Search results for ""Springer Nature Switzerland AG""
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Neuro-Ophthalmology and Neuro-Otology: A Case-Based Guide for Clinicians and Scientists
This book combines the complexities of neuro-ophthalmologic and neuro-otologic disorders into one concise guidebook. It focuses on the basics of these two challenging subspecialties, encountered by the neurologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, neurosurgeon, emergency medicine provider, and others. Comprehensive and succinct, the book contains chapters examining representative case vignettes that highlight typical historical elements and exam findings that aid in diagnosing a specific disease, disorder, or syndrome. Before each heading, chapters offer a brief review of relevant anatomy, physiology, and examination techniques. Additionally, symptom-based tables guide the practitioner to a focused history and examination for rapid real-time triage and diagnosis. Practical and case-based, Neuro-Ophthalmology and Neuro-Otology is an invaluable resource for practitioners, trainees, and residents in various fields.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Basic Knowledge of Medical Imaging Informatics: Undergraduate Level and Level I
This book provides a unique introduction to the vast field of Medical Imaging Informatics for students and physicians by depicting the basics of the different areas in Radiology Informatics. It features short chapters on the different main areas in Medical Imaging Informatics, such as Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), radiology reporting, data sharing, and de-identification and anonymization, as well as standards like Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM), Integrating the Health Enterprise (IHE) and Health Level 7 (HL7,. Written by experts in the respective fields and endorsed by the European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics (EuSoMII) the scope of the book is based on the Medical Imaging Informatics sub-sections of the European Society of Radiology (ESR) European Training Curriculum Undergraduate Level and Level I. This volume will be an invaluable resource for residents and radiologists and is also specifically suited for undergraduate training.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Horn of Africa Diasporas in Italy: An Oral History
This book delves into the history of the Horn of Africa diaspora in Italy and Europe through the stories of those who fled to Italy from East African states. It draws on oral history research carried out by the BABE project (Bodies Across Borders: Oral and Visual Memories in Europe and Beyond) in a host of cities across Italy that explored topics including migration journeys, the memory of colonialism in the Horn of Africa, cultural identity in Italy and Europe, and Mediterranean crossings. This book shows how the cultural memory of interviewees is deeply linked to an intersubjective context that is changing Italian and European identities. The collected narratives reveal the existence of another Italy – and another Europe – through stories that cross national and European borders and unfold in transnational and global networks. They tell of the multiple identities of the diaspora and reconsider the geography of the continent, in terms of experiences, emotions, and close relationships, and help reinterpret the history and legacy of Italian colonialism.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Glossary of Morphology
This book is a significant novelty in the scientific and editorial landscape. Morphology is both an ancient and a new discipline that rests on Goethe's heritage and re-forms it in the present through the concepts of form and image. The latter are to be understood as structural elements of a new cultural grammar able to make the late modern world intelligible. In particular, compared to the original Goethean project, but also to C.P. Snow's idea of unifying the “two cultures”, the fields of morphological culture that are the object of this glossary have profoundly changed. The ever-increasing importance of the image as a polysemic form has made the two concepts absolutely transitive, so to speak. This is concomitant with the emergence of a culture that revolves around the image, attracting the verbal logos into its orbit. Incidentally, even the hermeneutic relationship between past and present relies more and more on the image, causing deep changes in cultural environments. Form and image are not just bridging concepts, as in the field of ancient morphology, but real transitive concepts that define the state of a culture. From the Internet to smartphones, television, advertising, etc., we are witnessing – as Horst Bredekamp observes – an immense mass of images that fill our time and affect the most diverse areas of our culture. The ancient connection between science and art recalled by Goethe emerges with unusual evidence thanks to intersecting patterns and expressive forms that are sometimes shared by different forms of knowledge. Creating a glossary and a culture of these intersections is the task of morphology, which thus enters into the boundaries between aesthetics, art, design, advertising, and sciences (from mathematics to computer science, to physics, and to biology), in order to provide the founding elements of a grammar and a syntax of the image. The latter, in its formal quality, both expressive and symbolic, is a fundamental element in the unification of the various kinds of knowledge, which in turn come to be configured, in this regard, also as styles of vision. The glossary is subdivided into contiguous sections, within a complex framework of cross-references. In addition to the two curators, the book features the collaboration of a team of scholars from the individual disciplines appearing in the glossary.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Machine Learning in Finance: From Theory to Practice
This book introduces machine learning methods in finance. It presents a unified treatment of machine learning and various statistical and computational disciplines in quantitative finance, such as financial econometrics and discrete time stochastic control, with an emphasis on how theory and hypothesis tests inform the choice of algorithm for financial data modeling and decision making. With the trend towards increasing computational resources and larger datasets, machine learning has grown into an important skillset for the finance industry. This book is written for advanced graduate students and academics in financial econometrics, mathematical finance and applied statistics, in addition to quants and data scientists in the field of quantitative finance. Machine Learning in Finance: From Theory to Practice is divided into three parts, each part covering theory and applications. The first presents supervised learning for cross-sectional data from both a Bayesian and frequentist perspective. The more advanced material places a firm emphasis on neural networks, including deep learning, as well as Gaussian processes, with examples in investment management and derivative modeling. The second part presents supervised learning for time series data, arguably the most common data type used in finance with examples in trading, stochastic volatility and fixed income modeling. Finally, the third part presents reinforcement learning and its applications in trading, investment and wealth management. Python code examples are provided to support the readers' understanding of the methodologies and applications. The book also includes more than 80 mathematical and programming exercises, with worked solutions available to instructors. As a bridge to research in this emergent field, the final chapter presents the frontiers of machine learning in finance from a researcher's perspective, highlighting how many well-known concepts in statistical physics are likely to emerge as important methodologies for machine learning in finance.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Directival Theory of Meaning: From Syntax and Pragmatics to Narrow Linguistic Content
This book presents a new approach to semantics based on Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz’s Directival Theory of Meaning (DTM), which in effect reduces semantics of the analysed language to the combination of its syntax and pragmatics. The author argues that the DTM was forgotten because for many years philosophers didn’t have conceptual tools to appreciate its innovative nature, and that the theory was far ahead of its time.The book shows how a redesigned and modernised version of the DTM can deliver a new solution to the problem of defining linguistic meaning and that the theory can be understood as a new type of functional role semantics. The defining feature of the DTM is that it presents meaning as a product of constraints on the usage of words. According to the DTM meaning is not use, but the avoidance of misuse.Readers will see how the DTM was shelved for reasons that we don’t find so dramatic anymore, and how it contains enough original ideas and solutions to warrant developing it into a full-blown contemporary account. It is shown how many of the underlying ideas of the theory have been embraced later by philosophers and treated simply as brute facts about natural languages or even as new philosophical discoveries.Philosophers of language and researchers with an interest in how languages and the mind work will find this book a fascinating read.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Textbook of Gynecologic Robotic Surgery
This book is not only a compilation of the knowledge and experiences of the best robotic surgeons around the world, but it has also incorporated the recent advances and updates in Gynaecological surgery. It is designed to provide a detailed guide to common robotic Gynaecologic procedures for the purpose of helping novice surgeons in their transition to robotic surgery and seasoned robotic surgeons to refine their surgical technique and expand their repertoire of robotic procedures. The descriptive, step-by-step, text is complimented by figures, intraoperative photographs and videos detailing the nuances of each procedure. Emphasis is placed on operative setup, instrument and equipment needs and surgical techniques for both the primary surgeon as well as the operative assistant. This volume will provide unique insights into robotic Gynaecologic surgery and reduce the learning curve of accomplishing these increasingly popular procedures.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Modeling, Simulation and Optimization in the Health- and Energy-Sector
This volume is addressed to people who are interested in modern mathematical solutions for real life applications. In particular, mathematical modeling, simulation and optimization is nowadays successfully used in various fields of application, like the energy- or health-sector. Here, mathematics is often the driving force for new innovations and most relevant for the success of many interdisciplinary projects. The presented chapters demonstrate the power of this emerging research field and show how society can benefit from applied mathematics.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 25th International Conference, FASE 2022, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022, Munich, Germany, April 2–7, 2022, Proceedings
This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, FASE 2022, which was held during April 4-5, 2022, in Munich, Germany, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022. The 17 regular papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 64 submissions. The proceedings also contain 3 contributions from the Test-Comp Competition. The papers deal with the foundations on which software engineering is built, including topics like software engineering as an engineering discipline, requirements engineering, software architectures, software quality, model-driven development, software processes, software evolution, AI-based software engineering, and the specification, design, and implementation of particular classes of systems, such as (self-)adaptive, collaborative, AI, embedded, distributed, mobile, pervasive, cyber-physical, or service-oriented applications.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Soft Systems Methodology in Education: Applying a Critical Realist Approach to Research on Teacher Education
This book explores the application of Soft Systems Methodology in educational research as a qualitative research tool to generate theory, and identifies the mechanisms that engender the behaviours and discourse of social groups. Grounded within the literature from philosophy and science, the approach is predicated on the ontology and epistemology of critical realism. The authors consider the tenets of systems thinking, recognizing that emergent features appear at higher levels of complexity within a hierarchy and that unintended consequences can occur when making decisions in complex situations with interacting components. The central element of the book is the formulation of a research strategy entitled ‘Worldview, Metaphor and Power of Social Objects’ (Womposo) and its application to a research study of the practicum experience of teachers in training. Integral to the methodology is the creation of rich pictures and diagrams. Additionally, images representing different stakeholders’ views of the whole system are presented in revealing illustrations, allowing the reader to grasp each holistic metaphor. It is suitable for postgraduate students and researchers in education and other social science programmes
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Recent Developments in the Field of Non-Destructive Testing, Safety and Materials Science
This book presents the latest advances and emerging trends in research and industrial applications in non-destructive testing, manufacturing and process safety and diagnostics and materials science. With technological advances, the modern world is on the verge of a new industrial revolution, being in the stage of digital transformation, when innovations from different industries interpenetrate and complement each other. The School of Non-Destructive Testing, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, promotes scientific research and industrial application of non-destructive testing and materials science technologies and related tests, as well as methods, to ensure safe manufacturing processes.Today, research and technology advancement is driven by innovations, and there is a need for publications to stimulate the formation and continuous training of specialists in non-destructive testing, materials science and safety. This book can be used as a complementary technical document to upgrade the skills of specialists in non-destructive testing, materials science and safety, and as a primary resource for training managers and decision-makers in various industries.Innovations in the fields of non-destructive testing, production and process safety, diagnostics and materials science and books that highlight the best and instructive are central to our technological world.I am pleased to see this comprehensive book taking shape and advancing this field to the next generation of scientists seeking for new research opportunities.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Resourceful Civil Society: Navigating the Changing Landscapes of Civil Society Organizations
This open access book examines how civil society organizations in Poland, Russia, and Sweden (re)act to transformations of opportunities and limitations in access to various forms of resources. The volume’s contributions discuss the constraints associated with different types of resources as well as organizations’ capacities to generate resources—or compensate for their lack—as they negotiate and contest barriers. The resourcefulness of civil society is revealed to be rooted in a variety of capabilities: converting resources, eliciting organizational change, and metamorphosing in response to organizational and environmental development.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Sensing Technology: Proceedings of ICST 2022
This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of sensing technology, as presented by international researchers and engineers at the 14th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST), held in Chennai, India on January 17-19, 2022. Contributions include a wide range of topics such as: vision sensing, sensor signal processing, sensors phenomena and modelling, sensor characterization, smart sensors and sensor fusion, electromagnetic, chemical and physical sensors, electronic nose technology, biosensors, nano sensors, wireless sensors and WSN, Internet of Things, optical sensors, sensor arrays, intelligent sensing, Internet-based and remote data acquisition. The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, present a wealth of exciting ideas that will open novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaboration among different specialists.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Food and Agricultural Byproducts as Important Source of Valuable Nutraceuticals
Food and agricultural by-products are leftovers or wastes from parts of foods, fruits, vegetables and animal sources which are obtained after processing. Agricultural by-products includes peels and rinds from citrus fruits, pineapple, mango, and banana. Other notable ones are pomace from apple, olive, red beet, and those from wine making. Also, whey from milk, straws, hulls, and brans from grains are among top agricultural by-products. These by-products often impact the environment and the social-economic sectors when they are disposed. But with the recent advances in biotechnology and scientific research, scientists have found usefulness in some of these byproducts as sources of valuable nutraceuticals, a term used to refer to chemical entities present in foods that has the propensity to impact health for disease prevention and treatment. This book entitled ‘Food and agricultural by-products as important source of valuable nutraceuticals’ presents detailed information about major agricultural byproducts that are rich in nutraceuticals. The nature and the type of nutraceuticals that they contains and their health promoting benefits were presented. The editors and chapter contributors are renowned experts from key institutions around the globe. This book will be useful to students, teachers, food chemists, nutritionists, nutritional biochemists, food biotechnologists among others. Key features Ø Highlights the health promotion benefits of nutraceuticals Ø Presents information on agrifood by-products as sources of nutraceuticals Ø Discusses functional nutraceuticals from peels, rinds, pomace, hull, bran etc
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Fundamentals and Advances in Medical Biotechnology
This book serves as an introduction to the concepts of medical biotechnology, with great details about fundamentals and early disciplines of study as well as emerging fields and the latest research. The book follows a chronological order from the earliest discoveries and breakthroughs of medical biotechnology to the latest areas of study. The book contains up-to-date citations for each chapter and section, which makes it easy for the reader to understand the concept and also to follow the latest developments in the particular area. It is an ideal book for undergraduate and graduate students who aspire to derive basic knowledge and are also keen on learning about the latest advancements in the field of medical biotechnology.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Handbook of Quality of Life for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
This handbook offers a comprehensive examination of wide-ranging issues relevant to adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Coverage includes a detailed review of such issues as psychiatric comorbidity, family relationships, education, living in different settings (e.g., group homes, community), meaningful and effective interventions, functional goals (e.g., social, language, vocational, and adaptive behaviors), and curriculum. In addition the book provides unique perspectives of parents as well as individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder who have reached adulthood.Key areas of coverage include: Transitioning adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder from educational settings to vocational settings. Strategies that can help create independence for adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Effective approaches to address issues relating to sexuality for adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The effectiveness of early intensive behavioral intervention to help adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Handbook of Quality of Life for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder is an essential reference for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and related professionals in clinical child and school psychology, social work, behavioral therapy and related disciplines, including clinical medicine, clinical nursing, counseling, speech and language pathology, and special education.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Women in Pediatrics: The Past, Present and Future
Women comprise the majority of pediatricians in the United States and yet there has been slow progress in leadership diversity and equity in the field overall. While there have been many academic journal articles that examine women’s roles, challenges and successes in the field, there is not one, overarching book that follows the path of women into the profession, the challenges they encountered in the early years – and still encounter - the successes they’ve had, and what the future might look like. This book fills that gap in medical literature.Because women are so well-represented in the field, one would think that pediatrics should be leading the way in gender equity achievements, but this is not the case. This text examines the disparities, the boundaries that are in place, the impact of intersectionality on equity, the toll gender discrimination has on the health and wellness of women in pediatrics, and best practices that can help achieve gender equity in the field. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the disparities that women, and in particular women with intersectionality, face. This book also examines the immediate impact of the pandemic on women in pediatrics, what future implications may be, and how we can potentially mitigate them. Equity strategies that can be implemented by healthcare institutions, professional societies and other medical organizations are also discussed.The book is divided into three main sections. The first section gives an overview of the history of women in pediatrics by describing stories of early leaders and the early days of women in pediatrics. The second section reviews the current state of affairs in women in pediatrics. Chapters in this section detail women entering and practicing in pediatrics; leadership; women of color; women conducting research; national campaigns and efforts focused on gender equity; and childbearing, adoption, motherhood and eldercare by women in pediatrics. The final section describes the future of women in pediatrics. The seven chapters in this section discuss leaders in pediatrics supporting women; policies and programs to advance equity; allies in gender equity efforts; research, funding and publication for women; networking, mentorship, sponsorship, coaching, and career development activities; advocacy efforts; and supporting the health and wellbeing of women in pediatrics.Written by experts in the field, Women in Pediatrics is a valuable resource for all pediatricians in academic or community-based medicine, as well as those involved in pediatric sub-specialties. On a broader level, this text is also of interest to all other women involved in medicine and science.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Cosmic Origins: Science’s Long Quest to Understand How Our Universe Began
Cosmic Origins tells the story of how physicists and astronomers have struggled for more than a century to understand the beginnings of our universe, from its origins in the Big Bang to the modern day. The book will introduce the science as a narrative, by telling the story of the scientists who made each major discovery. It will also address and explain aspects of our theories that some cosmologists are still hesitant to accept, as well as gaps in our knowledge and even apparent inconsistencies in our measurements. Clearly written by a master of scientific exposition, this book will fascinate the curious general reader as well as providing essential background reading for college-level courses on physics and astronomy.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Hydrogen Assisted Direct Reduction of Iron Oxides
The book describes the main approaches to produce and synthesize iron and steel through hydrogen-based technologies. Depending on the processing route and on the energy demand, the best available techniques and the most forward-looking solutions are explained. The book is edited with the contribution representing a range of industries in order to evaluate the industrial feasibility of each selected technology. It presents the most efficient solutions applied by ironmaking and steelmaking factories all around the world.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Engineering Design Applications IV: Structures, Materials and Processes
This book presents the developments in engineering design application. The chapters on mechanical, materials, computer and process engineering provide the foundation for the design and development of improved structures, materials and processes. They present alternatives with cost reduction and environmental demands. The book content links the interaction of classical engineering with the health, medical and environmental sector.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Cohesive Subgraph Search Over Large Heterogeneous Information Networks
This SpringerBrief provides the first systematic review of the existing works of cohesive subgraph search (CSS) over large heterogeneous information networks (HINs). It also covers the research breakthroughs of this area, including models, algorithms and comparison studies in recent years. This SpringerBrief offers a list of promising future research directions of performing CSS over large HINs.The authors first classify the existing works of CSS over HINs according to the classic cohesiveness metrics such as core, truss, clique, connectivity, density, etc., and then extensively review the specific models and their corresponding search solutions in each group. Note that since the bipartite network is a special case of HINs, all the models developed for general HINs can be directly applied to bipartite networks, but the models customized for bipartite networks may not be easily extended for other general HINs due to their restricted settings. The authors also analyze and compare these cohesive subgraph models (CSMs) and solutions systematically. Specifically, the authors compare different groups of CSMs and analyze both their similarities and differences, from multiple perspectives such as cohesiveness constraints, shared properties, and computational efficiency. Then, for the CSMs in each group, the authors further analyze and compare their model properties and high-level algorithm ideas.This SpringerBrief targets researchers, professors, engineers and graduate students, who are working in the areas of graph data management and graph mining. Undergraduate students who are majoring in computer science, databases, data and knowledge engineering, and data science will also want to read this SpringerBrief.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Oxygen Isotopes of Inorganic Phosphate in Environmental Samples: Purification and Analysis
This open access book distinguished itself from other publications by offering step-by-step instructions on how to extract, purify, provide modifications, and major issues to be encountered during the process. For the δ18OP method to progress, further fundamental research as well as field and laboratory studies need to be conducted for a better understanding of P cycling in the environment. Chapter 1 outlines the background and examples of δ18Op studies in sediments, soils, fresh water, mineral fertilizers, and plants. Chapters 2 and 3 examine the stepwise extraction and purification protocols including reagents, equipment and consumables and preparations for analyses. Chapter 4 examines some of the challenges and modifications during the purification process. Chapter 5 discusses planning and designing of a study using δ18Op, external quality assurance with an example of an inter-laboratory study. Chapter 6 outlines the conclusions, future trends, and opportunities, the scaling out of the method from laboratory to field studies. It is expected that the δ18OP would be extensively applied in research geared to understand phosphorus dynamics in different agro-environments.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Digital Business Models for Industry 4.0: How Innovation and Technology Shape the Future of Companies
Technological advancements are contributing to shape future business models and the industrial scenario. Companies face the challenge of having to adapt to the frequently shifting technology landscape. Therefore, organizations must exploit technological advances to thrive in the digital revolution. This book presents and discusses emerging digital business models in the Industry 4.0. These models are illustrated with real case studies and include data-driven, platform, smart factory and servitization among others. The book introduces a detailed classification to help organizations to redesign their current business models and discusses how to gain unique competitive advantages. The book includes not only theoretical concepts to understand the context of digital transformation but also an assessment framework to enable and support innovation in organizations and create new revenue streams. The book will be of interest to students and professionals alike who want to understand the core of the Industry 4.0.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Forum of Federations Handbook of Fiscal Federalism
This open access handbook compares fiscal federalism arrangements in eleven federal/ decentralized countries. Each chapter examines an individual country, laying out its constitutional design as relates to fiscal powers and the division of those powers between levels of government. Specifically, the analyses consider powers of taxation, spending, regulation, and more. Focusing on Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ethiopia, Germany, India, Italy, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States, the contributors provide a fascinating account of how federal countries are confronting the traditional challenges of conflicts over division of fiscal powers while also coping with the ongoing challenges of globalization and citizen empowerment that arise from the information revolution. As a companion to the Forum of Federations Handbook of Federal Countries 2020, this volume considers how relationships and roles in different orders of government are being reshaped, and shows how local solutions inspired by global principles help strengthen government accountability and improve citizens’ quality of life.This is an open access book.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Collapse Frequency of Structures: Bridges - Dams - Tunnels - Retaining structures - Buildings
The mathematical verification of the safety of structures can be done by determining the probability of failure or by using safety elements. Observed damages and collapses are usually assessed within the framework of expert reports, which seems reasonable due to the large number of unique structures in the construction industry. However, there should also be an examination of observed safety across all structures. Therefore, in this book the collapse frequencies are determined for different types of structures, such as bridges, dams, tunnels, retaining structures and buildings. The collapse frequency, like the failure probability, belongs to stochasticity. Therefore, the observed mean collapse frequencies and the calculated mean failure probabilities are compared. This comparison shows that the collapse frequencies are usually lower than the calculated failure probabilities. In addition, core damage frequencies and probabilities are given to extend the comparison to another technical product.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Mental Health Assessment, Prevention, and Intervention: Promoting Child and Youth Well-Being
This book presents and integrates innovative ways in which the disciplines of school, clinical, and counseling psychology conceptualize and approach mental health assessment, prevention, and intervention for promoting child and youth well-being. It describes a synthesized model of clinical reasoning across school, clinical, and counseling psychology that demonstrates how decisions are made with respect to assessment, prevention, and intervention across situational contexts to ensure successful outcomes for children and youth. In addition, the volume examines theoretical,empirical, and practical frameworks and methods with respect to addressing the mental health and well-being needs of children and adolescents within and across school, clinical, and counseling psychology disciplines. In addition, the book presents transformative, constructivist, multicultural, innovative, and evidenced-based approaches for working with children and youth as well as their families relative to the identification of mental health concerns, enhanced service system integration, social justice and advocacy.This book is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians, therapists, practitioners, and graduate students in clinical , counselling,and school psychology, social work, educational psychology, child and adolescent psychiatry, developmental psychology, pediatrics and all interrelated disciplines.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Vision and Computing (ICIVC 2021)
This book gathers outstanding research papers presented at the International Conference on Intelligent Vision and Computing (ICIVC 2021), held online during October 03–04, 2021. ICIVC 2021 is organised by Sur University, Oman. The book presents novel contributions in intelligent vision and computing and serves as reference material for beginners and advanced research. The topics covered are intelligent systems, intelligent data analytics and computing, intelligent vision and applications collective intelligence, soft computing, optimization, cloud computing, machine learning, intelligent software, robotics, data science, data security, big data analytics, and signal natural language processing.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Developments in Information & Knowledge Management for Business Applications: Volume 5
The book delivers an elaboration of multidisciplinary concepts, examples, and practices that can be useful for researching the evolution of developments in the field. In this book, we continue to provide a critical look at the information management in business organizations by exploring knowledge aspects from theoretical and practical perspectives. The compilation of chapters presented in this book helps to define the range of activities, identify areas for future research, and draw practical conclusions. The variety of industrial sectors examined supports continuous gaining and usage of an efficient business analysis in organizations.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2021: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the BICA Society
The book focuses on original approaches intended to support the development of biologically inspired cognitive architectures. It bridges together different disciplines, including artificial intelligence, linguistics, neuro- and social sciences, psychology and philosophy of mind, among others. The chapters are based on contributions presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the BICA Society (BICA 2021), which consisted of two parallel virtual events: Information in Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures based Systems, held during the 2021 Summit of the International Society for the Study of Information, on September 12-19, 2021, from Vienna, Austria, and the 2021 International Workshop on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, held during the 21st ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, on September 14-17, 2021, from the Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto, Japan. The book discusses emerging methods, theories and ideas towards the realization of general-purpose humanlike artificial intelligence or fostering a better understanding of the ways the human mind works. It provides engineers, mathematicians, psychologists, computer scientists and other experts with a timely snapshot of recent research and a source of inspiration for future developments in the broadly intended areas of artificial intelligence and biological inspiration.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Green Chemical Analysis and Sample Preparations: Procedures, Instrumentation, Data Metrics, and Sustainability
This volume focuses on the most recent trends for greening analytical activities beginning with an introduction to green analytical chemistry followed by a discussion of green analytical chemistry metrics and life-cycle assessment approach to analytical method development. The chapters discuss two main topics; first is the most recent techniques for greening sample pretreatment steps, and second is modern trends for tailoring analytical techniques and instrumentation to implement the green analytical chemistry concept. The role of different kinds of green solvents, such as ionic liquids, supercritical fluids, deep eutectic solvents, bio-based solvents, and surfactants, as well as nanomaterials and green sorption materials in greening sample extraction steps is also a focus of this book. Furthermore, different approaches for greening chromatography as a key analytical technique are discussed. The applications of nanomaterials in analytical procedures are deeply reviewed, and miniaturization of spectrometers is also discussed as a recently evolved approach for efficient green on-site analysis. This book will appeal to a wide readership of academic and industrial researchers in different fields. It can be used in the classroom for undergraduate and postgraduate students focusing on the development of new analytical procedures for organic and inorganic compounds determination in different kinds of samples characterized by complex matrices composition. The book will also be useful for researchers that are interested in both chemical analysis and environment protection.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Intelligent Systems Design and Applications: 21st International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2021) Held During December 13–15, 2021
This book highlights recent research on intelligent systems and nature-inspired computing. It presents 132 selected papers from the 21st International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2021), which was held online. The ISDA is a premier conference in the field of computational intelligence, and the latest installment brought together researchers, engineers and practitioners whose work involves intelligent systems and their applications in industry. Including contributions by authors from 34 countries, the book offers a valuable reference guide for all researchers, students and practitioners in the fields of Computer Science and Engineering.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Parametric Experiments in Architecture: A Connection Joint Design for Sustainable Structures in Bamboo
This book offers a comprehensive overview of the use of bamboo in the building industry. It systematically demonstrates bamboo’s utility in terms of its properties, describing the material properties of typical industrial bamboo products, and discussing their performance evaluation and optimization as building components and in the creation of building envelopes. The book presents the recent developments regarding the innovative ways to design and represent architecture through parametric survey tools, and describes the experimental geometrical-generative design process of a connection joint for free-form lightweight structures employing beams made of bamboo culms. It examines algorithmic-generative design themes, through processes of optimization, analysis, and geometrical-spatial verification, employing the potential of digital form-finding design and digital manufacturing techniques to validate the defined technological solution. This book appeals to scientists and professionals and is a valuable resource for civil engineers, designers and students interested in this unique plant material and its application in the building industry. Videos via app: download the SN More Media app for free, scan an image or a link with play button and access the videos directly on your smartphone or tablet.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Pathophysiologic Basis of Nuclear Medicine
This book, now in its fourth edition, aims to promote a deeper understanding of the scientific and clinical basis of nuclear medicine and the new directions in medical imaging. The new edition has been revised and updated significantly to reflect recent changes and to ensure that the contents are in line with likely future directions. In addition to that, chapters have been reorganized in order to simplify the contents and to increase the readability. The book starts by providing essential information on general pathophysiology, cell biology and biologic effects of ionizing radiation followed by the mechanisms of radiopharmaceutical localization in different tissues and cells. This is followed by a series of chapters that covers all relevant organ systems presenting the basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology and relating them to the clinical utilization of various scintigraphic modalities. The final chapter is devoted to the basis of therapeutic applications of nuclear medicine. The book will prove invaluable to all with an interest in the pathophysiologic basis of Nuclear Medicine, including nuclear medicine professionals, radiologists, surgeons, pediatricians and internal medicine physicians.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Language Use, Education, and Professional Contexts
This present book addresses language and its diverse forms in an array of professional and practical contexts. Besides discussing the intricacies of specialized settings such as legal, medical, technical or corporate, the collection also focuses on the role of education in relation to professional contexts ranging from challenges in professional university teaching and translation didactics to business environment requirements.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Emerging Research in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the CIT 2021 Volume 2
This book constitutes the proceedings of the XVI Multidisciplinary International Congress on Science and Technology (CIT 2021), held in Quito, Ecuador, on June 14–18, 2021, proudly organized by Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE in collaboration with GDEON. CIT is an international event with a multidisciplinary approach that promotes the dissemination of advances in science and technology research through the presentation of keynote conferences. In CIT, theoretical, technical, or application works that are research products are presented to discuss and debate ideas, experiences, and challenges. Presenting high-quality, peer-reviewed papers, the book discusses the following topics: Artificial Intelligence Computational Modeling Data Communications Defense Engineering Innovation, Technology, and Society Managing Technology & Sustained Innovation, and Business Development Security and Cryptography Software Engineering
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Ensuring Sustainability: New Challenges for Organizational Engineering
This book presents a selection of the best papers given at the XXIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management. The conference is promoted by ADINGOR (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniería de Organización) and organized by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. It took place at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Leganés, Spain) in July 2020. Ensuring Sustainability embodies the latest advances in research and cutting-edge analyses of real case studies in industrial engineering and operations management from diverse international contexts. It also identifies business applications for the latest findings and innovations in operations management and the decision sciences.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Brand, Label, and Product Intelligence: Second International Conference, COBLI 2021
This book contains the latest and most up-to-date research results from the fields of brands, labels and product, presented at the international colloquium COBLI 2021, held in Orleans, France. It covers a wide range of topics from the fields of economics, psychology, information technology and social sciences. In particular, the book deals with various areas of application such as consumer behavior in the omnichannel, the influence of the coronavirus pandemic on attitudes and customer behavior, franchising, origin labelling, transparency in the agri-food industry, tourism and the triptych of brand/label/product. The contributions are gathered under the following main topics: Consumer behavior and decisions, labeling strategy, brand market trends, branding of local brands, territorial impact on brand/label/product, theoretical and managerial research methods.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Asset Pricing and Investment Styles in Digital Assets: A Comparison with Traditional Asset Classes
This book analyzes the emerging asset class of digital assets. When a new asset class originates, researchers try to understand some basic questions: Can digital assets, with the flagship asset bitcoin, really be considered a serious asset class? Since it is possible to trade digital assets, does it make sense to trade or to invest in these assets? How do digital assets compare to traditional asset classes like equities or bonds? After describing basic financial theory and breaking down the digital asset universe, this book provides fundamental knowledge with respect to this young and rising asset class. It focuses on special issues like the application of technical indicators, investment styles, asset pricing and portfolio construction. Furthermore, it offers remarks and links to other traditional asset classes and describes and warns of data issues in digital asset data.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Understanding Due Process in Non-Criminal Matters: How to Harmonize Procedural Guarantees with the Right to Access to Justice
How we understand what procedure is due as a fundamental or constitutional right can have a critical impact on designing a civil procedure. Drawing on comparative law and empirically oriented methodologies, in this book the author provides a thorough analysis of how procedural due process is understood both in national jurisdictions and in the field of international human rights law.The book offers a suitable due process theory for civil matters in general, assessing the different roles that this basic international human right plays in comparison with criminal justice. In this regard, it argues that the civil justice conception of due process has grown under the shadow of criminal justice for too long. Moreover, the theory answers the question of what the basic requirements are concerning the right to a fair trial on civil matters, i.e., the question of what we can and cannot sacrifice when designing a civil procedure that correctly distributes the risk of moral harm while remaining accessible to people with complex and simple legal needs, in order to reconcile the requirements of procedural fairness with social demands for justice.This book makes a valuable contribution to the field of civil justice, legal design, and access to justice by providing an empirically based normative theory regarding the right to a fair trial. As such, it will be of interest to a broad audience: policymakers, practitioners and judges, but also researchers and scholars interested in theoretical questions in jurisprudence, and those familiar with empirical legal studies, comparative law, and other socio-legal studies.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Evolution of Illicit Flows: Displacement and Convergence among Transnational Crime
This book focuses on the displacement and convergence of transnational crimes in North Africa and in the area of the Mediterranean Sea, providing empirical analysis of human smuggling and of drug trafficking. It discusses the displacement of crime due to the exploitation of asymmetries in legislation, law enforcement, and other vulnerabilities. Using an innovative multimethodology, this volume describes the evolution of illicit flows related to human smuggling and trafficking of illicit goods. This approach helps to provide critical information such as traffickers’ modi operandi, most exploited paths, and trafficked goods, that would not be achievable through more traditional methods. The Evolution of Illicit Flows will be a valuable resource for scholars and researchers of criminology and migration studies, as well as for policymakers and law enforcement working in transnational crimes and trafficking.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Feedback Control Systems Analysis and Design: Practice Problems, Methods, and Solutions
This study guide is designed for students taking courses in feedback control systems analysis and design. The textbook includes examples, questions, and exercises that will help electrical engineering students to review and sharpen their knowledge of the subject and enhance their performance in the classroom. Offering detailed solutions, multiple methods for solving problems, and clear explanations of concepts, this hands-on guide will improve student’s problem-solving skills and basic and advanced understanding of the topics covered in these courses.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Practical Strategies to Assess Value in Health Care
These days, the idea of “value” is at the center of many activities and decisions in health care in the United States. While there exist books that detail the technical steps for how to carry out a specific type of value assessment, such as cost-effectiveness or return on investment, there are few that attempt to teach healthcare professionals how to think about value. This book provides a deeper understanding of value as a concept as well as an endeavor (as in, to determine or uncover the value of care) within the healthcare industry by illustrating the different components of value that should guide decision-making processes for policy, infrastructure, and quality improvement. Through an exploration of theories of economics and implementation science, as well as practical suggestions for real-world applications, this text provides a foundation for the long and complicated “value” journey the US has bet its entire healthcare system on. In the US, policy to promote what is referred to as “value-based care” is here to stay. As we move forward within this construct, we need to move beyond the over-simplified definition of value as “quality per dollar spent” to a more functional framework for how to think about value that can adapt to different circumstances and points of view. Only then will it be possible to compare value across settings, conditions, and activities.The book consists of 9 chapters organized in four sections: Part I: Understanding the Challenges of Assessing the Value of Health Care Part II: A Primer on Fundamental Concepts and Current Techniques Used to Measure Value in Health Care Part III: A Discussion of the Real-world Motivations and Requirements that Should be Contemplated when Exploring Value Part IV: How to Design and Perform a Value Assessment Practical Strategies to Assess Value in Health Care is an essential resource for healthcare professionals at all levels and points of care who are interested in understanding how best to assess and interpret value for a particular situation including providers, administrators, payers, insurers, health plans, and policy-makers.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG HR Leadership During Bankruptcy and Organizational Change: A Practical Guide
This book guides human resource managers and professionals on how to manage organizations and its employees through bankruptcy and organizational change. While many books on bankruptcy are written from the perspective of bankruptcy attorneys and bankers, this book focuses on the employee communication and organizational aspects of bankruptcy from an HR and C-Suite perspective. It provides a deep understanding of the impact of bankruptcy on organizations and how to manage communication and employee engagement during this transition. The book also provides valuable and practical checklists and templates for employee communiqués, frequently asked questions, and preparing court-ordered information.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG COVID-19 Critical and Intensive Care Medicine Essentials
This book provides healthcare professionals in Critical Care setting an easy consultation guide to fight against COVID-19. The book is divided into sections: Fundamentals of COVID-19, Pneumological critical care, Neurological manifestations, Cardiovascular manifestations, Renal manifestations, Haemostasis and coagulation, Other multi-organs involvement, Principles of therapy. Each section includes: · brief pathophysiology of COVID-19 (ventilation, neurological, cardiovascular, etc.); · principles of management (enriched with flowcharts and figures); · principles of therapy; · tips and key messages. Readers can find the most updated advices on how to face the ongoing pandemic: from principles of conventional oxygen therapy, assisted and invasive mechanical ventilation in critically ill COVID-19 patients to the complications sometimes underestimated. Tables and flowcharts provided are based on current knowledge in COVID-19 to help the clinician managing COVID-19 patients by a multiple-organs prospective. Written by international key opinion leaders of each field, the book represents a point of reference for all professionals involved in the management of COVID-19 pandemic.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Essential Reviews in Geriatric Psychiatry
This book critically reviews 75 important published papers that influence the practice of geriatric psychiatry. This book will assist anyone who is interested in the care of older adults with psychiatric disorders. It was written by thought leaders who shape the way geriatric psychiatry is currently practiced in the United States. All the major psychiatric disorders in later life are covered including anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, depressive disorders, neurocognitive disorders, psychotic disorders, sleep disorders, and substance use disorders. It also reviews important studies on suicides in late life and interventional procedures in geriatric psychiatry like the ECT, and also evaluates the adverse effects of psychotropic medications on older adults with psychiatric disorders. The editors of the book along with input from members of the teaching and training committee of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP) have chosen 75 published papers from the field of geriatric psychiatry that they believe provides the highest knowledge-yield/impact for practicing clinicians and educators in the field of geriatric mental health. The AAGP is a national association that represents and serves its members and the field of geriatric psychiatry. These 75 papers are critically appraised by the members of AAGP using a standardized format and a summary of these papers and their practical application is provided by these experts. This information can be used by anyone who wants to learn about the field of geriatric psychiatry.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Sustainable Design for Global Equilibrium
This book focuses on holistic approaches of applying sustainable practices in all sectors of building, infrastructure, and energy to achieve a best-balanced global energy, building, infrastructure, transportation, and water technology (EBITW) regime. It presents a series of solutions based on innovative research and applications for building a sustainable Earth for future generations. The goal of this book is to define the context of instigation for thinking through the scientific theories and practical applications of sustainability mechanisms to confirm a global equilibrium by the implementation of the following main practices: Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Architectural and Engineering Design Technology, Sustainable Environment and Society, and Sustainable Earth.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Internet of Things and Connected Technologies: Conference Proceedings on 6th International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT), 2021
This book presents recent advances on IoT and connected technologies. We are currently in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and IoT is having the most significant impact on our society. The recent adoption of a variety of enabling wireless communication technologies like RFID tags, BLE, ZigBee, etc., embedded sensor and actuator nodes, and various protocols like CoAP, MQTT, DNS, etc., has made the Internet of things (IoT) step out of its infancy. Internet of things (IoT) and connecting technologies are already having profound effects on the different parts of society like the government, health care, businesses, and personal lives. 6th International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT), 2021, was a platform to discuss and feature research on topics such as augmented reality, sensor networks, and wearable technology. This book is ideally designed for marketing managers, business professionals, researchers, academicians, and graduate-level students seeking to learn how IoT and connecting technologies increase the amount of data gained through devices, enhance customer experience, and widen the scope of IoT analytics in enhancing customer marketing outcomes.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Practical Guide for Primary Care
This book is a point-of-care resource for effective sexual and reproductive healthcare for patients of all ages, sexual orientations, gender identities and medical backgrounds in the primary care setting. This useful guide is divided into three parts, and other than part three, which deals exclusively with transgender and gender diverse patients, all content will relate to patients of all gender identities. Part one presents sexual and reproductive health (SRH) using a lifespan approach, including chapters on pediatrics, adolescents and young adults, adults, and older adult patients. Part two presents an approach to common SRH issues that span multiple age groups, including contraception and family planning, sexually transmitted infections and cancer screenings as well as sexual and reproductive health in the setting of common medical conditions. Part three is dedicated to sexual and reproductive health for transgender and gender non-binary patients, including psychosocial, medical, surgical and legal aspects of health. This book provides primary care clinicians with a framework for providing effective sexual and reproductive healthcare to patients of all ages, sexual orientations and gender identities in a way that is inclusive, focuses on health, and addresses the needs unique to specific populations.