Search results for ""SteinerBooks, Inc""
SteinerBooks, Inc The Silent Language of Life
A fascinating glimpse into the secret world of water drops and how they manifest on a range of materials from salt to gemstones and tears. Lavishly illustrated, this is a window into a natural world of astounding beauty.
SteinerBooks, Inc The Anthroposophical Society: The Understanding and Continued Activity of the Christmas Conference
SteinerBooks, Inc Reimagining Academic Studies: Science, Philosophy, Education, Social Science, Theology, Theory of Language (Cw 81)
SteinerBooks, Inc Dancing with the Earth Changes: A Guide through the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century
Planet earth as we know it is changing rapidly as a consequence of the excessive use of fossil fuels, deforestation and industrial processes. Our natural environment is deteriorating at pace and today people are struggling to find mechanisms to cope in the face of these changes. This vital book offers positive, practical techniques to give readers the tools needed to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century. Readers will find guidance and comfort in the innovative forms of meditations, exercises and rituals, accompanied by the author's intuitive line drawings.This is a hugely important spiritual guide which offers practical techniques to help readers meet the challenges of modern life.
SteinerBooks, Inc Harmony: The Heartbeat of Creation: The Convergence of Ancient Wisdom and Quantum Physics in the Triune Pulse of Nature's Forms
There exist a number of phenomena that hint at a fundamental unity of the universe -- from the prevalence of the golden mean and Fibonacci series in the geometries of nature, to the recurrence of numbers and themes across world cosmogonies, to age-old therapeutic practices that transcend the duality of psyche and physicality. In this unique book, researcher Monique Pommier explores the areas where science and spirituality intersect, in search of a unified cosmology.
SteinerBooks, Inc What Happens Before We Are Born: Creating Our Living Web of Destiny; with Prayers and Meditations by Rudolf Steiner
The question of what happens to us before we are born is one which is little explored, yet the route between life and death is a journey that everyone takes. Drawing on the prayers and meditations of Rudolf Steiner, Arie Boogert offers a detailed description of the journey we take from the moment of death, and beyond. Considering how experiences and actions in our lives impact on our future, this profound book offers a guide to the path which awaits after death.A supportive and insightful companion for readers keen to explore the journey from death to birth and beyond.
SteinerBooks, Inc Sacramental Theology for a Modern and Future World: The Seven Sacraments in History and in The Christian Community
'What Christ Jesus taught is not what is most important, but rather what he has given humanity. His resurrection is the birth of a new faculty within human nature.' -- Rudolf SteinerIn this book experienced Christian Community priest and teacher, Michael Debus, helps readers to understand the heart of religious consciousness and practical life -- the sacraments. He does so by exploring the following questions and more: -- Is baptism merely a symbolic act, or is it a reality that affects one's life? -- How should we understand the transformation of bread and wine? -- How can rituals express spiritual realities?Debus makes these complex concepts accessible to anyone who wants to understand the background and sacraments of The Christian Community. He also weaves together a discussion of historical theological developments with the evolution of consciousness. This is an insightful book for readers looking to understand the spiritual foundations of The Christian Community and its place in theological history, and its role in Christianity today.
SteinerBooks, Inc Plato, Prehistorian: Myth, Religion and Archaeology
In his Timaeus and Critias dialogues, Plato wrote of two ancient civilisations that flourished more than 9,000 years before his time. Socrates accepted the account as true, and modern archaeological techniques may yet prove him right. In Plato, Prehistorian, Mary Settegast takes us from the cave paintings of Lascaux to the shrines of Çatalhöyük, demonstrating correspondences both to Plato's tale and to the mystery religions of antiquity. She then traces the mid-seventh millennium impulse that revitalised the spiritual life of Çatalhöyük and spread agriculture from Iran to the Greek Peninsula -- at precisely the time given by Aristotle for the legendary Persian prophet Zarathustra, for whom the cultivation of the earth was a religious imperative.Fascinating and challenging, Settegast's approach is truly comprehensive and thoroughly researched, yet written in a jargon-free and engaging style.
SteinerBooks, Inc The Four Gospels their Essence and Spiritual Background
Reveals the rich meaning at the heart of the four New Testament Gospels through an analysis of their stylistic features.
SteinerBooks, Inc The Mystery of Sophia: Bearer of the New Culture: The Rose of the World
Estelle Isaacson is a contemporary seer who has been graced with many visions around Sophia, goddess of wisdom. Part 1 of this book shares a series of fourteen visions which lead the reader into a direct connection with the mystery of Sophia.In Part 2, Robert Powell explores the cosmic dimension of Sophia and her role as bearer of a new spiritual culture: the Rose of the World, a culture founded on love and wisdom.
SteinerBooks, Inc Andando Caminos: Teaching Spanish in Waldorf Schools
For language teachers in Steiner-Waldorf schools, it is as important to understand children at each stage of their development as it is to develop balanced and artistic language lessons. This book, designed for teachers of Spanish but including principles which could be applied to teaching any foreign language, offers support for developing lesson plans as well as encouraging teachers to discover their own artistry and gifts.The book is a treasure trove of resources from Hispanic culture, including less well-known stories and songs from specific regions such as folk tale 'El Gallo Kiriko', Nicolás Guillén's 'Los Abuelos', Mexican legends 'Los Volcanes' and a shadow play of the ballad 'Conde Olinos'.Arranged from Class 1 to Class 8, this is a comprehensive resource which has been tried and tested in the classroom.
SteinerBooks, Inc The Sophia Teachings: The Emergence of the Divine Feminine in Our Time
This book uncovers a secret stream of wisdom flowing through the heart of Christianity: the feminine principle known in Greek as 'Sophia'. Robert Powell surveys the teachings associated with this treasure of Christianity's mystical past.
SteinerBooks, Inc A Secret History of Consciousness
-- What is consciousness like?-- How can consciousness be achieved?Gary Lachman argues that consciousness is not a result of neurons and molecules, but is actually responsible for them. Meaning, he proposes, is not imported from the outer world, but rather creates the world.He shows that consciouness is a living, evolving presence whose development can be traced through different historical periods. Concentrating on the late nineteenth-century onwards, Lachman exposes the 'secret history' of consciousness through thinkers such as P. D. Ouspensky, Rudolf Steiner, and Colin Wilson, as well as more mainstream philosophers like Henri Bergson, William James, Owen Barfield and psychologist Andreas Mavromatis.Two little known but important thinkers play a major role in Lachmans argument: Jurij Moskvitin, who showed how our consciousness relates to the mechanisms of perception and to the external world; and Jean Gebster, who presented perhaps the most impressive case for the evolution of consciousness.This is a far-reaching book from an exciting contemporary thinker.
SteinerBooks, Inc Astronomy and Spiritual Science
SteinerBooks, Inc Gifts of the Honeybees: Their Connection to Cosmos, Earth, and Humankind
SteinerBooks, Inc Numerica: A Waldorf Book of Counting
SteinerBooks, Inc Drawing with Hand, Head and Heart: A Natural Approach to Learning the Art of Drawing
SteinerBooks, Inc Understanding Deeper Developmental Needs: Holistic Approaches for Challenging Behaviors in Children
How do we best help a child who is struggling? By learning to look carefully.Children's challenging behaviour -- such as bullying, attention problems, anxiety, memory problems or sensory-seeking behaviour -- can often be related to a developmental issue, and the best way to understand the behaviour, argues Adam Blanning, is through close observation of the child. Watching how a child moves, listens, eats or sleeps can offer valuable insights into a child's experience of the world, and help tell the child's story.This detailed book explores in depth the 'constitutional polarities' of children discussed by Rudolf Steiner, which in turn can lead to effective, individualised therapeutic approaches to challenging behaviour. Teachers, counsellors and medical doctors will find tools in this book to enrich their work with children. The constitutional pictures are accompanied by diverse therapeutic indications that will help children into new growth and maturation, from the inside out.
SteinerBooks, Inc Seeing the Animal Whole: And Why It Matters
Every animal on earth has its own unique characterthe slow sloth, the burrowing mole, the towering giraffe, the huge but flexible elephant. In nine vivid portrayals of different animals, Craig Holdrege shows how an animal's features are interconnected and reveal the animal as a whole. This insightful book presents readers with a fresh view of animals and nature by addressing each animal individually and succinctly asking, who are you?. This leads to a ground-breaking understanding of animal development and evolution as creative processes in which the animals are active participants. These revelations can help us find a way to learn from nature, rather than work against it, in order to improve the health of the planet in the future. An insightful and inspiring guide which encourages readers to change the way they think about animals, in order to understand how we can learn and grow from them.
SteinerBooks, Inc Educating Traumatized Children: Waldorf Education in Crisis Intervention
Since 2006, international relief organisation Friends of Waldorf Education (FWE) has partnered with Steiner-Waldorf doctors, psychologists and therapists to carry out emergency education crisis interventions around the world. They've worked with traumatised children and young people in war zones and disaster areas in many countries, including Lebanon, China, the Gaza Strip, Indonesia, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan and most recently Japan, following the tsunami and nuclear disaster there.In this important book, FWE head Bernd Ruf explains what the organisation does, and how the principles of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy are put into practice in such challenging situations. He focuses especially on their work in Japan, exploring processes and experiences, including the anthroposophical understanding of trauma itself.Educating Traumatized Children offers much-needed insight into their little-known area of education and healing for traumatised children. This book will be valuable not only for those working in disaster and conflict areas, but for any teacher or parent who is caring for a traumatised child.
SteinerBooks, Inc Fugitive: Three Covid Pieces: A Goethean Appreciation
SteinerBooks, Inc Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry: When Knowing Becomes Love
In Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry, Arthur Zajonc offers an overview of the meditative life, weaving practical instruction together with the guidance and inspiration of the worlds great teachers, from Rudolf Steiner to Rumi, and from Goethe to the sages of Asia.Zajonc reminds us that an ethic of humility grounds all practice, and that care of the soul is the basis for sound spiritual reflection and understanding. The author carefully describes each stage of the path and includes many recommended practices.Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry is the fruit of many years of personal practice and teaching. Arthur Zajonc has worked with hundreds of university students and professors, as well as with contemplative groups in the US, Europe, and Australia.
SteinerBooks, Inc The Secrets of Metals
Metals are central to human civilization. Used in everything from technology to human bodily processes, we are constantly discovering new metal deposits in the earth, and refining our knowledge and understanding of these precious commodities.In this book, Pelikan discusses the importance of the classic 'seven metals' for humankind and nature, in the light of spiritual science. He adopts a phenomenological, Goethean approach, as developed by Rudolf Steiner, and considers the metals' various effects, including their therapeutic effects.
SteinerBooks, Inc Wandering Joy: Meister Eckhart's Mystical Philosophy
This remarkable work shows Meister Eckhart, the thirteenth-century western mystic, as the great teacher of the birth of God in the soul, who shatters the dualism between God and the world, and the self and God. It is not only an exposition of Eckharts mysticism, but also an exemplary work of contemporary philosophy.
SteinerBooks, Inc Commentary on Rudolf Steiner's Agriculture Course: From the Paul W. Scharff Archive
SteinerBooks, Inc What is This Childhood?: Finding the Spirit of Early Childhood in Language and Creative Living with Our Families
SteinerBooks, Inc How the Future Can Save Us: Fresh Perspectives on Waldorf Education: Principles, Methods, Curriculum
SteinerBooks, Inc Rudolf Steiner, Life and Work: 1924-1925: The Anthroposophical Society and the School for Spiritual Science
SteinerBooks, Inc Anthroposophy and the Natural Sciences: Foundations and Methods (Cw 75)
SteinerBooks, Inc Sexuality, Inner Development, and Community Life: Ethical and Spiritual Dimensions of the Crisis in the Anthroposophical Society in Dornach, 1915 (Cw 253)
SteinerBooks, Inc What is a Waldorf Kindergarten?
Research shows that three essentials are necessary for young children's learning: a broad palette of sensory experience; vigorous and fine movement in response to sensory input; and the opportunity to imitate what the child sees modelled in the environment. These activities are the backbone of the academic foundation that parents should look for in an early childhood program.This helpful book takes an in-depth look at Waldorf kindergartens, and what approach they offer. It includes chapters on a typical day in a kindergarten, handwork, human development through art, circle time, fairy tales, seasons and festivals, and much more. This collection of insightful articles by experienced early-childhood educators, published in cooperation with WECAN, brings both an overview and a deeper understanding of these essentials at work in the daily life of the Waldorf kindergarten.
SteinerBooks, Inc Healing Madonnas: With the sequence of Madonna images for healing and meditation by Rudolf Steiner and Felix Peipers
In 1908, an idea arose during a conversation between Dr Felix Peipers and Rudolf Steiner. Steiner had been lecturing on the healing nature of the Egyptian Goddess Isis, and drew a parallel to the Christian Madonna, Mary. From that, Steiner and Peipers started to formulate a sequence of fifteen Madonna images, primarily by Raphael, which Dr Peipers used effectively in meditative therapy with his patients. All fifteen images are included in the book.This book explores the nature of the Madonna images, addressing topics ranging from the mystery of seeing, beauty, truth and goodness, and Sophia, the divine feminine wisdom, to Isis and Madonna, working with images and Rudolf Steiner's healing mission. There is a special section on Raphael's Sistine Madonna.This book is a perfect complement to Raphael's Madonnas (edited by Christopher Bamford), a beautiful collection of colour Madonna images.
SteinerBooks, Inc The Mutual Evolution of Earth and Humanity: Sketch of a Geology and Paleontology of the Living Earth
This monumental work by Dankmar Bosse presents, for the first time, a comprehensive picture of the evolution of the earth and its natural kingdoms, based primarily on geology and paleontology, and with reference to the work of Rudolf Steiner.Bosse explores many core questions of natural science, such as the relationship of humanity to the evolution of the animal kingdom, the origin of deep crystalline rocks, and the shaping of present-day landscapes.This is a fascinating exposition of the development of our natural world, and human beings, lavishly illustrated in colour. It is essential reading for anyone interested in how life on earth, and the earth itself, got to this point.
SteinerBooks, Inc A Lakota Approach to Biodynamics: Taking Life Seriously
Devon Strong was a farmer and bison rancher in the Western United States whose utterly unique approach to biodynamic agriculture and animal husbandry, stemming as it did from his profound connection with the spirituality of the (Native North American) Lakota people, was just beginning to draw worldwide interest at the time of his early and unexpected death in late 2015.Devon Strong twice led workshops and presentations at the Goetheanum in Switzerland on his merging of biodynamic practices with the traditional Lakota buffalo ceremony. This book -- which includes his unfinished manuscript Taking Life Seriously, all of his published articles, as well as reports and remembrances from both his own family and leading figures of the international biodynamic movement -- is both Devon's final word on the legacy of his singular way of relating to land and animals, and a loving tribute to his vision, inspiration, and intentions for the future of agriculture.
SteinerBooks, Inc Autism: Meet Me Who I Am: An Educational, Sensory and Nutritional Approach to Childhood Autism
Autism manifests in an incredible diversity of characteristics, including but by no means limited to communication issues, repetitive behaviour, and lack of eye contact. In this important book, two experienced physicians go behind the diagnostic labels and the consultation room to a holistic approach for autism.For each unique child, they ask how behaviour differs in different places or with different people, and why; they explore the influences of different types of food; and they ask what sensory needs lie behind particular behaviour. Their approach encompasses not only medical but, primarily, social, pedagogical and environmental considerations, and its from this starting point that they endeavour to build a community of support for a child. This approach challenges family members and professional caregivers to step out of their silos and work together in dynamic, therapeutic communities. Autism: Meet Me Who I Am tells the story of this journey of co-working, drawing inspiration from the children themselves.
SteinerBooks, Inc The Near-Death Experience
This book is about the riddle of life asked from the perspective of the near-death experience. It begins with knowledge recently acquired through scientific research, and goes on to consider the role of direct experience in answering our questions about the nature of the human soul and spirit in relation to the cosmos.Drawing on the work of Michael Sabom and Rudolf Steiner, this is an insightful exploration of a fascinating human experience.
SteinerBooks, Inc Hearts and Minds: Reclaiming the Soul of Science and Medicine
The world, we are told, is made up of particles and forces. Evolution, impelled by the single purpose of survival, is guided by chance through natural selection -- survival of the fittest. DNA, from the core of each cell, directs the chemical-mechanical unfolding of life. Consciousness and self are mere artefacts of the brains firing neurons, it is argued.The great scientific revolution of the last five hundred years, with its technological glories and medical miracles, has arrived at the above set of summary conclusions -- or some slightly tweaked variations -- depicting a random, indifferent and wholly impersonal cosmos.But it is a picture that has been fraying at the edges for some time. Progress in medicine, quantum physics, open-systems biology, consciousness studies, epistemology, the arts and philosophy all point in a radically different direction. However, fresh, coherent narratives have not yet fully emerged out of this progress, and so the old model stubbornly endures. Hearts and Minds: Reclaiming the Soul of Science and Medicine tells a tale of emerging discoveries that restore ourselves and our own understanding as integral to the workings of the world.
SteinerBooks, Inc A Practical Manual of Meditation
"It is easy to be good by being weak.It is easy to be strong by being wicked.It is difficult and heroic to be free. . ."Rudolf Steiner often emphasised the importance of meditation practice for the self-development of students of anthroposophy. In his writings and lectures, he offered various insights for approaches to meditation and for strengthening the qualities needed to unfold our spiritual abilities.In this accessible book, Massimo Scaligero -- a lifelong student of Rudolf Steiner -- systematically illuminates Steiners practices, building on the foundation of our human constitution and explaining how and why these practices work.This is a text that should be read and thought about deeply, but also acted upon. It will be an aid to all those who wish to take the path of initiation through anthroposophy.
SteinerBooks, Inc Dante's Revelation: A Study of the Life and Work of Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri (1265 -- 1321) was an Italian poet, moral philosopher and political thinker best known for his poem the Divine Comedy. Even after seven centuries of historical development, the core of Dante's work is arguably more relevant today than ever.With his Divine Comedy, the great poet wanted to open the eyes of his contemporaries to the realities of the spiritual world and to the consequences of how we choose to live our lives. He also fought for moral and social healing of society and culture and pointed to the source of all healing -- the living spirit.In this insightful work Willem Frederik Veltman offers a concise overview of the Divine Comedy, followed by an exploration of the relevance of Dante today, an outline of the historical background of Dante's life and work, and consideration of Dante's prophecy of the coming of a redeemer. An enlightening book which reveals how Dante's masterwork enables us to recognise and better understand our own lives and culture today.
SteinerBooks, Inc Esoteric Physiology: Consciousness and Disease
Dennis Klocek has for many years studied and incorporated Western esotericism into his own inner research, focusing especially on alchemy and the wisdom and practicality of Rudolf Steiner's spiritual science. Based on thirteen lectures, he discusses human physiology and the hidden forces and processes that sustain our life on Earth and beyond. His informal and accessible approach delves deeply into specific organs, functions, life processes and diseases, drawing vivid images for the reader that stimulate a profound understanding and appreciation of human physiology. The topics discussed include a wide range of diseases, physical and spiritual organs, psychology, sleep and dreams, digestion, emotions, consciousness, aging, a variety of therapies and much more. Dennis Klocek offers a comprehensive owner's manual for our human body.
SteinerBooks, Inc A Treatise on Living Thinking: A Path Beyond Western Philosophy, Beyond Yoga, Beyond Zen
Massimo Scaligero (190680) was a student of Zen, of Yoga, and of his spiritual science of Rudolf Steiner, but he came to independent conclusions based on his direct spiritual experience. In this philosophical work, Scaligero presents a way of experiencing the world that can lead to an experience of our inner essence, which, he argues, the spirit demands of us today.
SteinerBooks, Inc Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?: Healing in the Gospels
'Wilt thou be made whole?' is the question Jesus addresses to the paralyzed man who had waited in vain for years at the pool of Bethesda. Finally he says, 'Take up your bed and walk.' This thoughtful book asks what power within ourselves Jesus's call can awaken, that can help make us whole and healthy. Kühlewind presents meditations to help the reader think about Jesus's various psychological and physical healing in the Bible. These exercises lead us to a new, deeper understanding of the healing process, and how we might heal ourselves.
SteinerBooks, Inc The Fall of Sophia: A Gnostic Text on the Redemption of Universal Consciousness
A fresh translation of the Pistis Sophia from the Coptic and a discussion of its historical setting.Sophia is one of the great symbols of the divine feminine in world civilization and the personification of divine Wisdom. In Gnosticism, the secret teaching of ancient Christianity, she represents the consciousness that all of us share, but which became trapped in the material world as a result of the Fall.One of the most sublime Gnostic texts is the Pistis Sophia or Faith Wisdom, a great allegory in which the resurrected Christ tells how he freed the divine Sophia from her imprisonment to powers of spiritual wickedness. In this profound yet accessible work, Violet MacDermot provides a fresh translation of the Pistis Sophia from the Coptic and discusses it in its historical setting. She also shows how the story of Sophia is one in which we too can share in spiritual liberation. Her engaging discussion relates this work not only to ancient teachings, but to the thought of C G Jung, Emanuel Swedenborg and the Kabbala.
SteinerBooks, Inc Winter, Awake!
SteinerBooks, Inc Anthroposophic Nursing Practice: Foundations and Indications for Everyday Caregiving
Anthroposophic nursing care connects the treatment of the body with the care of the patient's soul and spirit. Attention is paid to touch, using warmth, cold air and light to promote healing. While physical wellbeing is central to our modern society, our bodies actually receive little respect and attention, especially when we become ill and old. This book argues that nursing values need to be rediscovered which respect the individual, embrace illness as part of life, and allow time for healing. Anthroposophic Nursing Practice highlights a form of nursing which is both holistic and optimistic. This important book gathers together knowledge and perspectives from generations of nurses, including Anna Wilde, Bernhard Deckers and Heikie Schaumann.This comprehensive work will inevitably become the classic text on the important practice of anthroposophic nursing.
SteinerBooks, Inc Sacred Agriculture: The Alchemy of Biodynamics
Biodynamic methods are increasingly used by farmers, gardeners and winemakers. Dennis Klocek argues that, in order to use such methods effectively, the practitioner must undergo constant self-development.Based on numerous lectures, Klocek discusses the kind of inner development and understanding required to work with the elemental nature of the earth. His views are presented in a framework that includes alchemy, the classical four elements, Goethean observation, and the work of Rudolf Steiner.This is not a book of how-to techniques, but a conceptual guidebook to those looking to implement biodynamics at the deepest level.
SteinerBooks, Inc Old Age: Journey into Simplicity
In this classic text on ageing wisely, the renowned Jungian analyst Helen M. Luke reflects on the final journeys described in Homer's Odyssey, Shakespeare's King Lear, and T.S. Eliot's Little Gidding, as well as devoting attention to suffering.In examining some of the great masterpieces of literature produced by writers at the end of their lives, she elucidates the difference between growing old and disintegrating, encouraging the reader to grow emotionally and mentally during the final stage of life.