma, neglect and abuse. Each expert practitioner offers practical strategies, underpinned by attachment theory and their own extensive experience, to enable teachers, psychologists, therapists and social workers to reach out to young people in new ways, establishing genuine connection and real possibilities for learning and hope.
Worth Publishing Teaching the Unteachable: What Teachers Can Do When All Else Fails
There are a wealth of teaching books with strategies and tips for dealing with challenging behaviour and disruptive students. Most teachers know a variety of strategies and have had some success in implementing them. But what happens when they don't work? In the fast-paced, pressurised, often chaotic life of a school, there are times when even the best tried and tested ideas do not seem to work with some classes and some students. There are days when some children seem completely unteachable and unreachable. Although a relatively small group of pupils, these children take up a lot of teacher's planning, thinking and emotional time. Even the most experienced teacher will have times when these pupils do not respond, leaving the teacher feeling de-skilled and incompetent.This book is aimed at helping teachers deal with these situations and feelings. It explores the factors behind those 'bad days' and looks at what can be done when nothing seems to work. The book includes practical, accessible examples based on the writer's own experience. Real-life examples include failures as well as successes, showing what can happen in the everyday classroom. The first section includes an extensive list of effective behaviour management strategies. The second section then offers an easily accessible framework for understanding the behaviour of those children for whom basic strategies do not always work. From this enhanced understanding, another list of principles and good practice is offered in the final section.
Worth Publishing Developmental Movement for Children
Core text for the internationally renowned Sherborne children's developmental movement programme. A new forward and new resources listed. In this practical and thought-provoking book, Veronica Sherborne shows how developmental movement has a crucial role to play in the lives of all children. Central to her theory is the belief that relating to oneself and relating to other people are essential for the satisfactory development of us all. Developmental movement can be particularly beneficial to children with learning disabilities, children with physical disabilities, and children who are emotionally and behaviourly disturbed. The book offers practical help in understanding and meeting children's needs. It covers what to teach and why, and shows in detail - with the aid of marvellously expressive photographs - how to set about carrying out a planned programme of activities that are geared to the needs of specific groups.
Worth Publishing Dunn's Law Guides: Civil Litigation
The third edition of Be Civil! reflects two important sets of amendments: those made to the Civil Procedure Rules in April 2015 and those made to the Bar's Centrally Set Examination Syllabus and Curriculum in June 2015. This book remains an ideal text for students, especially those on the Bar Professional Training Course.
Worth Publishing The Attachment Aware School Series: Bridging the Gap for Troubled Pupils: Getting Started - The Class Teacher/Form Tutor in School
Teachers can play a significant role in Attachment Aware practices. They also need to be protected to teach, especially with classes of 30plus pupils. This second practice book covers: 1-Protecting your role 2-The developmental journey 3-The learning environment 4-Curriculum content 5-The use of praise and shame
Worth Publishing Little Venice, London: An Illustrated Guide
The first comprehensive guide to the past and present of this largely undiscovered area of London. Illustrated throughout with colour photographs and maps showing the development of this elegant and romantic district. The book also contains a guide to leisure and pleasure in Little Venice, with a full listing of pubs, theatres, galleries, hotels and restaurants. Beautifully presented, this book has much to offer residents and visitors alike.
Worth Publishing Know Me To Teach Me: Differentiated discipline for those recovering from Adverse Childhood Experiences
Many educators are now recognising how significant alternative ways of thinking in the classroom are for optimising engagement and learning. Louise explores how to facilitate quality moments of relationship with children and young people that genuinely reach them, where they are, recognising the impact of trauma on their emotional state, mental functioning and ability, or lack of it, to trust the adults. She helps identify the best way to work in practical terms so that we can teach curriculum as well as healthy behaviours. Honouring biology by building on Perry's (2006) neuro -developmental sequence, Louise provides numerous creative ways of being and doing for those wanting to ensure school is as inclusive as it can be.
Worth Publishing Little Mouse: Finds a Safe Place
Little-Mouse Finds a Safe Place is a children's storybook designed to help professionals support children who have experienced and witnessed domestic violence and abuse, and also contains guidelines on the key issues and how to use the story with individuals and groups.
Worth Publishing Better Play: Practical Strategies for Supporting Play in Schools for Children of All Ages
Do you work in a school? Better Play will help you to think about how supporting play in schools can make for better relationships and for better learning. Do you think play in schools ceases to matter after the Early Years? Reading this book will remind you that play matters for everyone, and is important for different reasons at different times in our lives. Are you unsure how to support play in and out of our classrooms? Better Play! offers practical strategies for school staff across Primary, Secondary and Alternative Learning settings. Are you looking to learn new ways of supporting emotional well-being in schools? Find out how our sensitive responses to play, indoors and out, develops resilience in pupils.
Worth Publishing Care for Dying People with Learning Disabilities: A Practical Guide for Carers
The majority of people with learning disabilities are likely to die whilst living in a service setting. This book, written by practitioners in the field, offers practical advice, and aims to raise the awareness of everyone involved in enabling people with learning disabilities to be treated with respect and dignity as they approach death.
Worth Publishing You Think I'm Evil ...: Practical Strategies for Working with Rebellious and Aggressive Adolescents
According to the children's charity Barnados (report 2008), more than half the UK population believe that teenagers behave like monsters, using words like feral, animal and vermin in referring to young people. Even if they don't share this belief, therapists, teachers, youth workers and foster parents still struggle to work effectively with challenging adolescents on a daily basis. Jargo free and engaging, You think I'm Evil. takes the reader on a fascinating journey into the hidden inner territory of troubled and troubling adolescents. It offers new perspectives to help professionals reframe our ideas about what is driving their behaviour and attitude. In recognising the limitations of everyday language, the book suggests new forms of creative expression, drawn from teenage preferences, allowing both adult and adolescent to safelt explore the young person's inner and outer world together.
Worth Publishing Claustrophobia: Bringing the Fear of Enclosed Spaces into the Open
Experiencing claustrophobia can be terrifying. Each person who is claustrophobic copes with their fears differently - some by struggling to manage their anxieties and panic, and others by limiting their lives to avoid enclosed spaces, like tube-trains, lifts, tunnels, car-washes, MRI scans, loo's on planes, or even wearing a crash-helmet. Some people find their fears embarrassing or shameful, and worry what others may think of them, when they have to "just get out" of small or crowded places. In this sensitive and insightful book, therapist and consultant Andrea Perry speaks honestly of her own experiences, as well as drawing on the views of others whose claustrophobic feelings have affected their lives. She paints a powerful picture of the challenge of dealing with claustrophobia on a daily basis, looking at how people manage, whether it is possible to overcome the anxiety, and what others can do to help friends, family and colleagues to cope. She even manages to find the humour in what can be a truly frightening experience, and controversially, presents claustrophobia not simply as an irrational response, but as a deeply human rejection of being electronically controlled in the confined spaces of an increasingly technological world. She also claims that many businesses are losing customers through not understanding people's fear of confined spaces and provides concrete suggestions as to what designers, architects and a wide range of public and private service providers can do to help.
Hay House UK Ltd Get Signed: Find an Agent, Land a Book Deal and Become a Published Author
“All aspiring authors know the value of a great literary agent, but few know how to get one. Lucinda Halpern has written the definitive guide to attracting an agent and laying the groundwork for a book well worth publishing.” — Adam Grant, #1 New York Times best-selling author of Think Again and Hidden Potential, and host of the TED podcast Re:ThinkingIn this practical, immediately actionable guide, Lucinda Halpern, who has represented New York Times bestsellers and brokered numerous deals with major publishers for over a decade, divulges what agents look for in authors and the shortcuts they use to get book deals but have never revealed—until now. Lucinda has personally helped hundreds of writers and entrepreneurs launch timeless, best-selling books. But the path to literary success begins with knowing the answers to questions like: · How do I make my book idea marketable to agents and publishers? · What essential ingredients should my book pitch possess? · What common pitfalls and errors should I avoid? · How do I find a reputable agent who shares my vision? · What can I do if I'm getting rejected by agents and publishers? With her unique 6-step method, Lucinda provides the tools and concrete strategies to: · Write a query letter that gets an agent's attention · Build an effective marketing platform · Create a timeless bestseller Packed with interviews from best-selling authors, leading book editors from Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins, Hachette, and more, Get Signed is the indispensable roadmap you need right now to get noticed and become a published author.
Hay House Inc Get Signed: Find an Agent, Land a Book Deal, and Become a Published Author
“All aspiring authors know the value of a great literary agent, but few know how to get one. Lucinda Halpern has written the definitive guide to attracting an agent and laying the groundwork for a book well worth publishing.”— Adam Grant, #1 New York Times best-selling author of Think Again and Hidden Potential, and host of the TED podcast Re:ThinkingA step-by-step guide from a New York literary agent that will show you how to create a winning concept, craft an irresistible pitch, and land your dream book deal.In this practical, immediately actionable guide, Lucinda Halpern, who has represented New York Times bestsellers and brokered numerous deals with major publishers for over a decade, divulges what agents look for in authors and the shortcuts they use to get book deals but have never revealed—until now.Lucinda has personally helped hundreds of writers and entrepreneurs launch timeless, best-selling books. But the path to literary success begins with knowing the answers to questions like: How do I make my book idea marketable to agents and publishers? What essential ingredients should my book pitch possess? What common pitfalls and errors should I avoid? How do I find a reputable agent who shares my vision? What can I do if I'm getting rejected by agents and publishers? With her unique 6-step method, Lucinda provides the tools and concrete strategies to: Write a query letter that gets an agent's attention Build an effective marketing platform Create a timeless bestseller Packed with interviews from best-selling authors, leading book editors from Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins, Hachette, and more, Get Signed is the indispensable roadmap you need right now to get noticed and become a published author.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Ankara Arkeoloji Muezesinde Bulunan Bogazkoy Tabletleri II: Bogazkoy Tablets in the Archaeological Museum of Ankara II
This is the first volume in a new series, Chicago Hittite Dictionary Supplements, designed to augment and supplement the work of the Chicago Hittite Dictionary project. Future volumes will continue to bring tablets written in the Hittite language to light. The volume presented here (ABoT II) is the continuation of the cuneiform edition Ankara Arkeoloji Muezesinde Bulunan Bogazkoy Tabletleri (ABoT) published by Kemal Balkan in 1948. The Hittite tablets, which were acquired by the Ankara Anadolu Medeniyetleri Muezesi by purchase and donations, or collected as surface finds, bear the siglum "AnAr". The best-preserved and attractive pieces of these tablets have been made accessible to the scholarly public through the publication of ABoT; the others, however, were not considered for publication at that time. Since the series of ABoT was later discontinued, such fragments, mostly still useful and in reasonable condition, remained untouched in the Ankara Museum for years. When Rukiye Akdooan decided to make copies of nearly four hundred AnAr fragments and publish them as ABoT II, an agreement of cooperation with Oguz Soysal for the preparation of the catalogue of this work was made in the year 2005. Although the cuneiform copies in other similar works like ABoT and IBoT I-IV were made by Turkish scholars (K. Balkan, M. C. H. Kzlyay, and M. Eren), the support of foreign scholars (H. G. Gueterbock and H. A. Hoffner) was still sought. ABoT II, on the other hand, is a fully Turkish cuneiform edition as a welcome result of a joint Ankara-Chicago effort. The small size of most of the fragments made it particularly difficult to determine the text genres and to place them in the text categories assigned in E. Laroche's Catalogue des textes hittites (CTH). Nevertheless, after two years of intensive work and with the support of the Chicago Hittite Dictionary Projects lexical files, it has been possible to find many duplicates of well-known compositions from Bogazkoy. This volume will certainly enrich the Hittite text corpus. The represented text genres herein include historical, administrative and technical, lexical, mythological texts, hymns and prayers, rituals, cult administration and inventory texts, divination documents, festival descriptions, and compositions in languages other than Hittite (Hattian, Hurrian, Luwian, Sumerian and Akkadian). With the present edition of 389 pieces in cuneiform copies, there are almost no more AnAr fragments remaining in the Ankara Museum that would be worth publishing.