Search results for ""Waldorf Publications""
Waldorf Publications Reading and Writing while Sparking the Imagination
A practical and helpful guide to teaching writing and reading from Dr Karl König, founder of the Camphill movement.
Waldorf Publications From Mechanism to Organism: Enlivening the Study of Human Biology
In From Mechanism to Organism, experienced Steiner-Waldorf teacher Michael Holdrege helps teachers spark their students' interest in the amazing wisdom of the human body. He describes the ways he has approached many of the topics in the Steiner-Waldorf high school biology curriculum from Class 9 to Class 12 (14-18 years), offering practical and helpful examples for teachers to apply in the classroom. Starting with the interest teenagers have with their own body's changes and growth, Holdrege helps teachers lead students to a deeper understanding of the processes that make up and sustain the human organism. Topics covered include the human skeleton, the immune system, the digestive system, and the muscular system. Lavishly illustrated, this book is a valuable, clear and illuminating resource for teachers in the Upper school. These methods will be helpful to both teachers new to the curriculum and those looking for inspiration on how to teach the topics afresh. Parents may also find that this book will help them understand how science can be taught in a way that fits and nurtures young minds.
Waldorf Publications Teaching Art History: Engaging the Adolescent in Art Appreciation, Cultural History and the Evolution of Consciousness
This book offers a comprehensive study of an art history teaching block in an upper class in a Waldorf school, covering a diverse range of work through the ages of history. Lavishly illustrated throughout, Teaching Art History guides readers through human history via a study of art and culture. Journey from the beginnings of art in palaeolithic times to the art of ancient Egypt and the Greco-Roman era, and to European art from the Renaissance onwards. Van James is both an experienced teacher and accomplished artist, making his presentation of the subject clear and full of life. While this text is aimed at teachers of pupils in Class 9 (14-15 years old), it also features practical ideas for projects for other classes too. Featuring examples of student artwork as motivation for what pupils can produce when they are inspired to record history through art, this book also describes the positive impact that immersion in art and culture can have on teenagers. A fascinating and engaging resource for teachers and anyone curious to learn about the study of art through the ages.
Waldorf Publications The Shepherd's Songbook: For Waldorf Schools Grades 1, 2 and 3
Shepherds' Songbook is a collection of songs and music for use in Steiner-Waldorf classrooms for Classes 1, 2 and 3 (ages 6-9).The book contains instruction for teachers and parents along with numerous songs to sing and to play. Following the Waldorf curriculum, there are songs that tell the whole story of a collection of Aesop's Fables and songs about heroes and saints, including St John s Song, St Martin and Epiphany Song. There are also songs about the seasons and nature, such as March Wind and The Song of the Four Seasons as well as songs full of fun, such as, Kettle, Boil and Jolly Nonsense!An excellent resource for Steiner-Waldorf teachers to help them share the joy of music and song with their pupils.
Waldorf Publications Honey Bee Haven
A classic early reader for Steiner-Waldorf schools to teach children about the important life of the honey bee on a farm. Beekeeper Bruce rescues a swarm of bees and gives them a home on a small farm. He introduces the bees and helps children understand more about them, allowing them to overcome their fear of insects and encouraging them to love these tiny creatures. The book travels through the seasons on the farm with the rich watercolour illustrations. As children see how the bees live and work together in harmony in the hive to make honey and in the fields to pollinate many types of flowers and vegetables they discover that the honeybee is one of the farmer's best friends.
Waldorf Publications Tatatuck's Journey to Crystal Mountain
Little Tatatuck is a gnome who dreams of working in the crystal caves, but he is small and not very strong. The head gnome tells Tatatuck that he must journey over seven mountains to the highest cave on Crystal Mountain and bring back a crystal to achieve his dream. Many gnomes have embarked on this journey before, but none have returned. Tatatuck encounters many adventures on his quest. He gathers treasures and friends along the way, faces many hazards, and develops courage and strength on the journey. This is a delightful tale masterfully told by renowned storyteller Jakob Streit.Children in Class 1 of Steiner-Waldorf schools will especially delight in these tales, but they will be loved by older children too.
Waldorf Publications A Phenomena-Based Physics: Sound, Light, Heat: Volume 2 for Grade 7
Children learn best through experiencing a phenomenon before trying to understand it theoretically. This approach underpins this valuable resource book for teachers of physics to 13-14 year olds.Covering the basic principles of mechanics, acoustics, optics, heat, electricity and magnetism, von Mackensen ensures that all lessons and experiments are age-appropriate, and focus on developing an interest in and familiarity with the phenomena being described.Written specifically for class teachers in Waldorf schools, but accessible to any teacher who wants to bring a more phenomenon-based methodology to their classroom, the book starts by introducing the fields of physics appropriate to the age group, followed by a discussion of the main topics and detailed descriptions of simple experiments.This book is recently revised and reformatted in a handy workbook size for ease of teacher reference in preparing main lesson presentations and experiments, and is illustrated throughout.
Waldorf Publications Painting at School: A Handbook for Elementary and Secondary Education in Waldorf Schools
Watercolour painting is a key part of the Waldorf curriculum, and is important in the healthy development of a child.This lovely book is a thorough overview of watercolor painting in the Waldorf curriculum, up to Class 12 (age 18). It includes practical advice for teachers and clear exercises. It discusses Goethe's theory of colour as well as how to paint with different ages and grades.
Waldorf Publications At Home In Harmony: Bringing Families and Communities Together in Song
Meg Chittenden believes that there's a singer in all of us. But our formal education systems often don't encourage singing at school, and parents often lack confidence to help their children sing at home.This unique book is designed to help get families singing -- and ultimately, singing in multi-part harmony. It includes an access code to download nine hours of free phrase-by-phrase singing tuition.Singing is an activity that can lift the heart and the spirits. Indeed, singing in harmony can be seen as a profound metaphor for all human interaction. This book will give adults and children alike the tools and confidence to sing together.
Waldorf Publications Topics in Mathematics for the Tenth Grade: Based on Teaching Practices in Waldorf Schools
The Mathematics for the High School series has been specifically designed for maths teachers in Waldorf schools. The books offer new sources of inspiration for those who've taught maths courses many times before, as well as vital guidance and insight for those newer to maths teaching.Each book in the series offers broad and helpful historical and background perspectives on mathematics, as well as many practical, hands-on exercises, hints and teaching tips.This book covers all the lesson blocks taught in Class 10 (age 15-16), including:-- sine, cosine and tangent-- trigonometry-- surveying-- higher calculations-- logarithms and logarithmic spirals-- Pascal's triangle and related geometry-- numerical relationships in music-- resection methodThe book offers broad and helpful historical and background perspectives on maths in Class 10, as well as many practical, hand-on exercises, hints and teaching tips.
Waldorf Publications Earth Science for Waldorf Schools
Hans-Ulrich Schmutz has developed a comprehensive curriculum for teaching earth science in Steiner-Waldorf High Schools (Years 9 to 12, age 15 to 18) which is consistent with the developmental stages of high school students.His consistent and carefully developed curriculum guides the student from geology through the dynamics of ocean currents and global climatology, crystallography, technology, and economic geography to astronomy and paleontology.All these subjects are provided with new and interesting point of views, which gradually contribute to a discovery of the living and the connection between earth and the human being.
Waldorf Publications Journey to the Promised Land: The Path of the People of Israel from Abraham's Calling to David's Dream
Master storyteller Jakob Streit retells stories from the Old Testament, including the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Saul and David.This book is perfect for use in Year 3 (age 9-10) in the Steiner-Waldorf curriculum, or as a reader in Year 4.This is the second of Jakob Streit's three books of Bible stories, along with And There Was Light and We Will Build a Temple.
Waldorf Publications Working Together: Mentoring for Eurythmy Teachers
Eurythmy is an essential part of the curriculum in Waldorf schools, and it's essential that schools and teachers support eurythmists as they develop as teachers.This concise booklet addresses the best techniques for mentoring eurythmy teachers in a straightforward, succinct and genuinely helpful way.
Waldorf Publications The Four Temperaments
The four temperaments that Rudolf Steiner identified -- sanguine (enthusiastic, active, and social), choleric (short-tempered, fast, or irritable), melancholic (analytical, wise, and quiet), and phlegmatic (relaxed and peaceful) -- can be profitably used to better understand children and their behaviour.This useful guide for Waldorf teachers discusses ways to harness the tools of the temperaments, ranging from Class 1 up to individual subjects such as geography or chemistry in Class 8. It offers teachers the opportunity to engage with children more deeply and adjust lessons accordingly, for maximum learning effectiveness.
Waldorf Publications The History of Waldorf Education Worldwide: Volume 1: 1919-1945
In 1919 the original Steiner-Waldorf school opened its doors, becoming the first of over 1000 Waldorf schools and kindergartens which now exist around the world.This comprehensive first volume from Nana Göbel, founder of Friends of Waldorf Education, explores the history of Waldorf education from its roots to the end of the Second World War.Göbel captures the mood of the early days of Waldorf education, sharing the vision and dedication of those who established the schools in the first half of the twentieth century. She details the remarkable and rapid appearance of Waldorf schools throughout Britain, Europe, and North America.Featuring over 150 photographs, this is a rich and inspiring account of the early days of this landmark new approach to education.
Waldorf Publications Awakening Spirit: Freeing the Will
Rudolf Steiner cautioned the first Steiner-Waldorf teachers to understand that it is not what we teach, but who we are, that is all-important when facing children in a classroom. In this helpful resource, Renwick draws from Rudolf Steiner's teachings in The Philosophy of Freedom and presents the wisdom from this text in an accessible and practical way. He explores the teacher's role and responsibility in leading young people to maturity. Awakening Spirit is brief, clear and comprehensive. It offers a new perspective on the importance of and the strengthening available to teachers through the study of Steiner's work.
Waldorf Publications Helping Children on their Way: Educational Support for the Classroom
Children who have difficulties in learning in standard ways need extra support in the classroom. It can sometimes be difficult for teachers to know which technique might be best suited for a particular child or learning difficulty.This collection of articles written by teachers, therapists, doctors and adult educators explains and explores a different approach, with the goal of helping to improve every child's abilities.Vibrantly illustrated with over 200 colour scratchboard drawings, photographs and line drawings, this is an accessible compendium that will be valued by all class teachers.
Waldorf Publications Topics in Mathematics for the Twelfth Grade: Based on Teaching Practices in Waldorf Schools
The Mathematics for the High School series has been specifically designed for maths teachers in Waldorf schools. The books offer new sources of inspiration for those who've taught maths courses many times before, as well as vital guidance and insight for those newer to maths teaching.Each book in the series offers broad and helpful historical and background perspectives on mathematics, as well as many practical, hands-on exercises, hints and teaching tips.This book covers all the lesson blocks taught in Class 12 (age 17-18), including all aspects of differential and integral calculus. The book offers broad and helpful historical and background perspectives on maths in Class 12, as well as many practical, hand-on exercises, hints and teaching tips.
Waldorf Publications The Power of Grammar: A Phenomenological Approach
Grammar is the basic structure of our language and is difficult to teach creatively in any language -- especially English. And yet beautiful, artistic work requires structure and grammar is essential for powerful, clear writing.Anne Greer, an experienced language arts teacher, here offers a wonderful survey of English-language grammar teaching, drawn from a colloquium of Waldorf language arts teachers. Her lively interchanges with the teachers, sharing their experiences in their classrooms, demonstrate ways to make any language truly living.Teachers and parents will appreciate the numerous examples, depth of investigation and creative approaches this book presents.
Waldorf Publications Word Mastery Primer: For First and Second Graders
This book is a wonderful teacher resource for helping children learn to read.The Word Mastery Primer empowers teachers to organise sounds and words into families, and to invent picture-filled stories which bring the sounds of words and phonemes to life for children learning to read. The lovely short stories allow children to practise the sound families they've learned.This book has been used in manuscript form for teacher training in the Education Department at Antioch, New England, for many years. It's a gem of a reading primer, which has helped hundreds of teachers decide on the most memorable approach to putting sounds together with letters.
Waldorf Publications Trailing Clouds of Glory: Essays on Human Sexuality and the Education of Youth
Sexuality is an important but challenging issue for schools to address. Adolescents need to know about reproduction and the power of procreation, but mainstream teaching can offer a very raw view of sexuality and gender.This book, a wonderful antidote to the mainstream, brings together insights from several experienced Waldorf teachers, who share their approaches to the subject. Full of wisdom and perception, these contributions add up to an invaluable resources for teachers facing similar challenges.The book also includes a full survey of child development in this area, giving useful background information which will underpin the curriculum.Suitable for Classes 7 to 12.
Waldorf Publications Tending the Spark: Light the Future for Middle-school Students
This book could have been titled, 'how to get your pre-teen to fire you as a manager and hire you back as a consultant'. Parents and carers of twelve to fifteen year olds often find their children pulling away and almost disappearing from view. Based on her decades of experience as a Waldorf high school teacher, Betty Staley offers clear explanations for pre-teen behaviour that parents can use to actively support young teenagers.Full of insightful ideas and illuminating examples, this book will guide parents to help their young person over the bridge of early puberty and on to a productive life as a young adult. Far from seeing them as problems to be solved, this book is a celebration of pre-teens and offers a wise understanding of these wonderful, powerful, strange and private souls who are looking for an identity apart from childhood.
Waldorf Publications A Phenomena-Based Physics: Sound, Light, Heat: Volume 1 for Grade 6
Children learn best through experiencing a phenomenon before trying to understand it theoretically. This approach underpins this valuable resource book for teachers of physics to 12-13 year olds.Covering the basic principles of acoustics, optics, heat, electricity and magnetism, von Mackensen ensures that all lessons and experiments are age-appropriate, and focus on developing an interest in and familiarity with the phenomena being described.Written specifically for class teachers in Waldorf schools, but accessible to any teacher who wants to bring a more phenomenon-based methodology to their classroom, the book starts by introducing the fields of physics appropriate to the age group, followed by a discussion of the main topics and detailed descriptions of simple experiments.This book is recently revised and reformatted in a handy workbook size for ease of teacher reference in preparing main lesson presentations and experiments, and is illustrated throughout.
Waldorf Publications Will-Developed Intelligence: The Handwork and Practical Arts Curriculum in Waldorf Schools
The handwork and practical arts curriculum in Waldorf schools stimulates children's creative powers. At the same time, it establishes an aesthetic confidence by developing the child's will -- that part of us which interacts with the world, and lays the foundation for our thinking.This masterly book argues that only by working with their hands does our children's cognition develop as it should. It examines the craft curriculum from Years 1 to 8, and all the way through High School. This is a wonderful curriculum resource for Waldorf teachers which includes numerous practical projects, as well as exploring the particular benefits that the activities have.
Waldorf Publications The Bee Book
Streit's father was a watchmaker who also kept bees, and it was in early childhood that Jakob developed a passion for the honeybee. This exquisite reader for Steiner-Waldorf schools factually and scientifically allows one to enter into the magic and mysterious world of the bees.It offers a useful transition from Class 4 to Class 5, moving from the Animal and the Human Being lesson block, to the Botany block. It is also recommended for Class 3.Along with another of Jacob Streit's books, Little Bee Sunbeam, it is one of two books recommended for the sexuality curriculum in the Waldorf school.
Waldorf Publications Creative Pathways: Activities That Strengthen The Child's Cognitive Forces
Integrating arts and practical handwork into academic learning can have a wealth of benefits for children and their development.An experienced Waldorf crafts and class teacher here shares her extensive experience of doing hands-on activities with children aged 6 to 14, in a school context.This is both an inspiring and a practical book for Steiner-Waldorf teachers.
Waldorf Publications Kicking Away the Ladder: The Philosophical Roots of Waldorf Education
As Waldorf education approaches its 100th anniversary, this book provides a wonderful opportunity to understand the ideals and philosophy behind this extraordinary educational approach.This thoughtful book will lift the reader's own thinking as it traces from the philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment into the twentieth century, showing what led to the revolution in modern thinking that opened the way for the ideas of Rudolf Steiner.It will be significant for anyone interested in understanding the roots and context of Waldorf education.
Waldorf Publications Bare Hand Knitting: Tool-Free Knitting at its Finest
Learn to knit anywhere, without needles!Many children learn finger knitting in kindergarten, but what about later on? This inspiring book demonstrates a range of new hand knitting techniques suitable for school-age children.In our mechanised world of less and less handwork, this is a wonderful skill for children to learn and take into adult life. The book includes step-by-step instructions for making beautiful clothing, scarves, hats, decoration and much more, without ever needing a needle!
Waldorf Publications Play! Recorders in the Classroom: Volume 2: Fourth Grade Teacher's Edition
The recorder was first documented in the Middle Ages and for generations has been a popular instrument to teach to children because it is easy to learn and produces a clear, sweet sound. In Waldorf schools, recorder playing is part of everyday life in the classroom.This teacher edition for Class 4 (9-10 years) contains simple and happy songs from around the world to play with children. It helps the teacher understand how to play themselves and introduces some simple finger and breathing techniques
Waldorf Publications Play! Recorders in the Classroom: Volume 1: Third Grade Teacher's Edition
The recorder was first documented in the Middle Ages and for generations has been a popular instrument to teach to children because it is easy to learn and produces a clear, sweet sound. In Waldorf schools, recorder playing is part of everyday life in the classroom. This companion to the students' guide for pupils in Class 3 contains simple and happy songs to play with children. It helps the teacher understand how to play themselves and introduces some simple finger and breathing techniques.
Waldorf Publications Teaching Science through the Grades
The teaching of science in Waldorf schools is qualitatively different to mainstream education, reflecting an aim to help children learn about science through hands-on experience rather than memorising theory. Science begins in Kindergarten where joy in the natural world is celebrated, then through the grades increasing focus is given to improving pupils' observation skills.In this valuable resource, experienced Waldorf teachers from around the world, including Florian Oswald and Sven Bohn, share their expertise on a wide range of subjects and topics. Covering a vast array of scientific areas including zoology and mythology, astronomy, chemistry, and biology, this book helps teachers enhance and improve their teaching methods.
Waldorf Publications Exploring Shapes Creatively Through Pure Form Modeling: A Sourcebook of Sculptural Ideas for Grades 1-12
It is widely recognised in Waldorf education that there should be a strong sculptural component in schools to balance with children's lessons in form drawing. The use of hands and sight to create physical forms, and the creativity that flows as a result, is an important experience for growing bodies and minds.This book, which focuses on non-representational sculpture, presents over 200 exercises for starting to work in clay, free from artistic pressure and full of fun and imagination.This is a companion volume to Learning about the World through Modeling.
Waldorf Publications Topics in Mathematics for the Eleventh Grade: Based on Teaching Practices in Waldorf Schools
The Mathematics for the High School series has been specifically designed for maths teachers in Waldorf schools. The books offer new sources of inspiration for those who've taught maths courses many times before, as well as vital guidance and insight for those newer to maths teaching.Each book in the series offers broad and helpful historical and background perspectives on mathematics, as well as many practical, hands-on exercises, hints and teaching tips.This book covers all the lesson blocks taught in Class 11 (age 16-17), including:-- analytical geometry-- projective geometry-- spherical geometry-- sequences and limitsThe book offers broad and helpful historical and background perspectives on maths in Class 11, as well as many practical, hand-on exercises, hints and teaching tips.
Waldorf Publications Brother Francis: The Life of Francis of Assisi
The many wonderful stories about St Francis of Assisi have been loved for over seven hundred years, and yet the power of them is undiminished.This concise book includes key stories, retold by master storyteller Jakob Streit, to introduce children to the works of the great saint.Suitable for children aged six and up.
Waldorf Publications Truth, Beauty and Goodness: The Future of Education, Healing Arts and Health Care
Ever since the Greek philosophers characterized the three foundational ideals for attaining wisdom -- Truth (science), Beauty (art) and Goodness (religion) -- these ideals have been significant influences on all levels of education. They are also the pillars of healthy development of body, soul and spirit. This insightful book, drawing on lectures given by Dr Michaela Glöckler at the 2018 Kolisko conference, explores these themes and asks what the future looks like in the areas of education, the healing arts, and health care in light of them. How do goodness, beauty and truth acts as preventative medicine in society? And how can they be understood in the context of the Waldorf curriculum?
Waldorf Publications Chapters from Ancient History: In Biographic Vein
The contemporary culture, language and artistic sensibilities of the west originated and were shaped by the ancient cultures that are vividly explored in this book. Dorothy Harrer, a skilful storyteller, has compiled a rich collection of insights into the cultures of Ancient India, Persia, Babylon, Mesopotamia, Egypt and Greece. For each civilisation, she illuminates their rise and decline through pictures, biographies and poetic samplings, linking their ancient wisdom, spirituality, literature and illustrious people to our current times.This is an invaluable book for Waldorf teachers in Class 5 or Class 10, and for anyone interested in the evolution of western civilisation. It could be used as a reader for students aged thirteen and up.
Waldorf Publications Play Recorders in the Classroom
A practical guide for teachers sharing the recorder with their pupils in Class 5 (10-11 years), with simple songs and instructions for teaching both soprano and alto recorders.
Waldorf Publications Painting with Hand, Head and Heart: A Natural Approach to Learning the Art of Painting
In Steiner-Waldorf schools around the world, painting is an essential part of the curriculum from the kindergarten through to Class 12 (3-18 years). Digesting history, geography, maths and the sciences through artistic work helps children to deepen comprehension and make the key aspects of everything learned more memorable.Van James has captured in this book his years of Waldorf teaching experience to help students to build artistic skills. Engagement with colour, as well as the opportunity for self-expression, enhance a student's self-confidence and capacities for self-expression. This valuable resource offers teachers step-by-step approaches to help build their students' artistic confidence. This inspiring resource will be a valuable addition to Steiner-Waldorf teachers' shelves.
Waldorf Publications Waldorf Book of Blessings from Around the World
Sharing a blessing before eating is an important way to pause, reflect and be thankful for the food that we eat.This beautiful collection of verses, songs and prayers from around the world helps readers to experience all the humble, heart-warming ways that families take a moment before eating to remember the work involved and the gift that our nourishment brings. A little treasure to help us remember the importance of taking time to think about the food we eat, the people who grow it for us and the earth which provides it for us.
Waldorf Publications Spelling by Hand: Teaching Spelling in a Waldorf School: A Guide for Class Teachers
Many children struggle with spelling, especially in English. This brilliant little booklet offers a great plan for helping children overcome spelling challenges in the classroom.Its hands-on techniques, exercises and ideas are simple but effective. As well as helping children to spell right through to Class 8, it also helps them to read as they better understand the sounds being spelled.
Waldorf Publications Roman Lives
This is a rich history of the Roman Empire told in a style that makes the book not only a resource for teachers but also a reader for Class 6 (age 12) and older.Generously illustrated with paintings by masters and maps depicting the era of Roman rule, the stories of the founding, the seven kings, the imperialism, the Caesars, and the decline of Rome ring through these pages of the long-reigning Roman Empire. Master storytelling author Dorothy Harrer, a long-time Waldorf teacher, describes the rise and fall of this remarkable chapter in the history of Western Civilization with enlivening detail.
Waldorf Publications Rubicon: Selections from the Works of Rudolf Steiner
The 'Rubicon' -- sometimes called the watershed or crossing point -- is usually associated with the transition children go through around the age of nine, as they feel themselves start to grow apart from the world.This book addresses both that classic Rubicon, and the other thresholds that children experience between the ages of seven and twelve. The change of teeth at seven, the shift in independent consciousness at nine, and the advance of puberty at twelve, are all covered in this comprehensive collection of Steiner's insights.This is a useful resource for both parents and teachers who seek to better understand the children in their care.
Waldorf Publications Active Arithmetic!: Movement and Mathematics Teaching in the Lower Grades of a Waldorf School
This thoughtful book, written by an experienced Waldorf teacher in Denmark, explores ways of making arithmetic and maths lessons active, engaging and concrete for children. Anderson concentrates on methods which use aspects of movement and drawing to make maths 'real', drawing on children's natural need for physical activity and innate curiosity.The techniques discussed here will work well for younger classes in Steiner-Waldorf schools.
Waldorf Publications Xavier Sings: Stories of his Alphabet Friends
Music has been recognised as a wonderful way to help children to remember the sounds and shapes of letters. In this delightful story, a little boy called Xavier has a song for every letter of the alphabet. Accompanied by beautiful, simple illustrations the sweet, memorable songs are the perfect way for a parent or teacher to introduce the alphabet to children in Class 1 in the Steiner-Waldorf curriculum. Links to online recordings of the songs are included in the book so that the parent or teacher can learn the songs to sing them to their children. A helpful, fun resource for parents or class teachers.
Waldorf Publications And Who Shall Teach the Teachers?: The Christ Impulse in Waldorf Education
In Rudolf Steiner's teachings he speaks about the 'Christ impulse', a universal force that exists independently of Christian churches, working for all humanity.This rich collection of essays explores the question, what does Rudolf Steiner mean by the Christ Impulse and how can one speak about it in Waldorf teacher education programs and schools without it being misconstrued? The essays are written by experienced Waldorf teachers and leaders in the Steiner-Waldorf movement including Roberto Trostli, Douglas Sloan, Betty Staley and Dorit Winter. Chapters include: How Do Teachers Transform Themselves and Come to Experience the Christ Impulse, The Chariot of Michael, and Anthroposophy Is Not a Religion.
Waldorf Publications Topics in Mathematics for the Ninth Grade
Waldorf Publications A Brief History of Chemistry
Theres often no better way of learning about a historical period than through the biographies of those who lived at the time. This applies equally to the history of science. This concise book traces the evolution of modern chemistry through the rich stories of those who devoted their lives to its advancement. Its a valuable resource for Waldorf teachers who want to add colour and context to chemistry lessons, or to characterise the different phases of understanding that have led to our current sophisticated levels.
Waldorf Publications Arithmetic with Zoological Considerations
A practical and helpful guide to teaching mathematics from Dr Karl König, founder of the Camphill movement.