Search results for ""United Nations Publications""
United Nations Publications Assessment of Development Results Iraq
This Assessment of Development Results (ADR) in Iraq was conducted by the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in 2013 towards the end of the current UNDP programme cycle of 2011-2014. The ADR assesses the strategic positioning of UNDP support in transition and development.
United Nations Fund for Population Activities State of World Population 2017: Worlds Apart - Reproductive Health and Rights in an Age of Inequality
United Nations Statistical Yearbook 2017: Sixtieth Issue
The Statistical Yearbook is an annual compilation of a wide range of international economic, social and environmental statistics on over 200 countries and areas, compiled from sources including UN agencies and other international, national and specialized organizations. The 2017 edition contains data available to the Statistics Division as of 31 July 2017 and presents them in 33 tables on topics such as: communication; crime; development assistance; education; energy; environment; finance; gender; international merchandise trade; international tourism; labour force; national accounts; population and migration; price and production indices; and science and technology. Most tables covering the period up to 2017. Accompanying the tables are technical notes providing brief descriptions of major statistical concepts, definitions and classifications.
United Nations Addressing the Challenges of Population Ageing in Asia and the Pacific: Implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing
The Asia-Pacific region is undergoing profound and rapid population changes. All countries in Asia and the Pacific are in the process of ageing at an unprecedented pace, although the timing and pace of this transition varies across the region. The Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) is the global guiding document on population ageing, and with its round of third review and appraisal, this publication explores the progress made by countries in implementing MIPAA, addressing the challenges and issues faced by different countries.