Search results for ""Unitarian Universalist Association""
Unitarian Universalist Association In Between: Memoir of an Integration Baby
Skinner House Books Singing the Journey: A Supplement to Singing the LivingTradition
"Our congregations will find in this songbook music that will shape our community and give new voice to our values as we move forward, supporting our deepening faith and a more effective voice for justice."--William Sinkford This 75-song supplement presents an exceptional variety of music for congregational singing."We live in an experiential age, a subjective time, and the new supplement reflects this. Move me emotionally, we are saying, and I will then move intellectually and morally. Inspiration is what we want. Singing the Journey provides it in spades. " --W. Frederick Wooden, UU World
Skinner House Books Lifting Our Voices: Readings in the Living Tradition
"As the generations rise and fall, the wars of the past are surpassed by the wars of the present age, prosperity and poverty diverge in new ways, and new technology remakes the world in ways Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ken Patton, Olympia Brown, or Francis Watkins Harper could hardly have comprehended. New words of love and truth, new memorable phrases, new encouragements are in order. Assumptions, sometimes unconsciously made in previous eras, have been challenged and rethought. Contemporary voices in this new century still revere both love and truth and find ways in worship of moving out of the familiar and into new territory. Styles of imagery and poetry that might have startled our ancestors encourage us to live out lives of depth."—Mark Belletini, from the PrefaceMore than 250 readings are collected here to reinvigorate and update Unitarian Universalist worship. Just as Singing the Journey supplemented the hymns in Singing the Living Tradition with more diversity in perspectives and styles, Lifting Our Voices supplements the SLT readings with modern voices from an array of cultures and theological perspectives. Chosen with care by Revs. Mark Belletini, Kendyl Gibbons, Angela Herrera, Abhi Janamanchi, and Hope Johnson, these new readings, from Unitarian Universalists and acclaimed authors and poets are sure to become instant classics.
Skinner House Books Las voces del camino: Un complemento de Singing the Living Tradition
Las voces del camino presents 75 songs in Spanish, including songs from Singing the Living Tradition plus fresh selections from Spanish-speaking cultures the world over. Perfect for churches with Spanish-speaking congregants and others seeking multicultural programming. For songs that are not in Singing the Living Tradition, a synopsis of the lyrics is provided. Spiral bound"There are many of our favorite hymns from Singing the Living Tradition rendered in poetic, idiomatic Spanish. There are many new songs from Taizé and other original sources. There are also hymns based on folk songs and familiar melodies including the Jewish tradition. The music in this hymnal spans the globe! I will urge my congregation to buy copies of Las Voces del Camino as I truly believe its inclusion will enhance worship and open the door to another section of the demographic of our city. I strongly recommend this hymnal. I believe that it will soon be seen as an enduring blessing to the UU community." - Dr. Leon Burke III, Eliot Chapel, St. Louis, MO"The UUA's new Spanish language songbook, Las Voces del Camino is a powerful new worship resource for UU congregations and choirs - whether they are bi-lingual or they hope to expand their cultural and spiritual perspective through incorporation of Spanish texts and music in worship. Italian director Federico Fellini said, "A different language is a different vision of life." Las Voces del Camino offers us a different, expanded vision of our living tradition - one that is sure to enrich and enliven our worship and congregational lives." - Elizabeth Norton, director of adult choirs, First Parish, Concord, MA"Las Voces del Camino joins other Unitarian Universalist songbooks in offering expanded congregational repertoire. Singable translations of music already known to UUs combine with new songs. This publication will do much to encourage congregations in spiritual growth and to continue to develop a world community." - Keith Arnold, minister of music, Jefferson Unitarian Church