Search results for ""University of California Press""
University of California Press High-Tech Trash: Glitch, Noise, and Aesthetic Failure
A free ebook version of this title will be available through Luminos, University of California Press’ Open Access publishing program for monographs. Visit to learn more.High-Tech Trash analyzes creative strategies in glitch, noise, and error to chart the development of an aesthetic paradigm rooted in failure. Carolyn L. Kane explores how technologically influenced creative practices, primarily from the second half of the twentieth and first quarter of the twenty-first centuries, critically offset a broader culture of pervasive risk and discontent. In so doing, she questions how we continue onward, striving to do better and acquire more, despite inevitable disappointment. High-Tech Trash speaks to a paradox in contemporary society in which failure is disavowed yet necessary for technological innovation.
University of California Press Keys to Play: Music as a Ludic Medium from Apollo to Nintendo
This is a free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press' Open Access publishing program for monographs. How do keyboards make music playable? Drawing on theories of media, systems, and cultural techniques, Keys to Play spans Greek myth and contemporary Japanese digital games to chart a genealogy of musical play and its animation via improvisation, performance, and recreation. As a paradigmatic digital interface, the keyboard forms a field of play on which the book's diverse objects of inquiry-from clavichords to PCs and eighteenth-century musical dice games to the latest rhythm-action titles-enter into analogical relations. Remapping the keyboard's topography by way of Mozart and Super Mario, who head an expansive cast of historical and virtual actors, Keys to Play invites readers to unlock ludic dimensions of music that are at once old and new.
University of California Press Inland from Mombasa
University of California Press The World History of Animation
Tells the genre's 100-year-old story around the globe, featuring key players in Europe, North America, and Asia. This title explains the evolution of animation techniques, from rotoscoping to refinements of cel techniques, direct film, claymation, and more.
University of California Press Decisions in Crisis
University of California Press Experimental Evolution
Experimental approaches to evolution provide evidence of evolution by directly observing the process at work. This book summarizes studies in experimental evolution, outlining techniques and applications, and presenting the field's full range of research - from selection in the laboratory to the manipulation of populations in the wild.
University of California Press Intoxicating Pleasures
University of California Press Call the Mothers Searching for Mexicos Disappeared in the War on Drugs
University of California Press Justice Lessons
University of California Press Poems for the Millennium Volume Four
An anthology of the written and oral literatures of the Maghreb, the region of North Africa that spans the modern nation states of Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania, and includes a section on the influential Arabo-Berber and Jewish literary culture of Al-Andalus, which flourished in Spain between the ninth and fifteenth centuries.
University of California Press The Apothecarys Wife
University of California Press The Suburban Frontier
University of California Press At Home in the City
University of California Press Emergency in Transit
University of California Press Expanding Verse
University of California Press Imprisoning a Revolution
University of California Press The Great Basin
Covering a large swath of the American West, the Great Basin, centered in Nevada and including parts of California, Utah, and Oregon, is named for the unusual fact that none of its rivers or streams flow into the sea. This title presents environmental and human history of this region.
University of California Press Experimental Times
University of California Press Scripting Suicide in Japan
University of California Press Solidarity of Strangers
University of California Press Women Writing Culture
A collection of reflections on the sexual politics, racial history, and moral predicaments of anthropology that explore a range of visions of identity and difference.
University of California Press A Chronicle of Damascus 13891397
This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1963.
University of California Press At Home in the City
University of California Press Science in the Provinces
This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1986.
University of California Press Fragmented Ties
In a comprehensive treatment of Salvadoran immigration, this text gives a detailed account of the inner workings of the networks by which immigrants leave their homes in Central America to start new lives in the Mission District of of San Francisco.
University of California Press The Black Reparations Project
University of California Press Social Movements and the Law
University of California Press The Papers of Martin Luther King Jr V 4 Symbol of the Movement January 1957 December 1958
Chronicles one of the twentieth century's most dynamic personalities and one of the nation's greatest social struggles. This title conveys Martin Luther King, Jr's call for racial justice and his faith in the power of nonviolence to engender a major transformation of American society.
University of California Press India and the China Crisis 6 International Crisis Behavior
University of California Press Britain and the Balance of Power in North America 18151908
University of California Press Serpentine The Evolution and Ecology of a Model System
Serpentine soils have long fascinated biologists for the specialized floras they support and the challenges they pose to plant survival and growth. This work focuses on what scientists have learned about major questions in earth history, evolution, ecology, conservation, and restoration from the study of serpentine areas, especially in California.
University of California Press Into the Void Pacific
Explores how buildings supported the cultural and political work of the fair and fashioned a second, parallel world in a moment of economic depression and international turmoil. This book looks closely at buildings as buildings, analyzing them in light of local circumstances, regionalist sensibilities, and national and international movements.
University of California Press Praying and Preying
Offers one of the rare anthropological monographs on the Christian experience of contemporary Amazonian indigenous peoples, based on an ethnographic study of the relationship between the Wari', inhabitants of Brazilian Amazonia, and the Evangelical missionaries of the New Tribes Mission.
University of California Press Law in Light
University of California Press The Great Thirst
Tells how aboriginal Americans and then early Spanish and Mexican immigrants contrived to use and share the available water and how American settlers, arriving in ever-increasing numbers after the Gold Rush, transformed California into the home of the nation's preeminent water seekers.
University of California Press Little India
Examines a example of linguistic plurality on the island of Mauritius, where more than two-thirds of the population is of Indian ancestry. This study focuses on the formation of diaspora as mediated through the cultural phenomenon of Indian ancestral languages - principally Hindi, which is used primarily in religious contexts.
University of California Press Animal Ethos
What kinds of moral challenges arise from encounters between species in laboratory science?Animal Ethosdraws on ethnographic engagement with academic labs in which experimental research involving nonhuman species provokes difficult questions involving life and death, scientific progress, and other competing quandaries. Whereas much has been written on core bioethical values that inform regulated behavior in labs, Lesley A. Sharp reveals the importance of attending to lab personnel's quotidian and unscripted responses to animals.Animal Ethos exposes the richyet poorly understoodmoral dimensions of daily lab life, where serendipitous, creative, and unorthodox responses are evidence of concerted efforts by researchers, animal technicians, veterinarians, and animal activists to transform animal laboratories into moral scientific worlds.
University of California Press The Polaroid Project The Art and Technology of Instant Photography
University of California Press Unfathomable City
Looks at the multi-faceted nature of New Orleans, a city replete with contradictions. Featuring 22 full-color two-page-spread maps, this title plumbs the depths of this major tourist destination, pivotal scene of American history and culture and, most recently, site of monumental disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and the BP oil spill.
University of California Press Delano The Story of the California Grape Strike
In September 1965, Filipino and Mexican American farm workers went on strike against grape growers in and around Delano, California. The strike became a movement for social justice that helped redefine Latino and American politics. Based on first-hand reportage and interviews, this book illuminates a moment of unusually significant social ferment.
University of California Press Gendering Criminology
University of California Press The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom
Some 2000 years ago Buddhism experienced a major reformation through a movement called the Mahayana, or "Great Vehicle," which dominated religious through in much of Asia for many centuries and still exerts considerable influence. This title deals with this reformation movement.
University of California Press Aesthetics Analysis in Writing on Religion Modern Fascinations
Addressing a fundamental dilemma in religious studies, this text explores the tension between humanistic and social scientific approaches to thinking and writing about religion. Daniel Gold develops a line of argument that begins with the aesthetics of academic writing in the field.
University of California Press Chinas New Business Elite The Political Consequences of Economic Reform Paper
The transition from a planned to a market economy that began in China in the late 1970s unleashed an extraordinary series of changes, including increases in private enterprise, foreign investment, the standard of living, and corruption. This title considers the impact that this new class is having on China's politics.
University of California Press Ben Cao Gang Mu, Volume IX: Fowls, Domestic and Wild Animals, Human Substances
Volume IX in the Ben cao gang mu series offers a complete translation of chapters 47 through 52, devoted to fowls, domestic and wild animals, and human substances. The Ben cao gang mu is a sixteenth-century Chinese encyclopedia of medical matter and natural history by Li Shizhen (1518–1593). The culmination of a sixteen-hundred-year history of Chinese medical and pharmaceutical literature, it is considered the most important and comprehensive book ever written in the history of Chinese medicine and remains an invaluable resource for researchers and practitioners. This nine-volume series reveals an almost two-millennia-long panorama of wide-ranging observations and sophisticated interpretations, ingenious manipulations, and practical applications of natural substances for the benefit of human health. Paul Unschuld's annotated translation of the Ben cao gang mu, presented here with the original Chinese text, opens a rare window into viewing the people and culture of China's past.
University of California Press Reinventing the Wheel: Milk, Microbes, and the Fight for Real Cheese Volume 65
University of California Press The Atlas of Water: Mapping the World's Most Critical Resource
Climate change, population increase, and the demands made by the growing number of people adopting urban lifestyles and western diets threaten the world's supply of freshwater, edging us closer to a global water crisis, with dire implications for agriculture, the economy, the environment, and human health. Completely revised and updated, The Atlas of Water is a compelling visual guide to the state of this life-sustaining resource. Using vivid graphics, maps, and charts, it explores the complex human interaction with water around the world. This vibrant atlas addresses all the pressing issues concerning water, from water shortages and excessive demand, to dams, pollution, and privatization, all considered in terms of the growing threat of an increasingly unpredictable climate. It also outlines critical tools for managing water, providing safe access to water, and preserving the future of the world's water supply.
University of California Press Field Guide to California Insects: Second Edition
Beautifully illustrated and approachable, this is the only California-specific, statewide book devoted to all groups of insects. Completely revised for the first time in over 40 years, Field Guide to California Insects now includes over 600 insect species, each beautifully illustrated with color photographs. Engaging accounts focus on distinguishing features, remarkable aspects of biology, and geographical distribution in the state. An accessible and compact introduction to identifying, understanding, and appreciating these often unfamiliar and fascinating creatures, this guide covers insects that readers are likely to encounter in homes and natural areas, cities and suburbs, rural lands and wilderness. It also addresses exotic and invasive species and their impact on native plants and animals. Field Guide to California Insects remains the definitive portable reference and a captivating read for beginners as well as avid naturalists.